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Journal Archives for May 2003

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Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Monday night was so kickass. The fact that I now have a girlfriend was SWAK as Shar likes to put it. SWEET! We both had a great time. I picked her up and we went to Applebee's, then to Bruce Almighty, which was pretty cool. Then to her place, where we sorta watched The Grinch. *wink* Then her mom came home--nice lady but she ended the evening. But it was so cool! Must get back to work! 11:46am

Monday, May 26, 2003

Well, the transcript finally came in. 3.52 for the semester, and 3.75 cumulative. That's the worst it's ever been (3.9, 3.79, 3.82 the past three). Shit. Oh, but I ended up with 52.25 hours for the week--very sweet. We'll find out how sweet on Wednesday. 11:57am

Sunday, May 25, 2003

Does anyone know how royally working 51 hours a week sucks! Even for $350, it still sucks. I want a day off, but I can't! Ugh. 3:31pm

Saturday, May 24, 2003

Well, it's the day after Chels and I had a goodbye party. We met up and went to see Down With Love, which had its moments, but wasn't my favorite. Then to JJ's, for one last pizza and pitcher of beer. Shar joined us, which helped bring up the party. Then we all went back to Chels', and Shar's boyfriend Shannon came over. We all watched The Emperor's New Groove and Monsters, Inc. Again, both were decent, but none made me laugh uproariously, à la Rat Race. But we still had a good time, and it was good to see Chels one last time. I'm gonna miss her and her drinking abilities. Oh well, she'll do okay in Vegas and then come back. I'm sure I'll see her again--she can't break away from Reno/GV/Delta Pi that easy. But it's gonna be hard. Not that being in Europe will make it that easy for me to hang out with Delta Pi either. God, Europe! I have to get that shit together! At least I'll have a kickass $300+ paycheck this week--yes! 5:28pm

Thursday, May 22, 2003

Everyone go "Oooh!" over the date format change! It's a big change for me, reverting to American. I can feel good about it too, since, now that the American and French UN diplomats are getting along, it doesn't look like a conversion to "Freedom fries" (god, that makes my blood boil)

Anyway, been hanging out lately, trying to get these translations done in a goodly amount of time. Been slacking lately. And now he thinks I didn't send him one (but I did: it's right there in my Sent box). Plus, that damned check still hasn't gotten here! I think he sent it on the eighth or ninth, so this is getting stupid. A couple more days, and we're going to have to start thinking about other options.

Fiona, it was great talking to you the other day; glad to hear you're somewhat on the mend. Also glad to see that phrase back on the front page! ;-) We need to do another movie and Awful Awfuls, and see just how many driving regulations I can break this time! Hope you're having fun back in Smith! You must be having such a better time than me here in Carson! Hahaha ;-). 3:50pm

20 May 2003

Well, wasn't that fun! PF Changs for three and a half hours with Jessica! I even got a hug at the end! ;-) Okay, anyway, we're going to go see The Matrix after her sister's gone, so yay! Called Chels afterward--I think the whole freaking chapter is cheering me on! So much love! Sorry, that was cheesy. It's 1:45am now, so I'm going to bed.
Accounting 202: B+
Stats 262: B
Marketing: A-
Physics 100: A
Spanish 309: A
WT 203: B+

That's the worst WT grade I've ever had; in fact, it's my worst semester. But it's a 3.52 GPA, so I'm not going to be losing my scholarship money (Whew!). Was so hoping to surprise myself in that damn WT course; if only I'd had a different professor! Fuck it--I'm going to bed. Now it's 1:48am

19 May 2003

To you-know-who-you-are, I apologize if anything below is inappropriate. Let me know, and I can take it down. I can't, however, remove it on my own because that's what I felt at the time, you know...

So, tomorrow night, me, Jessica, PS Chang's in Reno, 7:30. Coooool! As long as I can get some words in edgewise...hmm 10:57pm

17 May 2003

I'm going to go out with Jessica on Tuesday night, I hope. It's the night I get paid, so I can afford to take her out.

I know that night was a lot my fault--I came at a bad time and she wasn't in the mood to see or hang out with me. But why is she even giving him another chance? Why did it seem to me that I wasn't just completely off her list at first, then barely getting any of her last night? Why did she call her friend? What did she tell her? Was she just not planning on my being there and not willing to change anything because I was there? Does she really want to even consider me? She didn't shut me down at all on the phone. I thought I might have a bit of a chance to get her. She's such a great girl. Her should-be-ex has no idea how lucky he is. She is so intelligent, and has a good heart. Her only problem is that she thinks so much, but that's really not a problem. I would love to have a girl like her, and he's throwing her away. I am so goddamn frustrated. I hope something comes of me and Jessica. She's a great girl too. I guess I'm just more familiar with the other. Fuck this shit! 6:19pm

17 May 2003

So things didn't go so well. Shit. Well, at least I have one less thing to worry about. New essay. 2:07am

14 May 2003

Well well well. Yesterday Mom and I finally got me out of the dorms. Holy shit, was that FUN! I mean, unloading all my shit down three flights of stairs could not have been more thrilling. Ryan the RA got me all checked out, and BOOM, it's over. That's my sophomore year. Fiona came over and reclaimed her journal (sorry about the lateness there), and we hung out. Mom and I had a smoke, and then she left. I hung out with Fiona a little more, and then went to the Eldorado for a beer.

Well, I thought a beer would suffice, but Halberda was there, and wouldn't let me not have a shot and another beer with him. A couple more beers later, and we were all having a good time. Sarah H, Jen G, Tiff, Katie, Halberda and Schlek were there, along with two of someone's friends, and we had fun. Then Katie and a friend of hers, Jessica, showed up. Jess and I had a great time, and even when my frat bros came back, they all sat at another table. Jess and I danced, talked (I was a little drunk, oops), and I think had a good time. I'm calling her later tonight. I hope Katie's matchmaking abilities are cool. Will update with details.

Afterward, I drove my car to Yellow Parking, since I was in no shape to take it all the way home. Puked a couple times in the parking lot, trying to sleep. Around five, I couldn't sleep and was feeling un-drunk, so I drove home (but ended up puking right before I got home). Fortunately, I didn't have to work until 11:30, so I slept in--it felt great.

Well, I'm excited about this Jessica thing; I hope she was cool with me... 4:52pm

PS-Shar called me with my grades--140/200 on the final and an 88% in the class! Not too bad!

11 May 2003

I'm feeling better. After a good day at work, went to dinner with the folks. I'll pay them back. Was a great time. Katie, Von, Mom, Dad, and I all went to Applebee's and Baskin Robbin's, and laughed the whole time. Dad also found out about my South Beach Diet. Ugh. Well, not quite that bad. Then I put 17.5 gallons of gas in my car--so mad; I could've gotten another 20 miles out of that tank! Then back up to Reno for accounting studying. The test is a mere 13 hours away! Oh shit. 11:13pm

11 May 2003

I'm so depressed. We just did officer transition. I'm no longer an officer for Delta Pi. And, I just saw Sarah H for the last time probably ever. Shit--why do we make friends only to have them leave! And now it's back to banality as I go to work and study for accounting. Ugh. 11:01am

10 May 2003

So, right after writing the below, I decided to go for a walk. Walked down past the business building and roamed over to Mattius' house, but it was dark. Gimped into Wolf Run thanks to a car, but Andrea's house too was dark. So, I was trapped in Wolf Run, until a Campus Escort van pulled in and let me out. Then, on their way back, they picked me up and took me home. The driver was that friend of Bre's I've been hanging out with in stats--cool guy. He was the only one left at the final when I left--I wish I knew his name. I guess I can ask Bre on Sunday.

Came up to do my stats project, but I was kinda tired, and I thought that I'll just sleep for a couple hours. Woke up at 4:30 to turn off my alarm. Then woke up at 7:30! Yay! So I pounded out the project, and ran over to Stiver's office. It was dark and the door was locked. Fortunately, the grad student came by about five minutes later, and I was relieved. So I went back to my dorm room after grabbing a couple egg/bacon burritos at the Mexican place, and crawled in bed. Slept from 10 to 6. Caught "Simpsons", chatted with Paul in Spain, and then Fiona texted me randomly.

So I called her, and we debated issues. I enjoyed it; I hope she enjoyed the debating, even if the topic wasn't too much fun. I mean, we did manage to stretch it into an hour-long conversation. Then I picked her up and we saw Identity. Weird. And for a while there, it looked like it was going to gimp out. Fiona thinks you ought not to see it; I think you should. I mean, hell, it took place in Nevada!!! Note to filmmakers: rain in Nevada never, ever, EVER rains that much in Nevada for that long a period of time. I don't care about the spoiler--it was still Nevada and the fat guy knew! Then we went to Awful Awful at the Little Nugget, and talked more. This time it was fun stuff. Fi, I had a great time! You must remember to tell me if the potheads remembered that they ordered some Awful Awfuls too, and if they noticed that they were cold, or were even awake when you got home.

So, that was my Thursday from 11pm to Saturday 1:00 am; Friday plus a couple hours. I do have to be in Carson at 7:45am tomorrow, since Jorge might not be there. Not looking forward to that, but I am bringing my computer because I'm going to be there for ten hours. Ugh. 1:18am

8 May 2003

I'm so fucking pissed. All I wanted was to hang out with Allison on her last night of college ever. Fuck

Otherwise, it's been a good day. Did great on marketing and decently on stats, and my WT is solid B (enh). Got the rush job into José Ramón on time as well. Now that I've found MiniTab, I'm going to finish my stats project and go to bed, only to wake up again at eight and turn it in. After that, it's one accounting test and my sophomore year of college is done! I only wish I could enjoy it but I'm so mad.

8 May 2003

I just watched all the stages of the dawn. It was nice, except I was doing stats and WT at the time. And popping caffeine pills. I took a couple too many. It didn't bother me the last time, but I was getting so damn tired that I went a little overboard and now things are kinda shaking up. I'll not take any more; hopefully I'll be calmed down by noon. Well, got a page of stats notes done, and a few pages of WT paper written, and marketing all studied for. Now, must finish WT, study and note-take for stats, and turn in WT paper. Then I get to finalize stats project, then turn it in, then maybe go to work, then get to sleep. Maybe I'll take Friday off just for the nap time. Being hyped up on caffeine is not the most pleasant feeling. Now back to studying!!! Goddamn WT prof changing the date on me from what I was expecting! Fuck! 6:36am

7 May 2003

It's still dawning on me that it's actually May, and that it's actually finals time. Shit. I have a stats test and a marketing test tomorrow, 12:00-2:00 and 2:15-4:15 respectively. Not happy. Am going to work with Bre tonight and hopefully this project will actually be a great study session for us both. Otherwise, I'm going to be up forever. Plus, Olsen, in his infinite wisdom, decided not to give us an answer sheet to the practice test, so I get to spend all that time looking up answers instead of doing something practical/useful. And I have all this Deltasig stuff I need to do, except there's a new VPCO, so I'm going to pass the buck onto her--yay! Well, it's almost time to close, so I have to pack up my shit and get back up to Reno. At least I was able to work (and I got an extra half-hour in today), so the paycheck may end up all right. Riiight. As of this moment, I have about $5 in my checking account that's not already spoken for, and $10 in my wallet (from a $20 I took out this afternoon--$5 for lunch, $2 for doughnut and Coke, and $3 lost at cards (and I was up! why didn't I stop!)). And all this talk of the point of life has begun to make me wonder if I'm just wasting mine away. Still no girl, only a few friends--is my life pointless? I know there's a point to life, but is there one to mine? Must do something to make my life valuable; something to make it somewhat memorable, not just to me but to others. You know, give me a few stories I could tell around a campfire or drink. Hmm. I can't shake the feelinhg that I'm a loser. 5:51pm

6 May 2003

Well my self-esteem has just been nicely bolstered this afternoon: I easily aced the marketing exam and just found out my current grade in stats is a nice middle-of-the-road 85%. That means I'll get a B in there, instead of a C! Yesss! Combined with the already-in-stone As in Spanish and Physics, and the nearly-in-stone A in marketing, I'm feeling damn good. I feel an A-/B+ in WT now, and a B+/A- in accounting. Assuming 3 As, 2 B+s, and a B, that's 3.65 GPA, which won't bring me down too much. And maybe I'll do splendidly and get all As! Ha! Anyway, I was really worried about a C in stats, so now that I know that that won't be happening, I'm much relieved. Even if the possible grade range (getting 0% on all remaining to 100%) in stats is 61%-89% (okay, that knocked me down a couple rungs: an A- is physically impossible). But I could still get an A- in accounting; it's what I have now. All I have to do is really study for it, which means not going over to do it with Shar. And dammit Bre and I had better get together tomorrow night and do our stats projects, now that I know she has an example paper--yay! a lead! So, I now hit somewhat relaxing time. I do have stuff to do, and I'll have to start my WT paper and studying for stats, but I have all weekend to study for accounting, and I will actually do it because an A is possible in there. Okay, enough venting. Fiona, if you saw my level of hell, email me! Oh god, and I hope José Ramón isn't too mad that I took two weeks to do the last translations, and he'll send me more--kinda worried. Also worried about whether he'll get that check in the mail... My only regret is that I didn't celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Oh well, there'll be one next year, and maybe by then I'll have a job and can afford it. 4:14pm
Did that entry just come out totally randomly or what!

4 May 2003, pt 3.

Well, I'm not sober! And this time I wasn't even planning on it! Oh well, it feels good. We went out to celebrate the graduating seniors, Chels, Sarah, Jen, and a couple of others that weren't there. JJ's Pizza was the place to be, as everyone went out and had a great time. I talked to James' little bro Anna, and nos divertimos mucho hablando en español. Got some good pics, including a last pic of Chels and me (we have one of us two at every event, no kidding). Also working on a response to Fiona, who believes there's no point to life. I'd link, but I'm too drunk and lazy. Anyway, she doesn't think there is one, so I'm trying my damnedest to show her wrong, since I know that's what she wants. Well, must get onto Acctg project. Was going to work with Shar, but she's talking to her boyfriend now, so I'm kinda excluded. No problem, though. I'm SO GOING TO HAVE TO KEEP IN TOUCH WITH CHELS, though. I MUST. Can't let that one get away. But I'm still kinda bummed Andrea didn't want to go out with me, as in "go out". I hope it's just because she doesn't want a boyfriend, and not because I'm so not even on her list. Sigh. At least I had the courage to ask. That bolsters my self-esteem so much. Plus, Katie D talked to me today like she had no problems with me, so that made me feel better too. Peace out, all those who enjoy hanging out with friends! 10:29pm

4 May 2003 -- Awesome!! I mean, oh shit

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Low
Level 2 (Lustful)High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Moderate
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Moderate
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8 - the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Test

I knew I shouldn't've taken it. That's even worse than Aurora!! 4:40pm

4 May 2003

Sorry I've not been updating as regularly, but I've been doing shit! Take Friday night, for instance. Went to our chapter's banquet at Pub n Sub, where I gave Little John my huge beer mug from The Engravers (he loved it), and he gave me his paddle. Oh my god, what a paddle it is! He actually did woodworking on it, engraving some nice laurels around the sides. It's so damn cool. The only thing was that he thought banquet was on Saturday, so he wasn't able to finish the staining, but I don't really care. It was so fucking cool! So, played a little Beirut with Sabrina, Shleck and Martín, smoked a little with Sarah A and Zach, got the necessary pic with Chels. Everyone then left to go to a party, which I didn't feel like doing. So, I called up Fiona, and she invited me up to their room, where we (minus Fi) 3 smoked a little and watched Donnie Darko. I love that movie.

Didn't get to go to work on Saturday, thanks to the rain. Really pissed off, because as of then I'd only had five hours, which was pathetic. But got to send off the new initiates' check to Central Office and spend the day with the parents, and we watched Home Alone II, Something else, Jason X (dear god in heaven), and the we rented Donnie, this time sober. What a great weekend. Now at work (yay!), with the last DSP meeting this afternoon. Must finish translations and accounting for tomorrow. Carajo. Adiós. 10:24am

Addendum: My WT teacher changed the grade from 11.5/15 to 12.8/15, so it goes from C to B. Not too bad, and now I really know what the hell to do for the last paper, which I must begin shortly. Oh shit.

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