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Calling all students for Noromo Studies at
the X-Files University...

If you really are a die-hard Noromo, this is for you. If you'd like some formal (?) recognition of it, welcome to Heaven!

The X-Files University ( is an online "university" for X-Philes, basically an excuse to be acknowledged for all your knowledge about X-F. There are heaps of different schools concentrating on different aspects of the show - School of Dana Scully, Fox Mulder, Lone Gunmen, etc. There's a School of Fanfic, a School of Filks. Each school has a Department Head and/or Dean, I forget. It's pretty confusing!

But I digress. The best School of all, is of course the school of Noromo Studies (! Reade, who runs LOON and also happens to run the School of Filks, is the Dean / Department Head here.

There is a School of Shipper Studies, which a number of people have written thesis' in. (You must write 3 thesis' in total to gain your X-Ph.D in any study.) You should read some of the stuff they write. Actually, I take it back. You shouldn't. It's scary!

There is no one, however, who has gained their X-Ph.D in Noromo Studies, which is a real shame. It's not that hard, and it is a pretty cool thing to be ale to say you've done. I'm having a go at it myself, with any luck I'll be the first graduate. Here's hoping...

I recently submitted my first thesis to Reade for my BSc, which was accepted. It's called "Does UST Exist? (And Why It Matters)". Lemme know what you think and then get some thesis writin' action of your own!

NOROMO VALUES by Brianna L ( Let me know if something looks wrong, or if you have comments, critisism, praise, suggestions.
Not in frames but table-heavy so Netscapers, tread lightly. Sitemap, disclaimer.
Spoiler free for Australian teev. Lawyers and Shippers, fuck off, everyone else, enjoy.
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