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Journal Archives for January 2003

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27 Jan 2003

"Tired" is today's theme. Woke up, after hitting the snooze twice, and barely got to work by eight. Not that I needed to; I could've stayed in Reno, as it was cloudy and they didn't need me at the car wash. Of course, I left my cell phone in Carson, so Janet had no way of telling me. Spent four hours there, sorta snoozing, before going home for about an hour, snoozing to "Law & Order". Zoomed back up to Reno in time for physics, which put me right back to sleep. So I came back and took a nap before doing my accounting homework. I can already tell this class is going to kill me. But despite the eighty degree weather inside AB106, I managed to stay awake. Now it's a quarter to nine, and I'm ready to crash. Probably ought to do my homework before "Crossing Jordan" starts, though, so bedtime will have to wait. Maybe I should rethink my sleep schedule. Also reworked the lyrics, so as to be more efficient (when I get around to adding new ones).

26 Jan 2003

"Closing Time" by Semisonic is currently playing on my RealOne. It's very fitting at this point in time, linking itself beautifully with both the recent loss of the Raiders and the noticeable increase in my personal alcohol consumption. And given that my night is effectively over (all that awaits me are "Law & Order: CI" and homework), it also speaks to my current state of mind. Especially the "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." It's just so poignant right now! But getting off the song (it's coming to a close now!) I must say it's been a workaholic weekend. Drove down Friday morning in amazing fog, which didn't burn off until around 10:30! Worked Friday morning, then drove back for Physics, which was even more boring. I'm wishing I'd just taken the test to get credit for it. I like physics, and that's why I didn't even think of trying to get out of it, but this guy's going to bring the whole subject down immeasurably for me. Shiznit, you know? Then drove back down and hung out with the folks. Rose early Saturday for my nine hour blintz at the car wash. At least it augments the paycheck. Spent the night again, not only for the easy evening of pizza, beer, and television, but also for the delicious sticky buns Mom cooked this morning. Even got in a couple episodes of "Ground Force" (which must now suffice itself as my weekly allotment) and busted my ass up to Reno for my 10:30 meeting. Went very quickly, very fun. Hung out when I should've been doing homework, then went to Chalissa's for Super Bowl. Jenny G and Shar were there, and we had a grand time of beer, pizza, and television (god, anyone sensing some deja vu?). We did have to go to Dairy Queen during halftime though, so in the end we had a great evening. I even managed to remember to bring home my DVDs, which have been in her house for over a month now, twice forgotten before. So, now that I've shared my joy of the weekend (and it has been an overall positive experience, despite the relentless fretting on Saturday). Hope this week'll follow suit. It'd better, because I really don't want to have to deal with more stress. Hope your weekend was as good. "Time for you to go out to the places you will be from..."

22 Jan 2003

So now I'll tell you about the 22d. It was much, much easier on me. I did wake up at 7, and managed somehow to get to work by eight. But I'll be going to bed straight after Leno, which hasn't happened in awhile. Got back in plenty of time for physics, which should be educational, but the prof is from Germany, and wants to share with us all his interests. Could get a bit boring, unless he delves into linguistics ;-). Came back to the dorm afterward, but didn't nap like I should have. Went to accounting, back in the eighty-degree sauna they call AB106. Sat with Wilcks and his friends whom I kind of know, and waved to two Deltasigs who are also in the class. Now I know where to go if I need help. Relaxed the rest of the evening. The only downer was a slight incident at dinner, when I bumped into Fiona, but just said 'Hi.' She was with three friends, so I didn't want to interrupt by joining them, ending up sitting by myself. I hope she realizes that--I'm sure she does. But now Jon Stewart is almost over, so I need to brush my teeth and fall asleep to The Tonight Show.
A couple of addenda. One: I replaced the head banner, putting up this much cooler pic I took the other day. Two: The Patty Loveless lyrics are no longer in limbo! They're up! The GST is now 72. A far cry from finished, but it's been two weeks. I finally got it up there today.

21 Jan 2003

I'm writing this on the 22d, because I was too tired last night to. It was a hell of a day, my first day of classes. Four classes, in groups of two, with a nice lunch break in between. WT first thing in the morning is probably not a good idea, but it was my only choice. At least the professor seems really cool, and I do mean really cool. Spanish follows, with el Sr. Brau that I had last semester; he likes me, so this class should be great. Then marketing. In room 106. Which holds over 100 people. And every seat is filled. At least I found two Deltasigs and Mich from high school and Anth 101 in Fall 2001. Then stats, which is already cool because they use the book I bought last semester! Now if only UNR could figure out that 78 degrees is not a comfortable room temperature, we might have something. Played SimCity last night--it's rather playable when you only do the smallest cities, but the smallest cities never can be metropolises. But I'm tryaing to make it a gorgeous upscale bedroom community, but it went from 20,000 to 13,000 in like a month, which really cut into tax revenue. So I didn't save. Went to bed at a decent hour, because work starts at eight in Carson, and I must be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed to get there on time. Not sure this'll work out...

20 Jan 2003

Interesting day today. Working 9-1, then packing, moving, meeting, drinking, watching "Joe Millionaire" and computering. Good day at the car wash, then a great lunch with Dad at the Plaza. Then I packed up the car and drove up. Got everything in, and the computer connected, which wasn't a piece of cake. Then meeting, in which no one was mad at me for fucking up. Incredible, you know? Just offers of help to possible rectify the situation. I'm amazed, and so mad at myself for worrying so much!! Then to JJ's, where my ID was totally accepted, and why shouldn't it be? Good pizza, and back to Chels' for "Joe Millionaire". What an odd show. But funny, as were Chels' stories. Now I'm back, sober, had fun, and some great shots of the moon tonight from between the casinos. You'll start seeing them around the site soon. But that's it's for me tonight--school tomorrow at 9:30 am sharp! WT--goody goody goody! Also must remember to buy books!

19 Jan 2003

So much for moving back up to Reno. Wasted the whole day. Started with an annoying wake-up at around 8:30 (instead of 10) by the sun that I can't block. Lounged. Experienced the only good, non-wasted time at breakfast, when Mom's friends Pam and Eddie invited us to dine at a cafe behind a gun store in Moundhouse (the home of the Kit Kat and Moonlight Bunny Ranches!). Had a great time, and a humungous half-serving of biscuits and gravy, for like three bucks! Was a great time, and so much food. But then came home, lounged, lounged, and lounged some more. Didn't even pack, let alone drive to the Biggest Little City. Ended up not doing shit, and I have to be at work tomorrow 8-1 and at a DSP meeting at 6. This does not bode well. And I have classes tomorrow, for which I haven't even looked at buying books. Am I prepared for what? This semester is off to a great start. Maybe this email, which I just sent to Tiff, will do some good and salvage the beginning of this semester. Sorry to whine, but I don't want to go through with this shit! Well, I best be packing.

17 Jan 2003

Wrote a "nasty" letter to the fraternity--now I'm going to have Tiffany check it and send it off. Maybe if I persist, I'll get my way like Dufresne in "Shawshank Redemption", because I'm in sore need of redemption...
In order to relieve the pain (it's down there, if I let it come up), I went out drinking last night with Chels. She got me into the Little Wal, not even asking me for ID. And dollar Coronas! Had a few beers, hearing her stories. Then we moved to the Breakaway, where I got my beer card. Basically, I have to try one of each of 99 different beers of the world. Got Peroni (mmm) and MGD down last nigt. So start that song at 97 beers on the wall, okay?? Crashed at her place last night, and got home at around 7:15, with plenty of time to get ready for work. It was a great evening. Just don't tell my dad (My dad being the man who calls me on my cell as Chels and I are going to the Little Wal. I told him we're going to the 10:15 show, and he told me he just wanted to make sure I wasn't drinking. It was one of the funniest jokes of the evening, and I doubt Dad'll ever know. Unless he discovers this site....)
Well, tonight is my second-to-last at home. I move back in to the dorms on Sunday. I'm not sure I want to go back to school. I'm sure my brothers will forgive me, but I still don't want to go there. Well, we'll see what they really think of me. Chels is a good sign--she didn't seem phazed when I told her, but she'd had a few. I'm not looking forward to this.
Did finish "Code to Zero" today--damn good book. Couldn't put it down. Unfortunately, I finished it with two and a half hours left. So I took a break to go to Raley's and buy a new book. Only Raley's didn't have any. Neither did Wal-Mart. Nor Target. I finally broke down and got a Stephen King instead-"Black House". I'll get farther along in it tomorrow, and then I'll come up with my standard, in-depth, all-encompassing two-word review. I think that's all the news for today. God, I never realized I had this much crap to write about before. How very cool, I guess. Hope no one I know is reading this; must use psuedonyms more often.

16 Jan 2003

Well, my first major fraternity fuck-up. It had to happen eventually, but this one lets down the whole chapter. It's all my fault, but many have to accept the consequences. Shit. I turned in the document to Central Office, and they gave me 4.5 provisional points (out of 100 possible). Only I didn't know they were provisional. So, there was a problem with it, and they removed the points. Now the chapter is screwed out of them, and it pisses me off. Not only did Central Office send me mixed signals, but I misinterpreted--I'm mad at them, but even angrier with myself. I told Tiffany the President of the chapter, but I'm going to have to tell the whole chapter here pretty soon. The pathetic, incapable, always-has-to-fuck-something-up John has struck again!! And, of course, it's in full fucking view! I hate me sometimes--always screwing something up or saying something completely inappropriate or wildly misjudging a situation. All the time! I can't do anything for any length of time without majorly messing up in full view.
Now to totally switch gears, this hasn't been bothering me as much as it normally does. For a while, I was eating myself up inside, stressing and worrying and fretting. Then, I suddenly stopped. Just stopped. I'm still worried about having to tell the chapter, but it's like I'm in denial or something--I just seemed to say "Fuck it!" and it's like I'm moving on! This is something new for me. I was even different with Janet. Instead of being my nice, sweet self with her, I was joking (almost borderline mean), and standing up for myself. Didn't go off the deep end, but I felt more cavalier today than I have in a long time. I know it has to do with that change earlier this morning. I don't know, but today has been awfully strange for me. I think I like it. Maybe it's a sign that I'm actually maturing, like I keep hoping I am?

PS: Got SimCity! It's great! It's so great, it hardly plays on my computer! (Did you sense the sarcasm?) It's a gorgeous game, and I can play the smallest city sizes, but the large ones take more time processing than they let you play. Every move takes a few seconds, and god forbid you want to zoom in or out! So, either I have to relegate myself to Dad's computer to play it, or delve into my limited savings and buy one. A nice new 1G Pentium 4 with huge RAM and a 40G hard drive, ought to only be say three grand? Yeah, I have that right here in my ass, let me just pull it out...

13 Jan 2003

Only one more day until SimCity is released! I'm all ready to totally whip out some cities--it's going to be so cool!
In other news, I bought The Shawshank Redemption after work today, and popped it in the DVD player as soon as I got home. God, what a great movie. I really love the ending, and all Andy managed to do. If you haven't seen it (and I was probably the last: just saw it for the first time last weekend on TNT), do so now. It's fairly cheap, as it's so old. I love the cleverness of the ending! Moving on...
Enjoying TNT's Monday Night "Law & Order"-o-rama, even though I've seen all of them twice already. Need to stop watching so much of this, it's getting obscene.
My boss at work has been odd as well. She spent the past few weeks being upset, at what I don't know. But she's been not too nice to me. But today she was all smiles: humming Celine Dion, taking charge, being all nice. I found it a bit freaky, but at least she was happy, right?? Okay, that's enough. Have a great night!

12 Jan 2003

Got an email back from Fiona-she seemed glad to hear from me (this makes me happy). But even happier was the weekend I've had. Got a good 7.5hr day in at the car wash Saturday, washing more cars than normal, but the overcast skies kept many away. It was a comfortable day, and I got more into "Code to Zero". Spent today with my folks. Mom made a great breakfast, then we went up to Reno for Car Show 2003. Mom's auto dealership was there, but the other dealerships got jealous/scared and had them kicked out Saturday morning! It was a complete crock of shit! But we still had fun, getting to sit in and enjoy everything from the Audi TT (would you believe I, 5'11" and 290 lbs (and dropping, thank you very much), fit in that?!) to the Lexus ES300 (drool....) to the new Ford Thunderbird (god, that is a gorgeous car). It was great fun, trying them all out. Even saw some friends of the family, and some woman recognized me from the car wash! It's incredible how "seen" you become working at a place like that. Afterward, we met up with Katie (yet another omigod) and went to Macaroni Grill, and stuffed ourselves silly. Had a great lasagna bolognese, followed by incredible tiramisu. Then went to Barnes & Noble, and I bought the new Tori Amos CD. Listened to it on the way back down--thus far I'm liking what I'm hearing. All in all, this was a great day. Didn't get shit done, but it was a nice day. I'm content, and I'm gonna keep it that way.

10 Jan 2003

The Sierras behind my house fogged in by some amazing clouds
The weather outside is frightful but gorgeous
Oops. Finally emailed Fiona back, but it was a bit late. Sorry there, Fiona--didn't mean to leave you hanging.
Didn't get to go to work today--the storm saw to that. At least tomorrow's going to be partly cloudy--only 30% chance of rain (that means it's not going to--yay!), and I'm working 9 to 5, so that should help repair the paycheck. I hope. Also downloaded "A Sorta Fairytale" by Tori Amos, and it's really good. I'm thinking I need to go buy the CD. That would be the nice legal thing to do, especially since I just put this on the net. And SimCity is almost here! Cancelled the order, so I can just go buy it at Target, and not miss two days shipping. I've only a couple weeks left before school starts, so I need to hurry.
The car wash ought to be interesting. Given the past two days of rain, almost every car we've washed in the past couple of weeks ought to be dirty again, meaning more washing than ever. At least I got to finish "Jackdaws," and it was very good. Got another Ken Follett, but haven't been able to start it yet. "Jackdaws" really tired me out (reading between cars sucks it out of you), and I haven't had the energy to delve into the new one. Especially since it's already about a case of mistaken identity (something that always manages to get to me, such that I can't read it). But I have eight hours tomorrow to find out.

9 Jan 2003

What a week I've had. Been working up the wazoo at the carwash (over $200 worth last week--first time in a long time that that has happened. Sunday, went with Josh and his brother to "Lord of the Rings." Again, it was a fabulous movie, with plently of drama and action and beautiful sets (I wonder how many people are considering moving to New Zealand thanks to this movie). Tuesday, I came down with a nasty bug that put me in bed for 18hrs. As my boss put it (and she's most familiar with this, as I have hardly ever made it to work on time when I was scheduled to start at 8:00 am), that must be a record for me. It really was a nice nap, and I got me through the worst of the bug. She let me off yesterday so I could finish recovering, and I was to work this morning. Only that didn't happen because, I'll be damned, a storm made it over the Sierra and the car wash isn't even open! Shit. Needless to say, this week's paycheck won't live up to last week's, but that's all well and good. Or maybe not, since I just got the bills for next semester's tuition and for my month-long jaunt to Pau, France. It'll be around $900 just to get me there!
In other news, well, there's really not a hell of a lot to say. Still have two weeks or so until school starts back up, and a week left until SimCity 4 comes out. That last one I'm very expectantly waiting for. God, it looks so cool.

1 Jan 2003

Nothing new to report today (the Patty Loveless lyrics are still in limbo), but the new year. I can't believe it. Didn't hardly do any celebrating at midnight, like I wanted. But I did get a great dinner with my folks, which was decent (even if the wait was two hours for the food). Wanted to get drunk last night and break in the fake ID, but no luck. Should've done some calling or something, but it didn't happen--damn it! So instead, I drove around at about 12:30, looking for a bar, but most were closing by the time I found them. Plus, I didn't want to drink alone-there's no fun in that, but the only drinking buddy I could find was my dad, and he doesn't know about the ID (god forbid he ever learn--until I'm, say, 40, and live in a different time zone).
Well, the storms have finally stopped rolling in. This is a bad thing for me, because I love the rain and snow, but also a good thing, because it means I'll earn a decent paycheck at the car wash (if you consider $150-$200/wk a decent paycheck). Even got time and a half today--turning four into six hours. That makes almost $70 for the week thus far (whoppee!!!). Ick. I need over $2000 just for tuition for one month in France this July when I go. Now I can afford that, thanks to my savings, but I've no idea what I'm going to do for Spain for a semester. That's just gonna kill me. Shit, they say you need around $500/mo for personal expenses--that's $2000-$2500 right there! I don't have that kind of money. Let there be scholarships, please!
But I had a good time at the car wash today. No assholes, no accidents, and I'm almost finished with my book. This does, however, mean I need to go buy a new one, or tomorrow will be dullsville. And hopefully it won't be horrendously busy, so I can get some good reading done. I know it's bad not wanting to work at work, but who doesn't think like that? Also talked to Josh for the first time in a long time, (he did call last night as we were walking out the door for dinner, and we were going to see "The Two Towers" today, but nothing panned out). We had a good chat and will be seeing "LotR" soon, i.e., when he and I each have a three-hour block to kill. All in all, today was a decent day, I guess--there was even new stuff to report! Well, auf wedersehen (like I have any hope of spelling that correctly (-: )

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