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Here's Buffalo Bob's son-in-law with a days catch of fur. This young man is showing real promise as a master trapper. This young man's name is Edward Young.

This is Edward inside the fur shed.

Father and son team from Red Boiling. I believe the father said he was originally from the Dakotas.

Edward Young in front of the fur shed.

Jackie Mac, the ole Varmit; last fall, giving a trapping demo to old and young alike. Jackie is now the vice-president of the Tennessee Free Trappers and ADCO Association.

Buffalo Bob with grand-daughter Kristi and Natalie (Chris and Cindy Jacobsen's daughter). The young one's are the future of trapping.

These young men captured the snake that hey are holding in a near-by creek. Seems that these boys understands nature.

Ralph Jacobsen (age 7) setting a #3 Victor soft catch. You go boy!

Here's some old-timers talking trapping. The one in the middle is Burl Gibson.

This is Mickey Robinson with his recent catch of fox. Mickey has been trapping for several years. He has a nice fur shed here and we hope he will once again be staying busy this season.

Here is another catch on the morning trap line. Thanks for the pictures Mickey!

From L to R: Vito the Trappin' Dog, Chris, Natalie, and Ralph with a mornings catch of beaver.

Ralph with a nice mink. Yotes, Beaver and Bobcat on stretchers in background.

Chris and Ralph checking traps.

Chris and Vito the Trappin' Dog with a some Muskrats and a couple of Beaver.