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Kyuden Mirumoto | Links | Mirumoto Library | Mirumoto War College | News | Rumours


___ Ancestors Posses the Living (R)
___ Ascendance (R)
___ Assuming the Championship (R)
___ Bloodstained Rage (C)
___ Chasing the Shadow (R)           [1]
___ Come One at a Time (C)
___ Command of the Kami (U)
___ Crisis in Command (C)
___ Crow Tattoo (U)
___ Dangerous Choices (R)
___ Defeat the Reserves (C)
___ Divided Loyalties (R)
___ Elemental Attunement (R)
___ Fearful Presence (U)
___ Fearsome Strength (U)            [2]
___ Gift of the Emperor (R)
___ Harsh Lessons (C)
___ Hidden From the Empire (C)
___ Hummingbird Tattoo (U)
___ Journey to Otosan-Uchi (C)
___ Kolat Assistance (R)
___ Last Refuge (U)
___ Last Words (C)
___ Mismanaged Troops (U)           [3]
___ My Life For Yours (U)
___ Never Yield (U)
___ New Beginnings (U)
___ Of One Mind (U)
___ One Last Battle (R)
___ Owned (U)
___ Pestilence (C)
___ Primal Rage (U)
___ Relief (C)                       [4]
___ Remember What You Have Seen (C)
___ Remember Your Oath (R)
___ Rights of the Challenged (C)
___ Run For Your Life (C)
___ Sharpest Blade (R)
___ Shifting Ground (U)
___ Shosuro Technique (R)
___ Single Combat (C)
___ Slaughter of the Land (U)          [5]
___ Soul's Sacrifice (U)
___ Spirit of the Bright Eye (U)
___ Spreading the Shadow (U)
___ Tattoo of the Night Sky (U)
___ Tricked (C)
___ Venerable Stature (C)
___ White Shore Plain (U)



___ Cross-Clan Wedding (R)
___ Dark Energies Run Red (U)        [6]
___ Emissary of the Ivory Kingdom (U)
___ Far From the Empire (R)
___ Final Words (R)
___ Honorable Sacrifice (U)
___ Kachiko Calls to Thunder (U)
___ Kachiko's Promise (R)
___ Mine Cave-In (U)
___ Moto Ride to the Shadowlands (R)
___ Return of Myth (U)               [7]
___ Return of the True Champion (U)
___ Triumphant Victory (R)
___ Yoritomo Refuses the Throne (U)



___ Ambush Strategist (C)
___ Crab Cavalry (R)
___ Decoy (R)
___ Emerald Magistrates (R)
___ Hurricane Initiates (C)
___ Kaiu Siege Engine (C)             [8]
___ Oni no Megada (C)
___ Ratling Youth (U)
___ Skeletal Elite (R)
___ Spectral Guide (U)
___ Yabanjin Sorcerer (C)



___ Blade of Kaiu (U)
___ Burden of the Word (R)
___ Grandfather's Jaw (C)
___ Masamune Katana (C)             [9]
___ Ninja-to (R)
___ Sanctified Blade (C)
___ Scrolls of Norikazu (R)
___ Skirmisher's Pike (C)
___ Sword of the Sun (R)
___ Third Mask of Iuchiban (R)



___ Fate's Merciful Hand (U)
___ Feeding on Flesh (R)
___ Heart of the Damned (C)          [10]
___ Know the Evil (U)
___ Maintain Balance (C)
___ Pearl Magic (C)
___ Proud Heritage (C)
___ Stepping Between the Cracks (R)



___ Blood and Darkness (R)
___ Capturing the Soul (R)
___ Eternal Darkness (U)
___ Miya's Sasumata (R)              [11]
___ Ryoshun's First Gift (C)
___ Shinobi Corruption (U)



___ The Dark Moto Sensei (R)
___ Hantei Sensei (U)
___ Kitsu Sensei (R)
___ Satsume Sensei (U)
___ Seppun Sensei (U)
___ Taka Sensei (R)




___ Ashalan Sandsmith (C)             [12]
___ Corrupted Dojo (C)
___ Den of Mujina (U)
___ House of Contracts (C)
___ Imperial Surveyor (C)
___ Oracle of Thunder (R)
___ Pitfall (C)
___ Provision Storehouse (C)
___ Shipping Lanes (C)
___ Shokansuru (U)                   [13]
___ Shrine of the Dragon Champion (C)
___ Tax Collector (C)
___ Temple of Divine Influence (R)



___ Agasha Fujita (U)
___ Asako Kaushen (U)
___ Asako Sagoten (C)
___ Balyzn Rafiq (U)
___ Bayushi Aramasu (R)
___ Bayushi Aramoro (R)              [14]
___ Bayushi Muraisan (C)
___ Dakosho (C)
___ Djahab (U)
___ Doji Chomei - Crane (R)
___ Doji Chomei - Yoritomo (R)
___ Doji Jiro (C)
___ Hanoshi (C)
___ Hida Nezu (U)
___ Hida Rohiteki (R)                 [15]
___ Hitomi Bujun (R)
___ Hsi Tsu (C)
___ Ide Buodin (C)
___ Ikoma Gunjin (R)
___ Isawa Toiko (C)
___ Jian (U)
___ Kaiu Endo (C)
___ Kakita Ichiro (R)
___ Kitsu (R)                        [16]
___ Kitsu Gongsun (U)
___ Kitsu Huiyuan (R)
___ Kitsuki Mizuochi (U)
___ Kitsune Shudo (C)
___ Kitsune Tsuke (C)
___ Kumo (R)
___ Mack'uk (C)
___ Mara (R)
___ Matsu Suhada (C)                 [17]
___ Mirumoto Songui (C)
___ Mirumoto Sukune (F)
___ Mirumoto Watanubo (U)
___ Mirumoto Yuyake (C)
___ Miya Yuritogen (U)
___ Mohai (U)
___ Moto Notu (R)
___ Moto Toyotomi (U)
___ Ninja Shadow-Walker (R)          [18]
___ Oni no Okura (R)
___ Oskuda (U)
___ Otaku Xieng Chi (R)
___ Purusha (C)
___ Ryosei (F)
___ Sanjuro (C)
___ Seppun Toshiken (R)
___ Shasyahkar (R)
___ Shiba Gensui (R)                 [19]
___ Takao (R)
___ Togashi Jodome - Dragon (R)
___ Togashi Jodome - Monk (R)
___ Toritaka Kitao (C)
___ Tsuruchi (R)
___ Ujina Tomo (C)
___ Yoritomo Okan (U)
___ Yotsu Sabieru (U)



___ Akui Cliffs (C)                   [20]
___ Bridge to Jigoku (R)
___ Campsite (U)
___ Fields of the Dead (C)
___ Heimin Village (U)
___ Mantis Isles (U)
___ Road of Dust (U)
___ Shi-Khan Wastelands (U)
___ Sleeping Lake (R)




___ Iron Mountain (F)                 [21]
___ Kyuden Kitsune (F)
___ Temples of the Crow (F)


Kyuden Mirumoto | Links | Mirumoto Library | Mirumoto War College | News | Rumours


revised May 29, 2000



Legends of the Five Rings CCG and the names of some characters are copyright of the Five Rings Publishing Group and Wizards of the Coast. Artwork is copyright by various artists whom illustrated cards for Wizards of the Coast. Other names, stories and ideas are copyright MountainView. Dragon logo by R. Stier.