Okay. You may give yourself a name if you wish. Just note it down on a scratch piece of paper along with the things you buy for yourself. Every Greek, wether poor or rich, partook of the Gymnasium. It was a meeting place and a sports hall. One practiced for war, and for friendly competition. So you as warrior material, are fit, but all men are not created equal. Everything from here on out will cost you Gold (GP), so open your purse strings and spend wisely.


Short = 1 GP. 5 foot 4 inches.

Average = 2 GP's. 5 foot 6 inches.

Tall = 3 GP's. 5 foot 8 inches.


Slender = 1 GP.

Average = 2 GP.

Big = 3 GP.


Slow = 1 GP.

Average = 2 GP.

Fast = 3 GP.

Good, now we are ready to buy the Hoplites Panoply. The one thing that seperated the Greek Soldiers from all others, was their close formation, and armour. Of course, the traditional Bronze Armour was Heavy, Hot and Expensive, so many men cut corners where they could. Lighter weight means less cost and greater speed. It also means less protection from spear and sword. Lets head down to the Merchant Quarter of the city and buy what you need.