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Brandon's Halloween Site Brandon's Halloween Site

Halloween II
Halloween III
Halloween IV
Halloween V
Halloween VI
Halloween VII (H20)
Halloween VIII (Resurrection)

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Themes (MIDI)

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As Laurie walks home from school, the pavement changes from dry to wet.

In the scene where Laurie sees Michael behind a bush, smoke from director John Carpenter's cigarette can be seen blowing through the shot.

When Laurie escapes Lindsay's house at the end, she breaks out a pane of glass in the door to move the rake. The fake glass is easily visible through the light.

When Michael is chasing Laurie at the end, she runs out the back door and to the RIGHT. But, when there is a cut to the front of the house, Laurie comes running from the left side instead.

Palm trees can be seen many times throughout the film. Obviously, palm trees can't grow in Illinois. This happened, though, because it was filmed in California.

When Lynda, Annie, and Laurie are walking home from school, Laurie says the Wallace's house is 3 houses down from the Doyle's. In the film, though, the houses are actually shown across the street from each other.

When Laurie turns around right before she runs into Brackett, the bush behind her changes between the cuts. It goes from being untrimmed to perfectly trimmed between the two angles.

Annie calls Laurie and tells her that she'll pick her up at 6:00. However, when she picks Laurie up it's still daylight when it should be dark at that time of year.

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