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Many Dark Tomorrows

(Story From Season of the Dragon)


Mirumoto Uso was especially careful with the steps he took. This mountain was notorious for its treacherous nature, and it would not do at all for the daimyo of the Mirumoto family to stumble and fall to an ignominious death at such a dangerous time for his clan. Surely his ancestors would see it as a gross negligence of his duty.

Uso stopped for a moment to rest on a ledge. He gazed about him, taking in the glorious splendor of the Dragon lands. Even now, in the midst of such a terrible winter and having faced near starvation, the lands of the Dragon were bold and beautiful. The conflict with the Phoenix was as yet unresolved, and Uso was still uncertain as to whether the Dragon lands could recover from the devastation of the volcano sufficiently to feed his people during the approaching season. The food supplied by Bayushi Paneki's troops would help, but the problem was not solved. And yet, as he looked over the vast expanses of the Dragon lands, he could not help but feel at peace, if only for a moment.

The twists and turns of fate were not for the mortal mind to know, not even his mysterious and enigmatic clan. No, their role in the Empire was to adapt, overcome, and accommodate whatever changes the Fortunes saw fit to give them. It was their duty.

It was the way of the Dragon Clan.

The icy wind cut through Uso like a knife, reminding him that despite the beauty of the lands and the importance of his mission, the elements kept their own council and cared nothing for the affairs of man. Reaching into his kimono to ensure that the scroll that had summoned him halfway across the Dragon lands was in place, the Mirumoto daimyo continued his climb toward the High House of Light, high atop the mountain.

* * *

After several more hours, an exhausted and battered Mirumoto Uso crept painfully over the ledge that marked the summit of the Togashi's mountain. He rose stiffly to his feet, his every joint aching from the tremendous physical exertion. Despite the strange circumstances, he smiled and chuckled quietly to himself. It had been a long time since he had tested himself so completely.

"Welcome, Uso-sama," came a mellow, cheerful voice. Uso looked up to find a young ise zumi smiling down at him warmly from his perch on a nearby boulder. A tattoo of a white serpentine dragon coiled around his arms and chest. "I trust your journey was a pleasant one?"

"It was certainly interesting, I will say that. Pleasant, too, I suppose, but only if one has a very unconventional notion of pleasant."

The monk laughed crisply, his breath billowing out in to the cold winter air. "My sensei told me you had an uncharacteristic sense of humor. You and I will get along famously, I suspect."

"Ah," said Uso uncertainly. "Well, that is most cheerful news, I suppose. Might I inquire as to your sensei's name? Or yours, for that matter?"

The monk leapt easily down from the stone to bow slightly. "I am Togashi Matsuo, student of Togashi Mitsu, and I am to serve as your guide."

Uso returned the bow. "Mitsu," he laughed. "That explains much. I am honored to meet you, Matsuo-san. His brow furrowed slightly. "Did I not hear recent accounts of some strange business in the south involving you and your sensei?"

"Yes," nodded Matsuo. "We fought a giant troll. We turned it into a mountain."

Uso remained silent for a moment. The Togashi had such strange metaphors. "Congratulations," he finally said. "Shall we go inside? I do not share your capacity to tolerate this wind for very long, I fear."

"Certainly, Uso-sama. Please follow me. The others are already here."

Uso looked after the monk questioningly. "What others?"

* * *

The grand hall of the monastery was strangely dark and empty as Matsuo led Uso in. Their footfalls seemed to echo into the distance, going on without end. Uso felt strangely awed by this place, and not for the first time marveled at the men and women who served his clan as the order of ise zumi. ,

Matsuo stopped short and pointed across the vastness of the chamber. "There is the group you seek, Uso-sama." He indicated a small group sitting in a half-circle, deep in meditation. Uso could not make them out at this distance.

"Thank you, Matsuo-san." Uso bowed and strode across the chamber purposefully as the monk withdrew without a sound. In the absolute stillness of the great hall, Uso winced at the thunderous sound of his own footfall. He crossed the distance between himself and the group quickly, eager to see this business concluded, then stopped short and gazed at the remainder of the group in surprise.

"You?" he said, taken aback. "All of you?"

"Of course, Uso-sama," said Tamori Shaitung demurely. "Did you expect you alone had received the summons?" Even in this holy place, Shaitung continued to display a scandalous amount of skin, as was the way of her strange family.

"Too eager to see the one that summoned us to think matters through to their logical conclusion, I presume," came the even, measured tones of Kitsuki Mizuochi, daimyo of the Kitsuki family. "Given the nature of the summons, I would hardly call it an uncommon response."

"Cease your incessant prattling," growled Hitomi Kagetora. "We are to meditate if we wish to see the purpose of our summons revealed. Or have you forgotten the message the scroll contained already? It is good to see you again, Uso-san." The burly monk resumed his meditative pose, as did the others. The look of aggravation on his severe features melted away quickly as serenity enveloped him.

Uso took his place in the circle and joined them, dropping easily into a meditative trance. He wondered at the empty seat to his left, but gave it no thought. If there was to be another participant in this strange meeting, they would arrive in due time.

Minutes stretched into hours, but Uso hardly noticed. The clear, unbridled emptiness of deep meditation washed away his stress and worries, leaving him reinvigorated and prepared for whatever trials might face the Dragon Clan. Was this the sole purpose of the meeting? Had the one who sent for them meant only for them to come together and feel the blissful embrace of the Void?

"Awaken, loyal servants, beloved kinsmen, leaders of the Dragon Clan. Awaken and attend me, for my time in this realm grows ever shorter." The booming voice seemed to come from within Uso's mind rather than the expansive chamber in which he sat. Nevertheless, his eyes snapped open to regard the massive figure that loomed before the group - a figure that was at the same time familiar and sorely missed.

"My lord Hoshi-sama," breathed Uso gratefully, bowing and touching his forehead to the ground in supplication. The rest of the group quickly followed suit, and Uso sensed rather than saw that during his long meditation, someone had indeed taken the empty seat beside him.

Hoshi's serene features softened in to a warm smile. "Rise, brothers and sisters. I have much to tell you, and precious little time in which to do so." Uso did as Hoshi commanded, and saw with great surprise that the figure on his left was none other than Togashi Satsu, Hoshi's son, who had been absent from the Dragon lands for several months on a quest of some sort.

"I have returned to the mortal realm one last time to speak with each of you, the chosen leaders of my father's people, to prepare you for the darkness that threatens to destroy the Empire." Hoshi's face had lost its warmth and cheer. Concern was evident on his face now, and Uso was chilled to the bone by the thought that a threat so potent it confirmed the child of a Kami with such might.

"The Dragon stand at the precipice. Our people stand exhausted by catastrophe and betrayal. If they are not united and focused, their spirits will be broken, and all will be lost."

"Hoshi-sama," interrupted Uso, "once they hear of your return, they will shout the name of their fathers throughout the mountains."

"No," said the great half-dragon. "I will soon leave again, perhaps permanently this time. One of you must take my place as Champion of the Dragon."

The group sat in shocked silence for a long moment, each looking from one to another and back to Hoshi. Finally, Kagetora said "Which of us is it to be, Hoshi-sama?"

Hoshi shook his head once again. "That choice can be made by you alone, my loyal followers. Only you can choose who will lead the clan, and only you can vow to serve that individual with loyalty and honor. Only you can lead your families to follow a new Champion to victory and turn away from the darkness that threatens us all."

"You speak of my father," said Shaitung quietly.

"Your father is the greatest threat we currently face," Hoshi replied. "But he is far from alone. There are many things that could destroy us if we are weak. But if you show strength, if you show wisdom... then the Dragon Clan will survive and prosper. Only you can make that choice."

"Shaitung," Uso said softly. "Can we defeat your father?"

The shugenja was quiet for several moments. "I do not know," she answered. "From what I have learned of the Oracles, their power is extraordinary."

"Then we must seek allies," responded Kitsuki Mizuochi. "We must unite with the other clans to destroy a threat greater than our petty differences."

"Perhaps we could turn the war with the Phoenix into an alliance against the Dark Oracle," said Satsu suddenly. Each member of the group turned to face the muscular young man, even his father. All regarded him with surprise and disbelief at the sentiment he expressed.

"Are you mad?" Uso asked. "The Last Wish has made Shiba Aikune or like a god. He is likely another of the threats Lord Hoshi refers to."

Satsu nodded quietly. "I have seen the power Shiba Aikune wields," the young man answered. "Perhaps we could help him. Without allies to temper his rage, his passion, he could consume the Empire in flames. Is our pride worth more than that? I mean, already we have turned our former enemies in the Lion into allies. Could we do any less for the Phoenix?"

Tamori Shaitung said nothing.

Hoshi nodded, recognizing the wisdom in his son's words. "Such a thing would be a difficult undertaking," he acknowledged. "Perhaps even impossible. But it is a just and noble cause."

"Perhaps the Last Wish could destroy the traitor Tamori," Satsu added, not noticing the pained look in Shaitung's eyes.

"Or Tamori will destroy Aikune and add the Wish's might to his already considerable power," Kitsuki Mizuochi added.

"I know that you will choose wisely," Hoshi said, addressing the group once more. "But all your efforts may be for naught if the Empire is embroiled in war once more. The Four Winds move increasingly further and further apart in their goals, and a divided Empire may not be able to stand against the Shadowlands again."

"Have you foreseen the end, Hoshi-sama?" asked Mizuochi.

Hoshi shook his head. "The end is always near; should we push this catastrophe aside, many dark tomorrows will follow. That is always the way of things; the Dragon's fight will never end."

"That is no reason to stop fighting," Satsu said.

"Exactly," Hoshi said, favoring his son with a small smile. "It is the hand of man that will shape our future. That is why I must leave the Dragon in your hands and take my rightful place among the Heavens, lest in an effort to save the Dragon, I damn them with my wisdom. I will not make the mistake Kaede made."

Uso had never heard Hoshi speak this way. It was as if his human side was struggling to aid his brethren while his divine blood wished to fly free on the winds of Tengoku. "What would you have us do, Hoshi-sama?" Uso asked.

Hoshi looked at each member of the council, fixing them with his powerful, inhuman eyes. "The Dragon must choose the Wind most suited to be Emperor and support them, regardless. Unity is the only thing that can save the Empire. Conflict will lead to the destruction of all that mankind has worked so hard to achieve, and the darkness that my father once feared will come to pass. Before you leave, you must choose which one of you will replace me, who will lead the Dragon Clan."

The ominous statement left the room silent, each lost in thought. As the daimyo looked at the others, each one had the same thought racing through their mind as they considered the words of their lord Hoshi.

Am I strong enough?

None knew the answer with any certainty.

* * * * *

Throughout the history of the Empire, the Dragon have been the most patient of all the clans. They stand beyond the petty disputes of the Empire, watching from afar, gathering wisdom on their path to enlightenment. For many months now, their quest for wisdom has been disrupted.

Driven from their own lands by volcanic eruptions, forced to go to war with their former allies among the Phoenix Clan driven by a need to find food, the Dragon have refused to surrender. Even with the loss of many of their greatest leaders, the Dragon have continued, surviving adversity through determination and courage.

Now Tamori Shaitung has returned with chilling news. Her father, Agasha Tamori, once the mightiest shugenja of the clan, has become the Dark Oracle of Fire. It was by Tamori's design that the Dragon lands were rendered infertile and uninhabitable. It was his thirst for violence and vengeance that has brought about this war.

In the midst of this, Lord Hoshi has returned briefly from his visit to the Celestial Heavens. With him, he has brought great wisdom that may lead to the Dragon's salvation. In addition the Lion, who were once their enemies, now stand beside the Dragon as allies.

The Dragon have seen the darkness within themselves, and they have not turned away. The time for waiting is past. The greatest heroes of the clan now prepare to venture into the caverns beneath the Dragon provinces and destroy Tamori once and for all.

Now is the season of the Dragon. This will be a tale of justice.

The events that will unfold due to the results of the Season of the Dragon depend upon the clan or faction you choose to represent, and their performance relative to the other factions. Though the Dragon Clan is spotlighted in many of these events, all clans will be affected by the outcome of the Season of the Dragon. The events resulting from this tournament affect not only the winning clan, but every clan...

Tamori Shaitung prepares for the final confrontation with her father, the Dark Oracle of Fire. If the Shadowlands wins this conflict, then Agasha Tamori will survive, spelling dire consequences for the Dragon Clan.

Lord Hoshi's return is a good omen for the Dragon Clan, but he also bears a message for one other. The daimyo of the faction with the greatest number of wins in this tournament will be visited by Lord Hoshi before he returns to the heavens.


Season of the Dragon Card




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posted September 25, 2002


Legends of the Five Rings CCG is copyright Alderac Entertainment Group and Wizards of the Coast.
Artwork is copyright by various artists who illustrated for Alderac Entertainment Group or Wizards of the Coast.

Other art work, names, stories and ideas are copyright MountainView. Dragon logo by R. Stier.
Web design by Mirumoto Genji.