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Brandon's Halloween Site Brandon's Halloween Site

Halloween II
Halloween III
Halloween IV
Halloween V
Halloween VI
Halloween VII (H20)
Halloween VIII (Resurrection)

Movie Clips
Themes (MIDI)

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When Ben Tramer is hit by the police car, his body falls forward. In the next scene, he is standing straight up.

The police claim the Myers house is at "45 Lampkin Lane." The address on the front porch clearly displays the number 709.

When Jimmy finds Mrs. Alves on the gurney bleeding all over the floor, he turns to run out the door to get help and slips on the blood and knocks himself out when his head hits the floor. Later when Laurie is hiding in Jimmy's car, he gets in and the back of his shirt is not a bloody mess at all.

Michael Myers back walks up a ramp when he falls from the balcony in the beginning.

In halloween, Michael Myers falls off the balcony in the backyard. In the beginning of halloween 2, however, the fall takes place in the front yard.

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