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Brandon's Halloween Site Brandon's Halloween Site

Halloween II
Halloween III
Halloween IV
Halloween V
Halloween VI
Halloween VII (H20)
Halloween VIII (Resurrection)

Movie Clips
Themes (MIDI)

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While Michael is chasing Tina and Jamie in the car, Michael's position changes from the passenger seat to the driver seat several times.

The Myers' house appears to be a huge blue mansion, although the house appeared smaller in the other films.

At the end of Halloween 4, Rachel tells Jamie to "Stay right here, in the truck." In the beginning of Halloween 5, she simply tells Jamie "I want you to stay in the car."

When Jamie hides in the hamper, there is a door to the left of it. When she falls down and after Michael starts beating the hamper with his knife, as jamie gets out. On the left, you can see the door is gone.

When Jamie is at the old Myers place she hides in the coffin - she also noticed Rachel dead in a chair, but when Michael goes beserk and Jamie takes off, running past the chair that rachel was in, her body is gone.

When Mikey was waxing his car, you can see a stage light in the reflection of the car.

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