He will either kill you or he won't. These actions are from the initial charge and from each and every round of CLOSE COMBAT that follows til the game is over. If the man you are fighting has a spear he will use that. If that was broken he will use his sword, if that is bent he will try to box or wrestle you to the ground and stomp out your brains.

If you are "short" and "slender" then +1 to all rolls.

Roll 1D6 to determine a HEAD shot or a GROIN shot. 1-3 = HEAD, 4-6 = GROIN.

HEAD SHOT (with spear)

Roll 1D6

-1 if you are wearing a Corinthian helmet or Bronze Cuirass.

+1 If you had too much to drink before the battle.

1 = Complete miss.

2 = Glances off your shield and helmet.

3 = Embeds in your shield and you can Smash his spear, Roll 1D6 and on a 4-6 you do this.

4 = Pops your helmet so hard it spins to the side, blocking your vision til you adjust it. While blinded roll a 1D6. On a 5-6 the Spartan has taken advantage of your predicament to plunge the spear into your throat!

5 = The Spear plunges through your shield rim and into your chest. On a 1D6 roll of 3-6 it kills you. Otherwise it only penetrated enough to hurt you.

6 = The spear splits your ugly mug in two and you fall to the ground like granite!

HEAD SHOT (with Sword)

-1 for Corinthian helmet or Bronze Cuirass.

+1 if you drank too much before the battle.

1 - 3 = no substantial damage, the sword clangs off armor or misses completely.

4 = The sword bites into the shield and is momentarily lodged. If you act quick you can bend it. Roll 1D6 and on 4-6 you do this.

5 = The sword hacks into your shoulder. Roll 1D6 and on a 3-6 it cleaves your shoulder and arm away from your body and you die a slow agonizing death unless one of the Spartans is merciful enough to stick a blade in your throat.

6 = The sword buries into your head and cleaves your skull in two. You die and fall like a stone.

HEAD SHOT (with hands, feet and teeth)

1-5 = just hurt his hands or feet trying to punch and kick you.

6 = He manages to punch your helmet and spin it around so you are blind. Roll 1D6 on a 3-6 he is able to wrestle you to the ground and stomp your brains out!


GROIN SHOT (with Spear)

-1 if wearing Linen cuirass with low hanging flaps

+1 if you drank too much before the battle.

1 = His spear hits the ground and if you act quick enough you can step on it and break it. roll 1D6, on a 4-6 you do it.

2-3 = He totally misses your legs, groin and everything else.

4 = His spear gouges a little bit of your leg, but it is not serious, if you act quickly you can slam down with your shield and chop his spear in two. Roll 1D6. On 4-6 you manage it.

5 = The spear hits your leg with such impact it breaks the bone. You fall to the ground screaming and are killed with a buttspike to the throat.

6 = The spear thrust into your family jewels and you see them fall to the ground in a bloody heap. It is the last thing you see as you keel over dead.

GROIN SHOT (with Sword)

This has to be a thrusting action, so it is weak move since these swords were made for hacking.

1-5 = nothing serious happens.

6 = Ouch! The point slices off your family jewels and you die with a look of surprise.

GROIN SHOT (with feet)

1-4 = He can't get past your Shield to kick you in the legs or Groin.

5 = He is able to kick at your ankle and sweep a foot out from under you. You tumble down. Roll 1D6. On a 6 he is able to stomp out your brains. On a 5 the guy behind him spears you in the throat.

6 = He manages to knee you in the groin. You double over and he throws you the ground where he kicks your helmet off and stomps you brains out.


If this is the end of the initial Charge, go to CLOSE COMBAT.

If this is the end of a round of CLOSE COMBAT go back to CLOSE COMBAT and fight again.

If this is the end of the 5th round of CLOSE COMBAT go to STATUS OF THE BATTLE. and see if your side is winning or loosing.