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October 4th, 1999

Review of Imperial Herald Issue #12  (Legends of the Five Rings section)

Imperial Herald #12 arrived in the Southeastern Pennsylvania region today. Dragons must be popular - that's the second cover of Hitomi. Y2C Party October 22 and 23rd, 1999 in Los Angeles. Sounds fun, but traveling across the country for a party is for the most dedicated of fans. The modified DCI system is probably better for L5R - tournament players can go for rankings and storyline players can go for fun. Pre-release Ambition's Debt Card List is included. Card list order is alphabetical, not by clans. This is better for collectors and newer players who have a hard enough time just pronouncing the names, never mind who's in what clan.

Ree Soesbee's "The Gift of the Emperor" and "War in the Heavens" stories are included. The "War in the Heavens" seems more embellished than the post tournament reports - especially the last few paragraphs dealing with Hitomi and Lord Moon's epic duel. Poetic justice. On a different note, Luke Peterschmidt (Brand Manager) tells of his background as a chemist before coming to L5R. In regards to the Hitomi / Lord Moon duel, a far distant quote from freshman chemistry come to mind. "Like dissolves like", i.e. the heavens are affected by the elements and the products of the elements - Lord Moon, Lady Sun, the kami, and mortal man. For more details, please read Ree's stories.

Zen Faulkes has his usual excellent "Card Focus", this time on Feydn Rafiq.

And the winner of the new stronghold is ... the Ratlings (sounds like a band ;) Runner up was the Bloodspeakers with the Seppun and the Goblins rounding out the vote.

New Clan Letter from Mirumoto Sukune (Acting Daimyo of the Mirumoto)

Well his letter solves some questions but brings up others.

1. The Mirumoto champion is Uso, not Taki.
2. The golden sword is just the katana and not a daisho set.
3. It really did come from the Scorpion. It's golden because it's "...the symbol of the sun and of our united house." Who does the "our" refer to - the Mirumoto or the entire Dragon clan?
4. Controversy time - the golden sword is off limits to the Togashi and the Hitomi. Doesn't say anything about the Agasha (most left to join the Phoenix) or the Kitsuki. Daimyo Sukune was disappointed with Hitomi and the Togashi but was justifiably proud of the Mirumoto who upheld the ideals of bushido.

Promotional Cards in Imperial Herald #12

Legend of the Burning Sands

The City of the Seventh Star

Legends of the Five Rings

Duty of the Magistrate
Action  4 Gold 3 Focus
Limited: Target one of your human Personalities. Until the end of the game, this personality may not be targeted with the Imperial Favor by another player.
My duty is not to a daimyo, nor to the people. It is to the Emperor alone, and only the emperor will I serve.

artist - L.A. Williams


note - this card was accidentally released a few months ahead of schedule, making it one of the rarer promo cards until it's official debut in this issue of the Imperial Herald

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revised May 29, 2000




Legends of the Five Rings CCG and the names of some characters are copyright of the Five Rings Publishing Group and Wizards of the Coast. Artwork is copyright by various artists whom illustrated cards for Wizards of the Coast. Other names, stories and ideas are copyright MountainView. Dragon logo by R. Stier.