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Brandon's Halloween Site Brandon's Halloween Site

Halloween II
Halloween III
Halloween IV
Halloween V
Halloween VI
Halloween VII (H20)
Halloween VIII (Resurrection)

Movie Clips
Themes (MIDI)

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Jamie should only be 15 years old, but appears to be in her 20's.

When Tommy is on the phone with Barry Simms, he holds the phone and types on his keyboard with his right hand.

Tommy plays back the recording of Jamie's call from the bus depot and hears announcements being made in the background, that is how he knows she was at the depot. Since The employee was gone who made the annoucements.

Dr. Loomis seems to make the trip from Haddonfield to Smith's Grove (150 miles apart) in record time.

[Pictures] | [Script] | [Soundtrack] | [Goof-Ups] | [Producer's Cut]

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