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* HELLO TO EVERYONE. Major changes on the site are coming soon including my life news from Japan. Meanwhile, I am back on-line and happy to hear from all of you, my friends. Please e-mail me to:*.


    Let me first thank you for time you devote scrolling these pages. We all think of proper use of this scarce resource in the growing world of information, don't we? These pages are about me, my family, interests and beautiful country I came from.
    If you have just surfed on in I realise that all those life-story pages become very mundane and ordinary after all. To spice it up across these pages you can also find some information on useful sources for your research, as I regularly get stuck with them. Please also visit the page about my country and I am sure you will learn something useful for today.
    My name is Jasur. I was born on November, in a rainy and cold day in my hometown, Tashkent. However, despite the gloomy month of my birthday, I looked pretty good when was young chap. The years I attended the school number 110, which is still in downtown of my home city, were unforgettable. Many cool dudes from my school are across the world these days. Peace to all of them.
    As the former Soviet world started turning towards free market, I thought it was important to meet the current needs. The year of 1993 was hectic although successful as the high school's graduation was immidiately followed by hard exams. I ended up being a student of University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED), good school, with sound quality knowledge and many interesting people. It was the place where I've made new friends, and learned to learn.
    After three years of banking in the TOP Uzbek bank, although not much capital funds I have made up for myself, I made my way to England. In York, the coolest city in Northern England and most quite city in the world I have completed my graduate studies at the Economics Department of the University of York. I had a graduation ceremony on July 14, 2000. I promise to post in some cool pics very soon. One of the numerous advantages of studying abroad is that you meet hundreds of clever and interesting people from all over the world with their own ideas and interests. Lots of positive memories and warm impressions absorbed in gorgeous city of York - a home to pubs and old remains of the Viking empire. I was quite content with my life there and that was a very productive year indeed.
I spent a year back home in Uzbekistan, the country you can learn about more through these pages. Here I lectured in UWED on Analysis of Economic Policy and International Finance. Hard to believe, but I've been given third year students, who never mind asking hard questions. :)))) As I promised to myself not to do any other Master after York, I ended up with an MBA course in Waseda. Now I am in JAPAN. An information for interested parties: you gonna learn more about Japan exotics here very-very soon.

    Finally, I would wish to invite you to visit other pages of mine and thanks a lot for reading these lines. These pages are for you, my friend, stay cool and please feel free to drop me a message as I am always waiting for your valuable feedback.

With compliments, Jasur.


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© Jasur Salikhov, 1999