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Love is
being happy for the other person
when they are happy
being sad for the person
when they are sad
being together in good times
and being together in bad times
Love is the source of strength
Love is
being honest with yourself at all times
being honest with the other person at all times
telling, listening, respecting the truth
and never pretending
Love is the source of reality
Love is
an understanding so complete that
you feel as if you are a part
of the other person
accepting the other person
just the way they are
and not trying to change them
to be something else
Love is the source of unity
Love is
the freedom to pursue your own desires
while sharing your experiences
with the other person
the growth of one individual alongside of
and together with the growth
of another individual
Love is the source of success
Love is
the excitement of planning things together
the excitement of doing things together
Love is the source of the future
Love is
the fury of the storm
the calm in the rainbow
Love is the source of passion
Love is
giving and taking in a daily situation
being patient with each other's
needs and desires
Love is the source of sharing
Love is
knowing that the other person
will always be with you
regardless of what happens
missing the other person when they are away
but remaining near in heart at all times
Love is the source of security
Love is the source of life
Susan Polis Schutz

The Art of Kissing

Butterfly Kiss
A great kiss for after lovemaking romance or just as a cute I love you! Lean over to your lover's check and flutter your eyelashes on them. Vary your flutters for a more intimate experience.
Neck Kiss
Give your love light and tender kisses on the neck and up to the ear. Then give more passionate kisses almost like you were french kissing. Some people enjoy a little tongue and/or light nibbling. Make sure your love is enjoying it and be careful not to give a hickey though!
Passionate Kiss
Use your kisses as a form of expression to show how much you care. Caress their lips, not just going for the full on tongue action, just slowly caress their lips with yours. For added effect look into their eyes while you're caressing their lips.
Eye Kiss
Before you kiss your mate, put your hands on the side of their face, look into their eyes and say I love you. Then have them shut their eyes and gently kiss them on the closed eyelids. For added effect kiss them across the forehead, checks and stopping to gently, linger at the lips.
Full Body Kiss
Start by kissing their forehead. Then move on to their eyelids, cheeks, ears, lips, chin, neck, chest, and spend extra time on their stomach. Do this slowly and kiss all the way down to their feet. Then go back up until you meet their lips again.
Candy Kiss
Try sharing a piece of candy when you're kissing. Lifesavers, peppermints, jolly ranchers... any type of hard candy. It can be fun and interesting. Also try chewing gum. Have fun and be creative.
Tongue Kiss
Tell your love to stick out their tongue and suck on it, and gently nibble. Don't bite into it, just lightly scrape it with your teeth. It can be very seductive.

The Lovers Of The Heart

Statement of Love: The Kiss.

1. Kiss on the hand: I adore you

2. Kiss on the cheek: I just want to be friends

3. Kiss on the neck: I want you

4. Kiss on the lips: I love you

5. Kiss on the ears: I'm just playing

6. Kiss anywhere else: Let's not get carried away

7. Look in your eyes: Kiss me

8. Playing with your hair: I can't live without you

9. Hand on your waist: I love you too much to let you go

The Three Steps

1. Girls: If a guy gets fresh with you, slap him.

2. Guys: If any girl slaps you, kiss her.

3. Guys & Girls: Close your eyes when kissing, it's rude to stare.

The Commandments

Thou shall not squeez to hard, a hug should feel comforting.
Thou shall not ask for a kiss, just give one or take one.
Thou shall love thy boyfriend/girlfriend as much as thyself.
Thou shall always tell the truth.
Thou shall never be envious of what thy boyfriend/girlfriend possesses.
Thou shall never hurt the other intentionally.
Thou shall never take for granted what they have.
Thou shall always be there in times of joy and sorrow.
Thou shall always do thy best to make the other feel special.
Thou shall always say how thy feels, but most of all "i love you".

Ways to Kiss Your Love

1. Ice Kiss Celebrate the first day of winter with an ice kiss. Put an ice cube in your mouth until your mouth becomes cold. Remove the cube, track down your love and plant a kiss that will send chills.

2. Toe Kiss Prepare a foot bath for your love at the end of a long day. After the good soak, you towel dry his or her feet, give a massage and seal each toe with a kiss.

3. Pink Panther Kiss Humming the Pink Panther theme, prowl toward your partner. On the high note, pounce and pucker. Suggestion: wear only pink!

4. Palm Kiss Holding your love's face with your palms, smile and deliver a sweet kiss to his or her lips.

5. Strawberry Kiss Hold a fresh, juicy strawberry between your lips. Beckon your love to kiss it away.

6. Noodle Kiss Go out for a romantic Italian dinner. Make sure one of you orders something with long noodles. When the time is right, each take an end of a noodle and draw it to your mouths until your lips meet for a kiss.

7. Flinstone Kiss Playfully decide to call each other Fred and Wilma today. After you kiss your love holler, "Yaba dada do!"

8. Instant Reply Kiss After a great kiss, tell your love you want an instant reply.

9. The Three N's Kiss Kiss your love on the naval, then the neck, and conclude with a cute nose kiss.

10. Earlobe Kiss Sneak up on your love from behind and put your arms around his or her waist. Nibble on his or her earlobe.

11. Flower Kiss Have a single flower for your love when he or she gets home. Present it while telling your love how very special he or she is. Finish with a loving kiss.

12. Scarf Kiss Lasso your love with your scarf and round him or her up for a kiss.

13. Card Kiss Mail a romantic card to your love and seal it with a kiss.

14. Hair Combing Kiss Run your fingers through any and all hair on your love's head during a kiss.

15. The Three E's Kiss Choose any order, but kiss each of your love's ears, eyes and elbows.

16. Full Moon Kiss A full moon is very romantic. Take your love someplace where the two of you can smooch by moonlight.

17. Ice Cream Kiss Share an ice cream cone with simultaneous licking. If tongue movements and closeness don't get the two of you kissing, think of how cold and wonderful your love's mouth tastes and go in for a smooch.

18. Coffee Kiss Serve coffer to your love, then ask, "Will that be one kiss or two?"

19. Grape Kiss Feed each other grapes. Put one between your lips and signal your love to come and get it.

20. Kiss A L'Orange In conjunction with your fresh-squeezed morning orange juice, have two orange quarters cut. Each of you place an orange quarter in you mouth, peel side showing, and kiss.

21. Parking Kiss With your love in your car, find a romantic place to park and neck.

22. Nail Kisses Softly kiss each fingernail on your love's hand. If your love enjoyed it, continue down to the toenails.

23. Cookie KissAfter your love has just each a freshly baked cookie, kiss him or her softly.

24. Tackle Kiss Tackle and wrestle your love onto the couch or bed. When your love is pinned down, plant him or her a big ol' kiss.

25. Dessert Kiss Find a place that serves your love's favorite dessert. During dessert, feed each other and agree to kiss between bites.

Ngo^n Ngu*~ Cu~a Loa`i Hoa

Te^n Ca'c Loa`i Hoa

Beauty of a Woman

Rules for Men

Tips for Guys

Tips for Girls



Types of Love

Ritual of Love

Symptoms of Love

Thu? DDoa.n Cua Ga'i

Ca'ch Tu*` Cho^'i