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Honor Bound Check List


___ A New Teacher            (R)
___ Awakening Shakoki Dogu   (C)
___ Bandit Attack            (C)
___ Bleeding the Elements    (U)
___ Burn It Down             (C)
___ Dark Bargains            (U)
___ Darkness beyond Darkness (U)
___ Energy Terrain           (C)
___ Face of the Nameless     (R)

___ Flashing Blades          (U)
___ Force of Honor           (C)
___ Forest Fire              (C)
___ Forgotten Lesson         (R)
___ High Morale              (C)
___ Low Morale               (C)
___ Moment of Brilliance     (U)
___ Mountains of the Phoenix (C)
___ Okura is Released        (U)

___ One Life, One Action     (C)
___ Pincer Attack            (C)
___ Pressure                 (C)
___ Rugged Ground            (C)
___ Sabotage                 (U)
___ Shinjo's Judgment        (R)
___ Silent War               (U)
___ Souls of the Betrayed    (R)
___ Stress                   (U)

___ Swordmaster              (C)
___ The Emperor's Left Hand  (U)
___ The Emperor's Right Hand (U)
___ The Empty Pyre           (U)
___ The Head of My Enemy     (R)
___ Tiger's Teeth            (U)
___ Treachery and Deceit     (R)
___ Tribute to Your House    (R)
___ Victory at Hiruma Castle (R)

___ Way of the Void          (R)
___ Whistling Arrows         (U)
___ Wide Terrain             (U)
___ Will of the Emperor      (C)


___ An Empty Victory         (R)
___ Bandit Raids             (U)
___ Benefices of the Emperor (R)
___ Famine                   (U)
___ Hoshi's Challenge        (U)
___ Kolat Duplicate          (R)
___ Monopoly                 (U)
___ Monsoon Season           (U)
___ Return of the Kami       (R)

___ Slaughter of the
      Imperial Court         (R)
___ The Enemy of My Enemy    (U)
___ The Master of Five       (R)
___ Torn From the Past       (U)
___ Yakamo's Funeral         (R)


___ Command Staff            (U)
___ Elite Pikemen            (C)
___ Firestorm Legion         (R)
___ Goju Stalkers            (U)
___ Kenshinzen               (R)
___ Kolat Apprentice         (R)
___ Mercenaries              (C)
___ Oh-Chi'chek              (C)
___ Tsunami Legion           (C)


___ Akodo's "Leadership"     (R)
___ Ancient Sage             (C)
___ Barricades               (C)
___ Builders                 (C)
___ Deep Forest              (U)
___ Fortress of the Dragonfly(C)
___ Kabuki Theater Troupe    (U)
___ Kakita's "The Sword"     (R)
___ Master of Bushido        (U)

___ Temple of Blood          (C)
___ Temple to Shinsei        (U)
___ The Kaiu Forge           (U)
___ Trenches                 (C)


___ Black Pearl              (R)
___ Curse of the Rot Within  (C)
___ Dragon's Claw Katana     (U)
___ Gohei's Daisho           (R)
___ Hassuk's Golden Bow      (C)
___ Kaimetsu-Uo's Ono        (C)
___ Lord Moon's Bone         (R)
___ Mantis Fleet             (C)
___ Mirumoto's "Niten"       (U)

___ Nunchaku                 (U)
___ Sword of the
       Emerald Champion      (R)
___ The False Tao            (R)


___ Blessing Upon the Lands  (C)
___ Bloodstrike              (R)
___ Hitomi's Defeat          (U)
___ Shurin Storms            (R)
___ Stain Upon the Soul      (U)
___ Stars Scatter            (U)
___ The Wind's Truth         (C)
___ Within Your Soul         (C)


___ Hizuka                   (R)
___ Hoshi Wayan              (R)
___ Yoshun                   (C)
___ Hida O-Ushi              [F]
___ Hiruma Yugure            (C)
___ Hiruma Zunguri           (C)
___ Kuni Yasashii            (C)
___ Rik'tik'tichek           (U)
___ Silence                  (U)

___ Daidoji Kedamono         (C)
___ Kakita Kaiten            (U)
___ Hitomi Kagetora          (U)
___ Mirumoto Uso             (C)
___ Ikoma Ken'o              (U)
___ Kitsu Osen               (R)
___ Matsu Morishigi          (C)
___ Yoritomo Denkyu          (C)
___ Yoritomo Komori          (U)

___ Yoritomo Masasue         (R)
___ Dashmar                  (R)
___ Ghedai                   (C)
___ Oseuth                   (U)
___ Isawa Norikazu           (R)
___ Shiba Ningen             (U)
___ Shiba Raigen             (C)
___ Abresax                  (R)
___ Bayushi Eiyo             (C)

___ Bayushi Goshiu           (R)
___ Bayushi Hisa             (R)
___ Bayushi Kachiko          [F]
___ Hojyn                    (U)
___ Shosuro Taberu           (R)
___ Shosuro Taushui          (C)
___ Soshi Jomyako            (C)
___ Soshi Jujun              (C)
___ Dairya                   (R)

___ Hasame                   (R)
___ Otomo Yayu               (C)
___ Saigorei                 (U)
___ Seppun Nakao             (U)
___ Doji Adoka               (C)
___ Feydn Rafiq              (C)
___ Flameseeker              (C)
___ Isawa Tanayama           (R)
___ Kuni Yori                [F]

___ Moto Tsume               (R)
___ Ninja Mimic              (U)
___ Ninja Mystic             (R)
___ Nishiko                  (R)
___ Oni no Okura             (U)
___ Rodrigo                  (C)
___ Uragirimono              (C)
___ Iuchi Shahai             (R)
___ Moto Yesugai             (U)


___ Asako Provinces          (C)
___ Palace of the
       Emerald Champion      (R)
___ The Emperor's Lands      (U)
___ The Unquiet Grave of
       Hida Amoro            (C)
___ Volcano                  (R)
___ Volturnum                (R)


___ Kaede Sensei             (R)
___ Kisada Sensei            (U)
___ Shoju Sensei             (R)
___ Toshimoko Sensei         (R)
___ Toturi Sensei            (R)
___ Uji Sensei               (U)
___ Yokatsu Sensei           (R)
___ Yokuni Sensei            (U)


___ Amnesia                  (U)
___ Fear's Bane              (C)
___ Gift of the Maker        (U)
___ Lord Moon's Smile        (R)
___ Thy Master's Will        (R)
___ Whispers of Twilight     (C)


___ The Citadel of the Hiruma[F]
___ The Tower of the Yogo    [F]
___ Sepulcher of Bone        [F]


Kyuden Mirumoto | Links | Mirumoto Library | Mirumoto War College | News | Rumours


revised May 29, 2000



Legends of the Five Rings CCG and the names of some characters are copyright of the Five Rings Publishing Group and Wizards of the Coast. Artwork is copyright by various artists whom illustrated cards for Wizards of the Coast. Other names, stories and ideas are copyright MountainView. Dragon logo by R. Stier.