Bali - your special islandLanguage BasicsThe rules for grammar are quite simple. Sentences are usually ordered: Subject, Verb, Object. There are no articles, like "a"' or "the". There are no tenses for verbs, as time is indicated by context rather than an inflected form; for instance, words like yesterday (kemarin) and tomorrow (besok) are placed at the beginning of a sentence to indicate time. Questions are usually indicated by question words, but sometimes by raising the pitch of the voice at the end of the sentence. It's also possible to make a question by adding "Kah" to the end of the word which asks the question.
Generally, the last syllable of a word is emphasised.
Here are a few Indonesian words and phrases. Do not try to get engrossed in a conversation unless you feel totally comfortable with the language. Although Indonesian is the "official" language in Bali, the Balinese have their own language which is very difficult to learn.The Balinese won't be doing hand stands when you try and speak Indonesian, but they will understand that at least you are making an attempt to learn the language.The Vowels
a as in cut
e as in set
i as in me
o as in not
u as in you
ai as in bike
au as in now
The consonants are similar to English consonants, but here are a few minor exceptions.
c is "ch" as in cheap eg Candi Dasa is pronounced Chundy Dussa
k is "c,' as in car
g as in give
ng as in sing
h as in help, but with more breath, and it is silent at the end of a
r is always rolled as "rrr"
I / my - saya
you - kamu
he/she - dia
we - kami
they - mereka |
wife - isteri
husband - suami
Mr - bapak or 'pak
Mrs - ibu
Madam - nyonya
girl - perempuan
boy - laki - laki
family - keluarga
Greetings and Civilities
good morning - selamat Pagi
good afternoon (llam-3pm) - selamat siang
good afternoon (after 3pm) - selamat sore
goodnight - selamat malam
sleep well - selamat tidur
goodbye - selamat tinggal(when you are leaving)
goodbye - selamat jalan (when you are staying)
please - silahkan
thank you - terima kasi
welcome - selamat datang
you're welcome - sama sama
sorry - ma'af
excuse me - permisi
beautiful or pretty - indah
love; to love - cinta
who - siapa
when - kapan
where is - dimana ada
where to - kemana
from where - darimana
how - bagaimana
why - mengapa
may I - boleh
How are you - Apa kabar? |
Useful Phrases
I want it - saya mau
I do not want it - saya tidak mau
What is your name - siapa nama
My name is... nama saya...
Useful Words
well - baik baik
good/ very agreeable - bagus
bad -jahat
wrong - salah
yes - ya
no - tidak (in front of verbs - but interchangeable with bukan) no - bukan (in front of nouns) not yet - belum
walk and street/walking - jalan/jalan
village - desa
left - kanan
right - kiri
north - utarasouth - selataneast - timurwest - barat
straight ahead - terus(t'roos)tree - pohon
stop - berhenti or stop
street - jalancar - mobil
motor bike - sepeda motorbicycle - sepedaPetrol or fuel station - pompa bensinhorse and cart - dokar
please wait here - tolong menunggu disini
village - desamarket - pasar
I'll be back in an hour - saya akan kembali satu jam lagi
I'll be back in an hour - saya(I or me) akan(will) kembali(return) sepuluh(10)menit(minute)lagi(later)
all - semua
some - lain
little - sedikit
many - banyak
today (this day) - hari ini
tonight (this night) - malam ini
yesterday - kemarin
tomorrow - besok
day - hari
week - minggu
month - bulan
year - tahun
Monday - hari Senin Tuesday - hari SelasaWednesday - hari ReboThursday - hari KemisFriday - hari JumatSaturday - hari SabtuSunday - hari Minggumorning - pagi afternoon (11:00am - 3:00pm)- siangevening - sorenight - malamseven o'clock - jam tujuhseven thirty - jam (hour) tujuh(7) lewat(past) tigapuluh(30) |
What's this - Apa ini
How much - berapa
money - rupiah
cheap - murah
expensive - mahal
big - besarsmall - kecilshort - pendeklong - panjang
table cloth - taplak meja
watch, clock - arloji/ jam
shoes - sepatu
silver - perak
gold - mas
stone - batu
dresses/skirts - rok
trousers - celana
earrings - anting anting
paintings - lukisan
leather - kulit
wood carvings - ukiran
black - hitam
white - putih
blue - biru
red - merah
green - hijau
brown - coklat
yellow - kuning
purple - ungu
grey - abu-abu
pink - merah mudah
dark - tualight- mudah
food - makam
drink - minum
chicken - ayam
fish - ikan
pork - babi
fruit - buah
rice - nasi
delicious - enak
1 - satu
3 - tiga
4- empat
5 - lima
6 - enam
7- tujuh
8 - delapan
9 - sernbilan
10 - supuluh
11 - sebelas
12 - duabelas
20 - duapuluh
money - uang
100 Rp - seratus rupiah
500 Rp - lima ratus rupiah
1,000 Rp - seribu rupiah
1,400 Rp - seribu empat ratus rupiah
5,556 Rp - lima ribu | lima ratus | lima puluh | enam rupiah
10,000 Rp - sepuluh ribu rupiah
80,000 Rp - delapan puluh ribu rupiah
700,000 Rp - tujuh ratus ribu |
Medical & Health
doctor - doktor
dentist - doktor gigi
pharmacy or chemist - apotik
hospital - rumah sakit
sick - sakit
I need medicine for diarrhoea - saya mencari obat mulas
head - kalapa
stomach - perut
Balinese healer - dukun
air conditioner - pendingin jumlah
bed - tempat tidurhot water - air panasbed sheet - sepretowel - handuktoilet paper - kertas klosetshampoo - syampo | sabun rambut | shampoosoap - sabunantiseptic - antiseptispen - bolpoin pena | alat tunisroom - kamarRoom 248 - dua ratus empatpuluh delipanfood - makan |
Balinese Words and Phrases (spelling maybe wrong)
How are you?- kenken kabari
Fine, thank you - becik becik or luwoong
goodbye - sampai ketemu
no problem - sinkenken
thank you - marku sukmo
I have no more money - singau ngulah pis
decorated bamboo pole - penjoroutrigger boat - prahusmall food stall - warungfamily shrine - sanggahoffering to appease evil spirits - segehanBali Island - pohol dewata
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