A solo, play-as-you-read, wargame of Ancient Greek Hoplite warfare. Join the ranks of the Cities Phalanx as a Hoplite in the first rank as war breaks out with Sparta. The Spartan Phalanx has moved into your homeland and is awaiting you on the Plain of Agora. Years of Athletics and Martial training has prepared you for combat, and Now your Family has given you the money to buy your Hoplite Armour so you can join their ranks. As you read, you will be asked to roll a six sided die (1D6) or simply click on your choices and hope to live to enjoy the spoils of War!

You have been given 100 gold pieces from your family. You must spend this on both your physical needs and your equipment. So you might want to grab a calculator or jot that number down on a piece of paper. Make notes of the amounts as you spend them. Keep track of what you buy so you can add or subtract modifiers where called for. Now, young Greek warrior. Lets go to theGymnasium and see what you are made of!

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