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Corregidor Island Adventure - Bataan
Dec 6, 2002
Inside the ferry boat. It's a one and a half cruise from Manila to the island which is also know as the "Rock" bec. of its huge limestone formation.   Upon reaching the tadpole-shaped island, we rode a bus which resembles the train that was used in 1942 by the Americans.
This is one of the artillaries on the island. This was our first stop.   The Battery Crocket is one of the six disappearing gun batteries which encircled the island.
Mile Long Barracks is a creepy site because you'd see how the Japanese attacked the island. The Pacific War Memorial was built in 1968. Itis the main attraction on Topside.
The whole gang... Jannet, Aleli, Len, Me, Che and Esbie. Behind us is the Pacific Ocean.   Even though we are so tired in this picture (imagine a straight 6 hr tour on the island) it was an educational experience for me. Behind us is the Spanish Lilghthouse