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Dragon Clan Letter #17

from the Imperial Herald

( vol.2, no.2 )


My lord Uso-sama,

I hope that this message reaches you. The vast plains beyond the northern mountains are a bizarre and confusing place. These Yobanjin are a treacherous people, and I do not trust them. Yet this "sha-man" that I have met assures me that he can see to it that this message is delivered. It required the barter of the tanto that you bestowed upon me years ago, but I hope you will find no dishonor in my sacrifice.

It seems at times that my travels here are pointless. Every time I have been prepared to return and join you in the battle against the Phoenix, however, I find the tiniest suggestion that my quest will bear fruit. I cannot abandon my search if even the smallest chance of success remains. The clan will not survive if the Wish is not stopped, and the only chance of destroying it may very well lie somewhere upon these endless plains.

The Fortunes are surely with me, for somehow your last message reached me even here. It saddens me to hear of Junnosuke's banishment, but I cannot fault my lord's judgment in such things. That one has ever been ruthless and unstable. Were it not for his brilliant tactics, he would doubtless have been cast out long ago. A shame that his honor could not equal his talent. Nonetheless, the truth of his departure from the Legions surprised me, for I thought such renegade behavior beyond even him. Should ever I meet him again, I will cleanse the stain upon our clan's honor, though it would pain me to strike down one I once called my comrade.

I must hurry now, for my guide insists we move on. There are creatures that prey upon these plains at night that my mind can barely imagine, despite that I have seen them myself. I long to return home, yet I am resolute in my duty. I will return to you with that which we require to end the Phoenix threat, my lord.

Or I will not return at all.

Mirumoto Temoru

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