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This is the place to be if you want to find out about the Nic. 
Who knows who would want to find out about the Nic.

Well as you could probably tell that Nic is the person that put all this great information about himself and friends together.  If your asking why I did something like this then well I guess you should be told that Nic is someone that likes computers and would get bored and want to put together a website.  So guess what Nic did that he put together a website because he was bored back a few years ago that really never got updated too much because Nic hasn't been too bored with all the things going on in his life which isn't too  much, but keeps him busy.  But he updated and well added this page.  Well here for all you who don't know what the Nic looks like.

Here is what Nic looks like when he's dressed up.

Some say not too shabby.

Seeing the Nic in the above wear is rare indeed.  Why is that you might ask? Well it is because the Nic doesn't dress up too much except for special occasions and interviews.  Yes interviews I'm currently looking in a job to work with computers and/or networks.  I'm at Purdue University for that type of stuff and I dabble with it on my own time too. (If you would like to check out his resume follow this link) 

A few things that you could find the Nic doing in a give evening would be shooting pool, fishing, or probably kicking the hack around.  But before I get to far I should tell you about the pool stick that is in the below picture, it is a 19.5 gram stick with a wooden core and a graphite shell that connects with threaded brass connectors that utilize a washer for added stability.  Back in the day the Nic kicked butt at pool but then didn't play for a while so he starts off pretty bad but usually finishes with a smile.

But as you could probably guess, I haven't shot pool in a long time.  I have been wanting to but just haven't gotten around to it yet. I usually play in the Union on campus but now that I'm 21 I don't know.

I currently reside just off campus but still close enough to ride/walk to class each day.  I am expecting my bachelors in CPT-TNT (Computer Technology - Telecommunication Networking technology, looks pretty long don't it is that why we call it CPT-TNT) in 2003.

