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revised June 22, 2002

Spirit Wars Check List (198 cards)

____ Akodo Ginawa Exp.4 Ginawa R
____ Akodo Ijiasu U
____ Akodo Quehao R
____ Akodo Sensei U
____ Amaterasu's Furnace U
____ Ancestral Dictate U
____ Ancestral Protection R
____ Ancient Knowledge U
____ Arriving at the Imperial Gates U

____ Asako Misao U
____ Asako Riders R
____ Back Banner C
____ Battle at White Shore Plain U
____ Battle of Drowned Honor C
____ Battle of Quiet Winds C
____ Battle of Shallow Waters C
____ Bayushi Baku Exp. R
____ Bayushi Paneki C

____ Bayushi Yojiro Exp.2 R
____ Beginning and End R
____ Birth of the Anvil R
____ Birth of the Sword R
____ Birth of the Wolf R
____ Bitter R
____ Bronze Lantern R
____ Call the Spirit R
____ Chou-Sin C

____ Clay Soldiers C
____ Cliffs of Golden Tears U
____ Crab Tattoo R
____ Cursed Ground U
____ Daidoji Hachi C
____ Dark Secrets C
____ Devastation of Beiden Pass C/R
____ Doji Kurohito U
____ Doji Meihu U

____ Doji Reju Exp.2 Hitomi Reju (Crane Clan Border) R
____ Doji Reju Exp.2 Hitomi Reju (Dragon Clan Border) R
____ Dragon Dancers C
____ Earthquake at Otosan Uchi R
____ East Wall of Otosan Uchi R
____ Emperor's Favor R
____ Emperor's Under-Hand R
____ Empress's Guard R
____ Fall of the Alliance R

____ Fall on Your Knees R
____ Fallen Ground U
____ Fallen Legion U
____ Fields of Darkness C
____ Fields of the Sun R
____ Giuniko C
____ Great Crater R
____ Guard the House C
____ Hantei XVI F

____ Hesitation U
____ Hida Hio C
____ Hida Kuon C
____ Hida Kuroda C
____ Hida Sukune Exp.2 R
____ Hida Tsuneo R
____ Hitomi's Glare R
____ Honorable R
____ Ide Gokun U

____ Ikoma Tsai C
____ Imperial Census R
____ Infantry Charge C
____ Inkyo C
____ Intelligence Agent U
____ Interruption U
____ Iron Mempo C
____ Isawa Metigaru C
____ Isawa Nakamuro C

____ Kaiu Sensei R
____ Kakita Kaiten Exp. R
____ Kamoko's Constellation R
____ Kitsu Dejiko C
____ Kitsune C
____ Knowing Lands and Giving Trees U
____ Kohuri C
____ Kuni Utagu Exp. R
____ Lady of the Forest Sensei U

____ Lalesha C
____ Last Gift C
____ Lay the Blame C
____ Let the Spirit Move You C
____ Lsinyuan C
____ Luring Tactics U
____ Mara's Farewell C
____ Master Smith Ascends C
____ Mirumoto Ukira C

____ Mirumoto Uso Exp. R
____ Miya Dosonu U
____ Miya Sensei R
____ Miya Yemi U
____ Mizuichi C
____ Mokoto U
____ Morito Exp.2  Shinjo Morito R
____ Mortal Flesh U
____ Moshi Shanegon U

____ Moto Hideyo C
____ Moto Technique R
____ Moto Vordu C
____ Moving the Wind U
____ Nage-yari C
____ New Kimono C
____ Nightmare U
____ Noble Halls of the Akodo F
____ Noekam U

____ North Wall of Otosan Uchi R
____ Obsidian Statues R
____ Old Debts C
____ Oni no Fushiki C
____ Oni no Yamaso C
____ Oni Spawn C
____ Otomo Dsichi R
____ Otomo Hoketuhime C
____ Personal Sacrifice C

____ Poorly Placed Garden C
____ Quiet Tombs C
____ Ratling Scroungers R
____ Return for Training U
____ Revealing the Bastard R
____ Revering the Past R
____ Right to Rule R
____ Roshungi Exp. R
____ Ruin and Devastation U

____ Saigorei Exp. R
____ Scaring the Masses U
____ Scholarship C
____ Shasyahkar Exp. R
____ Shaunasea U
____ Shiba Aikune C
____ Shiba Ningen Exp. R
____ Shinjo Shono Exp. R
____ Shiryo no Ch'i R

____ Shiryo no Hotei R
____ Shiryo no Nyoko R
____ Shiryo no Rohata R
____ Shiryo no Shoju R
____ Shiryo no Taisa R
____ Shiryo no Ujik-hai R
____ Shosuro Chian Exp. R
____ Shrine of the Evening Star R
____ Shrine of the Spirits F

____ Shuriken C
____ Sign of Weakness U
____ Signal Corps U
____ Simple Huts C
____ Snow Crane Tattoo R
____ Sodegarami C
____ Soshi Angai U
____ Soul Sword C
____ South Wall of Otosan Uchi R

____ Spirit Bells U
____ Spirit Hounds C
____ Star-Filled Steel U
____ Sumai Match R
____ Suzume Roshi C
____ Suzume Sensei U
____ Taikon U
____ Tamori Chosai C
____ Tamori Shaitung U

____ Te'tik'kir C
____ Temptation C
____ Three-Stone River U
____ Through the Flames C
____ Togashi Mio C
____ Torii Arch C
____ Torii Tattoo C
____ Towers of the Asako F
____ Treaty U

____ Tsi Yoji U
____ Tsuko Sensei F
____ Tsuko's Heart U
____ Tsuruchi Okame C
____ Turn of Fate U
____ Uidori U
____ Undead Legion U
____ Uona Sensei F
____ Usagi Gohei U

____ Utaku Yu-Pan U
____ Wall of Bones C
____ War Paints R
____ Warriors of the Great Climb U
____ Wasp Sensei U
____ Weapons Cache C
____ West Wall of Otosan Uchi R
____ Where Tsanuri Fell R
____ Witch Hunt U

____ Witch Hunter's Accusation U
____ Wutho U
____ Yakamo's Smile R
____ Yeiseo C
____ Yoee'trr U Yokai no Mizushai R
____ Yoritomo Aramasu Exp.3  Bayushi Aramasu R
____ Yoritomo Kitao C
____ Yoritomo Yukue Exp. R


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Legends of the Five Rings CCG is copyright of the Five Rings Publishing Group and Wizards of the Coast.
Artwork is copyright by various artists who illustrated for Alderac Entertainment Group.

Other names, stories and ideas are copyright MountainView. Dragon logo by R. Stier.