Justin Walsh playing The Sacred Temple of
the Phoenix, defeated Vu Nguyen playing The Shadowlands Horde
in the Final.
Personalities affected by GenCon 2000
(Battle of Oblivian's Gate)
Dead: Daidoji Kedamono, Dashmar,
Dengai, Eshru, Heichi Chokei, Hida Tampako, Matsu Morishigi,
Moshi Wakiza, Radakast, Shosuro Taushi, Yoritomo.
Ninja tainted: Agasha Kusabi, Kitsu Toju, Kuni Yasashii,
Shiba Shingo, Yasuki Taka, Yoritomo Yukue.
Shadowlands Tainted: Agasha Tamori,
Asahina Tamoko, Bayushi Hisa, Hanoshi, Hida Tadashiro, Hitomi
Tashima, Hoski Kumonosu, Hoshi Maseru, Iuchi Katta, Komaro, Matsu
Turi, Mirumoto Taki, Moto Yesugai, Shinjo Hanari, Shiba Katsuda,
Soshi Jomyako, Yasuki Nokatsu, Yoritomo Denkyu.

There will be 8 Starter / Tournament boxes:
Crane, Crab, Dragon, Lion, Phoenix, Unicorn, Scorpion and the
The Naga: going to sleep, powerful
in both force and ranged attacks but not popular enough with
the players to save.
Yoritomo's Alliance: defeated by the
Phoenix and driven back to the Mantis Isles. Yoritomo promoted
his adopted son Aramasu to clan champion before he died fighting
the first Goju.
Brotherhood of Shinsei: dispersed throught
the clans, many joined the Shadowlands to rebel against the dissolution
of their clan.
Toturi's Army: Toturi comitted seppuku
to cleanse the shadow from his soul, most of the army died at
Volturnum, the newly named Akodo rejoined the Lion and the remaining
samurai either joined the Wolf Legion or remained ronin.
the Ninja: were named the Akodo by
Hitomi. Once named, they lost their shapeshifting abilities and
were incorporated into the Lion clan under the guidance of Akodo
Hasbro/Wizards of the Coast lost the lawsuit
brought by the U.S. Olympic Committee which "owns"
the rights to five interlocking rings (even though it was an
asian / Japanese symbol way before America ever became a country).
You all know what to say the next time someone asks for donations
to the Olympics.... ;P
New card backs were proposed - see below:

A partial listing of Gold cards except for
personalities can be found here.