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revised July 14, 2003

Untitled No. 7

by Hitomi Touken
(July 1, 2003)

Shiro Mirumoto with Toturi Tsudao

Dynasty (40)

Personalities (17)
3x Tamori Chosai
3x Tamori Chieko
3x Tamori Hiroko
2x Hoshi Tadao
3x Kitsuki Tadashi
3x Hoshi Yoson
1x Mirumoto Shokan

Regions (2)
2x Campsite

Events (3)
1x Welcome Home
1x Imperial Gift
1x Peasant Revolt

Holdings (18 )
3x Jade Works
3x Gold Mine
1x Shrine to Daikoku
3x Noh Theater Troupe
2x Sanctified Temple
2x Shrine to the Sun
1x Gifts and Favours
3x Small Farms

Fate (41)

Military defense (21)
3x Importune Kami
3x Torrential Rain
3x Entrapping Terrain
2x Flattery
3x In Search of the Future
3x Overwhelmed
2x Refugees
2x Block Supply Lines

Honour meta (4)
2x Fist of Osano Wo
2x Deeds not Words

Dueling (8 )
2x Wholeness of Self
3x Iaijutsu Art
3x Geisha Assassin

Other (8 )
3x Walking the Way
2x Balance in Nothingness
1x Make a Wish
1x Celestial Sword of the Dragon
1x Sampan
1x Porcelain Mask of Shokan

Originally posted on Dragon Clan Chat

Untitled No.7
Hitomi Touken

Location: Shrine of the Moon, Phoenix Lands
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 3:13 pm    Post subject: Untitled No.7
Shiro Mirumoto
[the deck is based on drawing into a set of card combos and holding on to them till later in the game as such Mirumoto's card draw is superior to Shiro Tamori's]
Toturi Tsudao
[repeatable send home defense for against the type of decks we reliably get the favour against]

Dynasty (40)

Personalities (17)
3x Tamori Chosai
[cheap 4 chi shugenja, great stats]
3x Tamori Chieko
[again a cheap shugenja with great stats, is the only 3 chi personality which can come in handy for Iajitsu Art]
3x Tamori Hiroko
[another shugenja, more card draw especially versus honour]
2x Hoshi Tadao
[chosen over Shaitung because he has 2 force for peasant revolt and good stats]
3x Kitsuki Tadashi
[dishonour defense, our most killed personality. At very worst draws cards and fetchs the favour, extremely good as attaching the Celestial Sword to him makes you immune to Shame and lets you refuse Iajitsu Challenges]
3x Hoshi Yoson
[core of the deck, gains 7 honour off Iajitsu Arts]
1x Mirumoto Shokan
[useful in so many ways]

Regions (2)
2x Campsite
[big late game defense]

Events (3)
1x Welcome Home
[free honour, helps us meet honour requirements]
1x Imperial Gift
[same as Welcome Home and fetches either Celestial Sword against honour for Tadashi or Sampan for against military]
1x Peasant Revolt
[more military defense in that it can buy you a full turn]

Holdings (18 )
3x Jade Works
[the 3 gold cost is annoying but it does produce three]
3x Gold Mine
[2 for 3, no reason not to]
1x Shrine to Daikoku
[as above]
3x Noh Theatre Troupe
[vital versus honour, can produce honour against military by chump blocking with sacrifical defenders]
2x Sanctified Temple
[guaranteed honour producing holding]
2x Shrine to the Sun
[stops In Time of War]
1x Gifts and Favours
[in case of gold screw]
3x Small Farms
[smooths out the gold scheme]


Fate (41 - including make a wish)

Military defense (21)
3x Importune Kami
[by itself it can kill certain military decks, also forces your opponent to attack only one province thus making your one shot defense cards more effective]
3x Torrential Rain
[saves provinces late game, almost perfect defense when the personality has Sampan]
3x Entrapping Terrain
[saves provinces, can be useful both early game and end game]
2x Flattery
[early game can save a province even without presence, also works late game with campsite]
3x In Search of the Future
[useful early game and can help later on with Importune Kami, doesn't require presence]
3x Overwhelmed
[wins games versus blitz if drawn early setting them back a turn or two, combos with other send home later on in the game to kill personalities]
2x Refugees
[more early defense can also help later on with Importune Kami, doesn't require presence]
2x Block Supply Lines
[good early defense, better than refugees against followers although does require presence so needs a defender early game and potentially a chump defender late game]

Honour meta (4)
2x Fist of Osano Wo
[honour is all about who has the Noh Theatre Troupes and this kill your opponent's, useful to take out other holdings such as the Underhand]
2x Deeds not Words
[slows down other honour runners, can also be used on your turn to stop their Noh Theatre Troupes, preventing them from going over 40 while you do]

Duelling (8 )
2x Wholeness of Self
[wins duels, can be useful against military to get rid of force bonuses, check day of week to see what it does to a Celestial Sword as per rulings, prevents uncertainty taking our personalities into Kolat Master range]
3x Iaijutsu Art
[easily won with Wholeness of Self and has a 7 point honour gain when used with Hoshi Yoson, holding till later in the game works best]
3x Geisha Assassin
[8 gold cheaper with Wholeness of Self making it cost effecient personality kill without honour loss and targetting restrictions]

Other (8 )
3x Walking the Way
[only as good as any of your other broken cards]
2x Balance in Nothingness
[cancels a lot of effects from Shame to Retirement]
1x Make a Wish
[make a wish: $5, a win with dragon: priceless]
1x Celestial Sword of the Dragon
[total dishonour protection with Kitsuki Tadashi, added honour and its always nice to have force]
1x Sampan
[protects our defense from sneak and scout]
1x Porcelain Mask of Shokan
[useful in so many ways]

First turn 3 gold producer.
2nd turn make Shokan for honour, getting a small farm either first or second turn.
3rd turn attach Porcelain Mask to Shokan and take a province.


Turn 1 buy gold
Turn 2 buy gold and Noh
Turn 3 Welcome Home resolves, buy Chosai and Chieko for honour and a Noh
Turn 4 buy Yoson and Tadashi for honour and Imperial Gift resolves fetching Sword
Turn 5 Attach Sword to Tadashi, attach Wholeness of Self on Chieko, Art Art Art with Yoson
Turn 6 Win.
This is a little bit slower than the Shokan route.

Ok, so that's the ideal game but it essentially summarises how to play the deck. Make your cheap personalities for honour early but make sure you're also getting gold into play (for Baz's benefit after his game in the top8 :wink: ). Hold onto the wholeness and arts until you're within striking distance and watch your opponent cry as you gain 20 honour in a turn with him unable to use his deeds or winds truth. Once over 40 you've got Tadashi for dishonour protection to make sure you don't go back down again.
Hitomi Touken
Team Fierce
Last edited by Hitomi Touken on Tue Jul 01, 2003 7:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

Hitomi Kinrei
Location: Cambridge, UK
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 4:37 pm    Post subject: Re: Untitled No.7
Thank you very much for the decklist, Touken. Though, dude, you've gotta find a name for it!

I'll put it together and do some playtesting during the week-end. But some random commentary first.

Hitomi Touken wrote:
Shiro Mirumoto
[the deck is based on drawing into a set of card combos and holding on to them till later in the game as such Mirumoto's card draw is superior to Shiro Tamori's]

Basically, wholessness + duel, right?

Did you have much difficulty in getting Hiroko out, without the Mystics? I agree that MD makes for a poor gold-scheme, but without them Hiroko is soooooo expensive...

2x Hoshi Tadao
[chosen over Shaitung because he has 2 force for peasant revolt and good stats]

Yep - I've come to the same conclusion, despite the horrific HR. I might replace Tadao with Tamori Shiki in Clan Rivals tourneys (and after she becomes legal), though.

3x Kitsuki Tadashi
[dishonour defense, our most killed personality. At very worst draws cards and fetchs the favour, extremely good as attaching the Celestial Sword to him makes you immune to Shame and lets you refuse Iajitsu Challenges]

Sweet. I've been edging to use him for ages, but have never manages to get a right of deck together.

3x Torrential Rain
[saves provinces late game, almost perfect defense when the personality has Sampan]

Sanpan, now that's a nice idea...

3x Entrapping Terrain
[saves provinces, can be useful both early game and end game]

I agree, they can be very strong. However, if your local environment features lots of Rats, Scorpion military or Halls Lion, they are so much wasted cardboard. I have, in the past, also had issue about the way that including only three Terrains in deck gives an opponent that runs three Sup Tacs a very affordable one-for-one trading ratio.

Honour meta (4)
2x Fist of Osano Wo
[honour is all about who has the Noh Theatre Troupes and this kill your opponent's, useful to take out other holdings such as the Underhand]

So true its not funny. A must post-H&E.

Wholessness of Self makes duelling a laughing matter, of course, but did you ever have any problem in duelling without it? I did not spot, for ex, Kakita Dojos which can also easily win Arts with Yoson.

2x Balance in Nothingness
[cancels a lot of effects from Shame to Retirement]

Very true, though a skilled opponent will shame only unbowed peeps. I would include a third one (swapping awau MaW).

1x Porcelain Mask of Shokan
[useful in so many ways]

Not the least because it covers Rob's terrific (as in: "inspires terror") facial accessory! Worth including just for that. *runs and hides*
Hitomi Kinrei
Dragon Clan Troublemaker * Team Jade Cat

So the wise soul, without great doings, achieves greatness.
-- Lao Tzu

Togashi Heijin
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 5:44 pm    Post subject: Re: Untitled No.7
Hitomi Touken wrote:
3x Geisha Assassin
[8 gold cheaper with Wholeness of Self making it cost effecient personality kill without honour loss and targetting restrictions]

Holy crap, never thought of that. It's got the same cost to chi ratio as Kolat Assassin (10g to kill a 4 chi peep) but can be used more efficiently as you only pay for what you need or can take out bigger peeps if necessary. And, as you say, no honor loss. And 4 focus. Sweet!

Since you're already running Tadao, what about Ring of Earth?
Togashi Heijin
Dragon Clan Acolyte of the Sun
Monk * Tattooed * Angry

"The time for war is past. Let us turn from the Phoenix to face our true enemy - Tamori."

Hitomi Touken
Location: Shrine of the Moon, Phoenix Lands
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 8:06 pm    Post subject:
Actually it'd only be 8 gold for a 4 chi personality as a draw is just fine in the duel

It's also very pleasant to be able to deal with a Sword wielding Hoshi sitting across the table from you (though it is quite pricey).

Other cards which have been put forward for consideration are bane of the bastard (mostly to deal with rats as I can see no other way of dealing with them efficiently early game) and uncertainty as it not only works for early defense but also enables you to target Yoson so he can art low chi personalities.

The ring of earth would also be worth testing as has just been mentioned.

One of the things you'll notice that many people will consider controversial is no Wind's Truth. I'm not totally sure if this is a good idea or not and testing may reveal that they are better than the Fist of Osano Wo. I'd edge towards Fist as things stand but I could be persuaded the other way as well.

Now onto answering a few questions. The deck is indeed al about wholeness + duel and I remember seeing Baz gain 25 honour in a turn in one game. The game I lost to Tom McDonald was at least in part because I hadn't played the deck enough against honour and made my move on the arts too early. Hold onto them until they will take you past 40. That way your opponent either has to waste his deeds early game to stop you reaching 20, which is an inefficient use of the card at best or they are totally useless as you art for 20 pts of honour.

Hiroko was not a problem at all. The personality base is actually pretty cheap and you're not as dependant on the spells for defense as many dragon decks (as you can use Yoson or Tadashi for presence while the shugenja keep up the IK to limit military options).

I totally agree on swapping out Tadao for Shiki when she becomes available.

I was only running 2 entrapping while Baz was running 3. It's one of the cards that could be cut down if you're looking to make room for something else. That said it is free and surprisingly efficient in a lot of games (even if they are using actions to kill it that's not only them having to use up cards but also an opportunity for you to send home their big units). Take the initiative and make them fight to keep units in the battle.

I've no idea if I would've had problems duelling without Wholeness because I never did it. As I've already said keep it back until you need it. That way your opponent cannot be sure of what to expect until it is too late. The only time I'd drop a Wholenss earlier would be if I needed to Geisha something.

I agree that a skilled opponent will normally shame unbowed personalities (in the same way you should Art unbowed personalities) but that's what Tadashi is for

Oh, and Kinrei-san, you have no idea how long it took us to come up with that name...
Hitomi Touken
Team Fierce
Last edited by Hitomi Touken on Tue Jul 01, 2003 9:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

Togashi Heijin
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 8:18 pm    Post subject:
Hitomi Touken wrote:
One of the things you'll notice that many people will consider controversial is no Wind's Truth. I'm not totally sure if this is a good idea or not and testing may reveal that they are better than the Fist of Osano Wo. I'd edge towards Fist as things stand but I could be persuaded the other way as well.

Fist is way better in this environment. Wind's Truth fuels the opponents' Nohs. And, as you say, Tadashi deals with dishonor just fine. In a different deck I'd run both but for what you're running I'd say stick with the Fist instead of TWT.
Togashi Heijin
Dragon Clan Acolyte of the Sun
Monk * Tattooed * Angry

"The time for war is past. Let us turn from the Phoenix to face our true enemy - Tamori."

Kitsune Kainko
Location: Somewhere wishing to be elsewhere...
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 10:29 pm    Post subject:
Untitled No. 7 rocks though!

Its all about the Art baby... all about Art...

Rob Bowman
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 11:00 pm    Post subject:

Ben I have been talking to Baz and Justin, and all I can say is I am in awe. Congrats on a very solid performance, and an even more solid deck... <bow>.
Take care,
Rob- Mirumoto Shokan

Joined: 16 Aug 2002
Posts: 95
Location: Regensburg, Germany
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 6:05 am    Post subject:
Fine deck idea and your focussing on a toic should make it rather reliable...

What about replacing Shokan by Shaitung xp and using some Bronze Lanterns?

A single person bowed by the Revolt doesn't matter, but an after revolt attack with two lanterns can be devastating! Shaitung is a nuisance against Phoenix players and she's got the "-" (maybe I'm getting paranoid after eating two first turn 4 points honor losses on the Kotei... )
In times of war the voice of peace must ring like thunder

Rob Bowman
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 9:45 am    Post subject:

1x Porcelain Mask of Shokan
[useful in so many ways]

First turn 3 gold producer.
2nd turn make Shokan for honour, getting a small farm either first or second turn.
3rd turn attach Porcelain Mask to Shokan and take a province.


You know I just read thru your deck list and comments closely this morning. Mind explaining the above passage...

bastard !!!!

And to think I was so complimentary !! In all seriousness I will be playtesting many variants of this deck soon. Nice idea Tassilo, but I do not see how to fit the Bronze Lanterns in .
Take care,
Rob- Mirumoto Shokan

Hitomi Touken
Location: Shrine of the Moon, Phoenix Lands
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 10:11 am    Post subject:
I think the bronze lanterns are better off of Tamori and probably don't add enough to this deck to make them worth while. May be worth testing though.

My main worry right now would be rats as they don't have the chi for you to duel them (except Zintch) and possibly some crab variants for the same reason. That's the main thing that needs work IMO Baz may disagree.
Hitomi Touken
Team Fierce

Location: Regensburg, Germany
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 10:54 am    Post subject:
- Mask,
- 1 Importune Kami
- 1 Overwhelmed

= 3 Bronze Lanterns

That's on first sight, but playtest may prove otherwise.
In times of war the voice of peace must ring like thunder

Bayushi Hantakira
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 1:27 pm    Post subject:
Untitled Deck no. 17 would probably be closer to the mark I think. I dont know how many different dragon decks I played in testing but it was alot
Bayushi Hantakira
Scorpion Clan Internal Affairs

"OK I make Paneki for honor. I go up zero."
"I make Yudoka for honor. I lose 1 honor"

Hitomi Touken
Location: Shrine of the Moon, Phoenix Lands
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 1:47 pm    Post subject:
It's No.7 because Yoson's art is all about 7.

We started writing a decklist that organised all the cards into sets of 7 but were one card short and it was impossible to read.

Too little sleep can make the oddest of things seem funny.
Hitomi Touken
Team Fierce

Rob Bowman
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 2:28 pm    Post subject:

As I have stated Touken-san your deck is very solid. In deck building, I see two important skills, inspiration and preserverance. I am not gifted with inspiration, and I have been struggling for the proper answer to the current environment. I think you have helped in that regards, and now I will try to use whatever meager skills I have to help make this deck as good as possible. And ftr, now that I know what the 7 stands for, I am calling this deck DIKY7, or Dragon Irish Kotei Yosun's 7 ! Yeah, you can thank me later !!

Here are my thoughts on the deck itself...

Tadao x2 could be cut. With no rings, he has no special abilities, and despite being 6G he has that 8FH issue. Instead I like Barei (check all those spells you have in the deck again), and then maybe Tjeki.

Shokan is gone !! I would put a MD here, and maybe a Yemi putting me at 41 cards.

On the fate side last night I played 47 cards to try some things out. I went 4-0 facing a Phoenix Honor, Yasuki Honor/Military, Tamori corrupt blitz, and a Dragon honor deck. I like everything you have in here, assuming that Shokan's mask is the Sword . So I kept all that goodness and added 3x TWT and 3x Scroll Cache.

The reason for the Scroll Cache is that in a honor matchup, this card can create a huge honor swing. Even if I just use it on bringing out a 3PH peep, that is a 6 honor swing. This card is too huge to leave out imho.

The Scroll Cache is another very solid card in this deck. The vast majority of time the Scroll Cache just refills your hand faster, and thus keeps the Hirokos in business longer.

Well is summary I thought the deck flowed great. Clearly some expert tweaking on the Fate side would be wise, and this might only improve the decks potentency !!

Congrats again and thanks for sharing... <bow>.
Take care,
Rob- Mirumoto Shokan

Mirumoto Taneka
Location: London, England
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 2:45 pm    Post subject:
My main interest in this deck is it's record versus corrupt blitz and the current crop of Crab decks winning kotei's this season.

Not only that, it's record versus Rats is quite important; at GenCon you'll most likely see 10-15% of the field playing some kind of rat deck.

Can Ben and Baz please enlighten us as to how they found their matched went at the kotei, taking into account the level of the opponent they were playing.

Mirumoto Taneka - Rokugani Traveller

Hitomi Touken
Location: Shrine of the Moon, Phoenix Lands
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 3:09 pm    Post subject:
I lost against Rats at the kotei, in fact I got hammered by the furry creatures but given Mark's start that was not totally surprising (he took, the got lost souls to prevent my gifts unbowing, then hurricane to blow up my gold mine, by which time he had 2 white rats and 2 other rats with followers! ).

The problem is there's no really good rat meta with the possible exception of Bane of the Bastard, which I'd consider but Baz thinks is weak. If people know of any strong rat players to try testing this against I'd be very appreciative. Uncertainty may also help.

Does anybody have a decklist for a corrupt crab beserker deck that I can test against?
Hitomi Touken
Team Fierce
Last edited by Hitomi Touken on Thu Jul 03, 2003 3:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

Hitomi Hokosaki
Location: Kyuden Hitomi
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 3:12 pm    Post subject:
I ended up playing 2 military decks Goblin Blitz and scorpion military. Insearch and refugees kept me long enough in the game to start developing. With those few early turns bought the deck has quite a lot of defense. Normally the importunes force everyone to attack a single province which can be defended with entrap, torrential or flattery (a last recourse) although on occasion an insearch and/or send home can do enough.
Hopefully an early overwhelmed can kick some teeth out of a military deck. In the end though a large chunk of it is down to luck. Take Bens loss against Marks kyuden hida rats, mark takes, Ben gets gifts and favours, Mark resolves lost souls, Ben makes a holding, Mark resolves hurricane. Next turn Ben has 1 holding effectively taking his second turn. Mark is about to start his 4th turn and has managed to go first with a take. Not much you can really hope to do against that.
Military is nast in the current environment, we're hoping the vast amount of defense in combination with the sudden burst to 40 honour will allow us to win against most military decks.

That said... more testing is needed.
Justin Walsh mentioned the idea of the deck to me a bit before the kotei, I had played around with the idea to some success but didn't feel confident of it till I got it roughly into this incarnation with Touken's help (after about a bazillion other decks). Unfortunately we only had about a days testing and after the kotei we had a sit down and dicussed the deck some more. The version above is not the one we played but a modifed version which we are happier with. Given more time and testing I'm pretty confident we could have done better than 9th and 5th. The games we lost were to Mark Wooton's (first place) Kyuden Hida Rats (Touken) and Tom McDonald's (second place) Crane deck which we both lost to but I did beat once. As seen above the game against Mark was unrecoverable but after sitting down after the kotei both me and Touken both acknowedged we had been making mistakes against Tom. That's not to say we now think we could have beaten him, rather than it would have been a different game and we both feel had we played the game differently (next time I won't gold screw myself) we would have had a much better chance.

Kyuden Hida Rats is the deck to test against, plan is to survive the early blitz with cards like insearch, block, overwhelmed. Kill the White rats with wholeness Geisha and get a sampan out to protect against sneak or scout making our torrentials count. Will it work? We have until Gencon US to test it. It's my personal opinion that this should be the dragon deck of choice for those making it to Gencon, I think it's our best shot.

Hitomi Hokosaki

Mirumoto Taneka
Location: London, England
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 3:30 pm    Post subject:
It's my personal opinion that this should be the dragon deck of choice for those making it to Gencon, I think it's our best shot.

I would guard against getting into that frame of mind Baz; I seem to remember Mr Bowman saying something similar when he started winning with Drunk Dragon and being a bit dispondent when it was realised that The Shadow's Claw didn't work for Iai Art (damn them!). And there are other players succeeding out there with Dragon and are equally competitive. Eljas Oksanen proved that we have more than one deck in the current environment (I'm not above playing corrupt Dragon - jeez how I've changed my tune over the months!)

Unfortunately, there is no ultimate Dragon deck. They all have their weaknesses and assets. You need to play the right deck for the right meta.

I do honestly think though that susceptibility to military is a weakness. Especially rat blitz decks. There's no doubt that Dragon honour can beat most other honour decks. If you really want to convince me that this style is playable at GenCon (which I WILL be going to), I would really like to see this stronger against military.

Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh, but I'm not thoroughly convinced it's the best deck out there. That said, I will playtest it against good opponents against the specific decks it needs to beat at GenCon US - yes I am looking into decks to run for GenCon Indy and considering this one.

Mirumoto Taneka - Rokugani (bandwagoning) Traveller

Mirumoto Taneka
Location: London, England
Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2003 7:33 pm    Post subject:
Couple of recommendations for the deck:

I would absolutely recommend 3x Master of the Bells in this deck. Not only as extra shugenja, but as meta versus corrupt decks and RA/Yogo Towers/SATW protection for a shuggie with Torrential Rain attached.

Drop a block, a flattery, and entrapping terrain to fit these in. They are so totally worth it.

Mirumoto Taneka - Dragon Clan Samurai - Travelling Sensei
"His origins are from gaijin blood, yet he grasps the Niten like they were born to him. Still, we do not trust him and his wanderings..."

Rob Bowman
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2003 6:41 pm    Post subject:

Just to be clear, no deck is forever . The Drunk deck was absoluetly the deck *for*a*time*. Take out the Art/Claw, and add Tireless to the mix and the deck is done.

At this point and time you have to look for the new deck. Yes it was hard for me because...

1) I suck at deck inspiration.

2) There was no new deck.

3) The Drunk was personal, and that clouds judgement .

As of this minute I have the most faith in this deck. Doesn't mean I will play it at GenCon, but I will be playing it for the next two nights .
Take care,
Rob- Mirumoto Shokan

Togashi Heijin
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2003 7:03 pm    Post subject:
Gempukku helps this deck nicely...
Togashi Heijin
Dragon Clan Acolyte of the Sun
Monk * Tattooed * Angry

"The time for war is past. Let us turn from the Phoenix to face our true enemy - Tamori."

Kitsuki Kijushen
Location: Kyuden Sezaru
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2003 2:34 am    Post subject:
After some extensive testing against a corrupt crab blitz deck I would recommend the following changes:

1) Flattery doesn't help enough because they add force too quickly. In order to use it you will have to give up vital defense cards even with campsites. Take it out for Master of the Bells.

2) since flattery is out, replace campsite with sorrows path to make blitzing harder.

I happen to be missing a third geisha assassin and overwhelmed though, so its possible that could be the root of my problems. As always, YMMV
Kitsuki Kijushen
Dragon Clan Tattooed Samurai * Duelist

Hitomi Touken
Location: Shrine of the Moon, Phoenix Lands
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2003 9:02 am    Post subject:
Thanks for that. This kind of advice is really useful in that it highlights where the problem is (from playing games) and goes on to suggest a way to deal with it.

The overwhelmed may help but I agree flattery may still be a bit weak. Will try a few more variants myself.
Hitomi Touken
Team Fierce

Tamori Hidetoshi
Location: Karlsruhe/Germany
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 8:35 am    Post subject:
Ryoshun´s Last Words could cause some problems, so i´d really think about Imperial Edicts...
I played against No. 7 on Tuesday and the reason I lost was because I could find only one Ryoshun´s Last Words when putting my deck (pure Tamori blitz) together, IE really helps against those and +4 province strength isn´t bad either.
"The kami are my armor. My faith is my sword.
Face me when you are ready to die."

Mirumoto MaPhi
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 10:18 am    Post subject:
Tamori Hidetoshi wrote:
Ryoshun´s Last Words could cause some problems, so i´d really think about Imperial Edicts...
I played against No. 7 on Tuesday and the reason I lost was because I could find only one Ryoshun´s Last Words when putting my deck (pure Tamori blitz) together, IE really helps against those and +4 province strength isn´t bad either.

I agree. I was desperately wishing for an IE when we played that game last Tuesday. That card should go in there, I just wonder what to cut for it.

I didn't have Flatteries in there, otherwise I would ditch them now - with most of the hand beeing defense, it's not worth to ditch it for a Flattery
Mirumoto MaPhi
Dragon Clan Samurai * Unique * Non-Native Speaker

Hitomi Hokosaki
Location: Kyuden Hitomi
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 10:47 am    Post subject:
After looking at the Clan Rivals kit it occured to me that Nemesis would work quite well instead of wholeness for a non shugenja based deck.
You lose tons of great fate cards so I wouldn't bother but it's still good to note that you could go for the samurai monk variation.

On taking out Campsites, even without flattery they can late game draw you into important cards like another torrential and those arts to push you over the top...

Hitomi Hokosaki

Hitomi Touken
Location: Shrine of the Moon, Phoenix Lands
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 12:13 pm    Post subject:
While I would consider removing them if not running flattery I don't think I'd use sorrow's path as the replacement. As I see it sorrow's path is only really useful in the early game (or mid-late game if you run heavy pkill). As this deck is quite light on the pkill I don't really see them as being that useful.

I'd be more likely to run 1 fields of the dead and 1 fields of the morning sun. That way I should be able to keep at least 1 province safe against both crab/horde and lion. As the primary honour gains are from the fate side surviving on one province is still viable as long as you have a few personalities out.
Hitomi Touken
Team Fierce

Togashi Tozobi
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 8:25 pm    Post subject:
eh,you`re prolly better of going for 2-3 of the same region
1 isn`t enough now that Ruins of OU are around.The opponent will nuke the region that stops him and leave the other one alone(Horde nukes fields of teh dead,lion nuke morning sun),while having 2-3 of the same region will help(if the regions actually decide to show up of course)


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