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Journal Archives for December 2002

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31 Dec 2002

It's the end of 2002. My favorite journaler, Lucy Huntzinger has called it quits now, so I'm really missing it. I only discovered her in October, so I kind of wish she'd gone on a while longer. But life is about beginnings and endings, so I'll begin as she ends. Okay, from waxing philosophic to venting, you can now check out the newest section of the site, the essays! My first, against censoring, is here, so check it out, and tell me what you think. Working on getting some Patty Loveless lyrics up--those'll be on soon I hope (adding lyrics isn't horrendously fun...we'll see if this continues). I'm also thinking of getting some HTML software--I keep finding little errors here and there that are getting kind of annoying. I want this site to be something, but it's kind of hard with so many broken links, typos, and blunders. But life goes on...
Also want to wish you all a feliz año nuevo. Hopefully 2002 was good for you and 2003 will be better! May you find all you need. Until the next year, adieu!

29 Dec 2002

Added more Mary Chapin Carpenter lyrics, bring the G.S.T. to 62!
I wonder if emailing Aurora was the right move. Now she knows I've been reading it. I wonder if that makes me pathetic. Maybe less pathetic than reading it without her knowledge, but pathetic nonetheless. I mean, even though it is on the net, it still feels as if I'm going through something she hides under her bed; something she doesn't want me reading. She could ask, I suppose, and I would stop, but even makes me wonder if I'm just a total loser. This scared me, because the kind of man I want to be in the real world is far from the man I seem to be now. Maybe I'll mature in a few years--God I hope I mature in a few years. It's no fun being a naïve, immature, idiot. I thought I'd be so much smarter now, but I spend so much of my time wondering what others think of me, and if I made a huge faux pas somewhere. I shouldn't be worrying about this shit at all, but I do. Well, we'll see who I am at commencement--hopefully I'll be a stronger, more respectable man at that time.

26 Dec 2002

Well, the radar detector works. It chirps in front of the post office, Wal-Mart, and about any other place that has auto-open doors. It doesn't chirp too often, but it's not actually that useful in town, because I don't really speed in town, and the "BZZZ"s can get shocking. So, it's off until I start communting to Reno again, so I don't have deal with it. But whenever I go on the highway, I know I'll be protected against our friends in blue.
Added Mary Chapin Carpenter lyrics, which brings the grand song total to 49! Hope you enjoy.

25 Dec 2002

Merry Christmas to all! Got some great stuff, and everyone seems happy! I hope you got you want (if not, Radio Shack has the "Get yourself what Santa forgot" sale)
Got my Dad the cool "Band of Brothers" DVD set-which he loves-and I got the "Porky's" DVD from my sister-incredible! The tree still looks great-I am so in the Christmas spirit-I hope you're fortunate to feel that way as well!
Well, Aurora emailed me back, thanking me and wishing me happy holidays, so I guess she was cool about it... Also got the radar detector, which I know works thanks to the auto-open doors at Target (yippie). So now I don't have to feel as worried travelling between Reno and Carson--we'll see how that goes. But it looks cool in my car, and I feel very upscale--it is the top of the line radar detector.
Also want to thank the people at TLC for airing a bunch of great episodes of "Trading Spaces," although I don't need to catch another for awhile. Did get in a great "Law & Order" as well, so I got all the good TV I could stand today. But most importantly, got to spend a lot of good time with my family, around good food and fabulous desserts. So, happy holidays to all, and hope you have a great new year!

24 Dec 2002

Went on a music downloading binge tonight, and on my 56K modem got 10 songs. Some real gems, some so-so, a couple mislabelled, but it's all good.
The car wash was pretty bad today--non-stop cars and no chance to eat my lunch (took over an hour to get down fries and a burger), nor to read my novel. Think I got a paragraph in total. But I did get my Christmas bonus--yay!! Combined with my paycheck was enough to put in the bank and cover all the checks I've written lately. Whew.
Kind of gave the cold shoulder to Dad tonight in response to his Coke-drinking comments last night, feel kind of bad doing that on Christmas Eve, but his jokes just weren't funny last night. Probably just have a huge stick up my ass, but I'll be all smiles to him tomorrow. I just didn't want to put up with him and his complaining tonight. Sorry, Dad!
Didn't add any lyrics tonight; putting in whole CDs isn't too fun. Maybe tomorrow, we'll see. Might try finding some obscure albums in my parents' record collection and, if they have the lyrics, putting those on. I know thirty million websites offer all the latest lyrics, so I'm hoping to get the more obscure ones, and eventually all lyrics, de-emphasizing the likes of Eminem, et al.
Also emailed Aurora with a comment about her journal; hope she won't be upset that I'm able to read it...we'll see how that goes... Same with Fiona: she just emailed me saying sorry about her journal-I'm not quite sure what to read about her and what she thinks of me. Hmmm. C'est la vie. Well, there's Leno tonight and presents tomorrow--I know at least I'm getting a good radar detector, so now commuting between Carson and Reno at my standard velocities won't be quite as dangerous in the financial/DMV-points-systems departments. And I'm in the Christmas spirit. I'm feeling especially elated at the abscence of Christmas music CDs this year--only two (one in September, one today--yeah, it'll get here in time for the holiday), although they've mysteriously been replaced with ads for those pasta pots with the holes in the lids for draining the water--there are three by my count. I didn't know there was such a large market for these things--it's odd, kind of like this entry. So I'll call it quits--sayonara.

22 Dec 2002

Added Kathy Mattea lyrics; the grand total is now 37! Also deleted the link below; had my fun with it, so I deleted it (it was a HUGE image).
Well, there's a "Law & Order" marathon on tonight on TNT until 4 this morning. Of course, it's all the old episodes, from like the first three seasons. They're all sort of dark, which is weird. It's also weird seeing the old detectives and lawyers. But they're episodes I've never seen, so that's cool.
Also going to work! The weather from yesterday through Wednesday ought to be at least partly cloudy, meaning we're going to be washing thousands of cars in the coming days. At least I didn't have to work today, on the weekend. I do get to work tomorrow morning, when it'll be cold, so that ought to keep it from being too busy (yeah, right!) Hopefully I'll get a chance to read the new Ken Follet novel I bought, "Jackdaws". So far, it's been a page-turner, but the damn cars keep coming and interrupting me! Okay, I'm rambling-ciao

20 Dec 2002

The site is progressing! You can now go to the lyrics by title or by artist, although the selection is still somewhat limited at 27 songs, from three artists. This will be changing over the coming weeks, as I try to add at least one CD per day. That'll be 30 CDs by the time school starts back up! Today was also a red-letter day for me; but I don't think you should know about it. Hung out at Mom's work for awhile--no one's buying used cars these days, though, so we didn't have to worry about customers. Also saw Andrea, and gave her her birthday/Christmas gift-"Home: Limited Re-Release" by the Dixie Chicks. I'm pretty sure she liked it

Also go to my Page of American (Arch)Dioceses. It's my first image map, and you can click in a particular area and go to that diocese's website. Only five are linked; I didn't want to go through every single one, especially since I'm not even Catholic. I just thought it was cool to try out, given that I'm just now learning HTML! Okay, it's 2:30am on the 21st, and I'm going to bed.

P.S.-Please pray to the weather gods to give us a couple days of sunshine so I can earn some money, then come in full force for a few days, then sun, then snow, etc. It'd be nice to have some money!! ;-)

19 Dec 2002

School is so over! I'm out of the dorms, having trekked up to my dorm so many times I got an aerobic workout. I say "trekked" because my room is on the third floor of a dorm that doesn't have an elevator. After the fourth trip, it felt like much more! Got everything out of the room except the fridge and TV, which should be fine over the break. I don't get to go back for a month, so hopefully I didn't forget anything!
Also got to go partying! Went to Chels' house and tried 7&7s, which I found quite to my liking. Managed to get a nice buzz, get drunk, but not puke or be hungover the next day. Once again (for like the second time in a row!) I didn't have to suffer through a hangover. Not that I'm looking forward to one! We didn't do much at Chels', but did get to rent an interesting video (I can't discuss here--sorry!), and started "Ocean's 11" before crashing at 1:30. I got up two hours later and very carefully drove back to my dorm. For some reason, it's decided to actually give us a nice, snowy Christmas, complete with icy streets and shitty visibility. Twice I slipped on the short one mile drive back home--thank god for ABS.
So now I'm back in my parents', waiting out the month. The Weather Channel predicts that it will be storming/snowing/extremely windy through Saturday, which probably means I won't get to go to work (I cashier at a car wash), so the big-ass paycheck I was hoping for for Christmas gifts isn't going to materialize. I think I have enough cash in savings, but I'd like not to spend that--I need it for France.
Well, Leno's on, so hasta el próximo.

17 Dec 2002

Okay, so I lied. Today is actually my last day of school. I have one final, but I've already done it, so I just have to show up. It's a 4:30 this afternoon, running till 6:30. That means I can't go out partying until later than I wanted. Not that I can go partying, since I don't, well, you know. Anyway, I just woke up, and the day's already half over. So I'll see you later

16 Dec 2002

Well, it's the last day of school for me. Finals are over!! Accounting 201, WT 202, and Stats 261 are no more. Of course, there's Accounting 202, WT 203, and Stats 262 next semester, but I don't have to worry about that until January 21st. Until then, I am free!

It's already the 16th of December, meaning Christmas is right around the corner. It's kind of scary to think how yet another year has gone by. This time last year, I was finishing up my first semester, getting a 3.9 and relishing it. This semester hasn't gone quite as smoothly, but I'll do okay. Just have to get a 3.5 to keep the scholarship money coming in.

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