+/- 1 as you see fit if you have bought "Tall" and "Big" earlier.

1 = A total miss, your spear slices past the man in the front rank and glances off the face of the man running behind him.

2 = CRACK! your spear has splintered by hitting the man's shield!

6 = PPOONNFF! The spear has punched through the man's Shield but is now hopelessly lodged. The Spartan sharply snaps the shield down and CRACK! Shatters your spear.

5 = SPLAT! The Spartan in front jerked his head out of the way, but the man running behind him was not so quick. Your Spearpoint has Split his face in two at the nose! He drops like a stone.

3 = KRAAATTT! Your spear point has gouged the mans armour and sliced a sliver of meat from a shoulder. Blood flows freely and the man is in obvious pain, but he can still fight.

4 = SPLOOOTTT!!! Oooh! The Spear has found its mark and the Spartan wasn't quick enough with his head. The helmet caves in like an old tin can, and blood, bits of bone and goo splatter back on you and the men around you.

Now you must check the ATTACKERS ACTIONS as all combat is simultaneous and it is possible for the both of you to kill eachother.

If attacking with Sword.

1-3 = CLANG! Miss as the blade glances off shield or armor.

4 = SMACK! Right into the shield where it embeds. Roll 1D6 and on a 4-5 he jerks the shield and bends your sword.

5 = THUMP! You hit him in the shoulder. Roll 1D6 and on a 4-5 it cleaves his shoulder and arm away from his body leaving him to die in a bloody pool.

6 = THUD! The blade buries into his head, cleaving it in two and half of it slides off exposing a gooey brain mass and eyeballs and teeth.

Now you must check the ATTACKERS ACTIONS as all combat is simultaneous and it is possible for the both of you to kill eachother.

If attacking with Punches or wrestling moves, etc.

1-4 = You simply can't get by the man's shield.

5 = You jump on the man in an attempt to strangle him. Roll 1D6. On a 6 you do so, otherwise he smashes his shield into your belly knocking you away.

6 = You hit the man's head so hard his helmet spins over blinding him. Roll 1D6. on a 4-6 you are able to jump on him and twist his chin to break his neck.

Now you must check the ATTACKERS ACTIONS as all combat is simultaneous and it is possible for the both of you to kill eachother.