+/- 1 any rolls as you see fit if you bought "Tall" and "Big"

6 = THUMP! Nice shot, glanced off the man's shield and right into the ground! The Spartan is quick and he has stomped on the shaft CRACK! It has shattered.

5 = SMACK! right into the mans shield and stuck fast. A sharp downward jerk of the man's shield and the spear Shatters with a loud CRACK!

3 = CLANG! The spear glances of the bronze rim of the Spartan's shield and misses his groin and legs.

4 = SLITT!!! The spear point misses the groin but slices the mans inner thigh. Unfortunately, though bleeding profusely and in pain, he can still fight.

1 = CRACK!!! The sound of the man's leg bone shattering as the Spearpoint burst through the greaves and leg! The man falls to the ground and you Stomp his head with your feet before sticking your spears buttspike into his throat, killing him.

2 = SMPOOMPH!! It is a sickening almost quiet sound, as the spear finds its mark and buries into the man's groin. The wide blade gashing open the lower entrails which spill out in an ooze of warm blood. He howls and drops everything as he falls to the ground like a stone.

Now you must check the ATTACKERS ACTIONS since they are simultaneous. You may actually kill eachother!

If attacking with a Sword.

1-4 = CLANG! The sword glances off the shield of the man.

5 = SMACK! The sword chops a chunk of meat out of the man's leg. roll 1D6. On a 6 the man falls to the ground and you can cleave his head in two with your sword.

6 = THUNK! Right into the Family jewels. What a mess. The man grabs his bloody gonads in agony as he falls and dies.

Now you must check the ATTACKERS ACTIONS since they are simultaneous. You may actually kill eachother!

If attacking with feet and knees.

1-4 = You kick only the lower part of his shield.

5 = You kick his shin and knock him off balance. Roll 1D6. On a 6 you jump onto him and twist his chin so its snaps his neck. On a 5 you jump on him and strangle him. On a 4 The guy behind you spears him while he was looking your way, and he dies.

6 = You knock his shield out of the way and Knee him in the Family Jewels. He drops in pain. You twist his chin with such force it snaps his neck.

Now you must check the ATTACKERS ACTIONS since they are simultaneous. You may actually kill eachother!