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Dragon Clan Letter #21

from the Imperial Herald

( vol.2, no.6 )



The reports from the Phoenix lands in your last letter have disturbed me greatly. These rumors of entire Shiba battalions being destroyed to a man and left to rot on the battlefield simply cannot be true. Yet you are the third member of your order that I have spoken to after a visit to the Shrine of Lady Moon, and each tells the same tale: the Phoenix are incensed by the constant harassment the Dragon forces levy upon their borders. From their accounts, it would seem that we are exacting a very heavy toll upon them indeed.

Except that I have investigated the matter, and found no accounts of any such incursions. Our forces have taken up defensive positions for the entire winter, and are only now preparing to move once more. Furthermore, it is our armies that have been harassed by Phoenix battalions somehow forcing their way into our interior, decimating entire legions with the power of Aikune and his Last Wish. And yet again, the tales from your visit seem to indicate that Aikune has been busy with his duties in the Phoenix lands for the past few months, with precious little time to continue his genocidal war against us.

I am among the most vocal opponents of the Phoenix. Indeed, I am certain that an Empire without them would be a far more glorious Empire than we have ever known. Yet even I cannot deny that something is terribly wrong here. It is as if we are being pitted against one another by some darker force, some nefarious foe who benefits from our continued hostilities. Perhaps this is the secret that Tamori Shaitung has been vexing over so since Isawa Nakamuro's escape.

I can no longer allow this to continue. I must see Lord Mirumoto Uso, and soon. If this madness is not stopped, I fear neither clan will survive.

Tamori Taiu

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