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Bali Photo Page

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Bali - 2002

Afternoon offerings

Bali Aga - Calender printing

Bali Aga - local resident

Bali Aga - The old village

Bali Aga - Villagers' midday nap

Adhi Dharma Hotel - Safety deposit box

Adhi Dharma Hotel - Friendly staff

Chicken wonton soup and spring rolls at the Kita Warung, Jl Bene Sari

Laundry outlet - Jl Bene Sari

Shop vendor enjoying her afternoon meal of bokso (soup with meat balls)

Late morning in Melasti Street (near Garlic Lane)

Mixed grilled breakfast for 12,000 Rp at Enhay Restaurant, Ben Sari 5

Patient craftsmen carving statue on new building site

Posting a letter at the post box in Bene Sari lane

Resky and Andy - Shop owners near the Adhi Dharma Hotel

Shop owner attending small runaway son

Tragia Department store - Jl Diponegero. Good bargains here

Tragia Dept store - Across the road and a 100 metres from the Bali Mall.

Our driver - Wayan Sudi Artha. The fun loving friendly Wayan symbolises the happy go lucky nature of the Balinese people.