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Journal Archives for June 2003

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Friday, June 20, 2003: Le dernier jour aux États-Unis

Well, friends, this is it. I leave tomorrow at 11 am. YAY!

Wednesday was a bit bittersweet. I know I'll be back in August, but it was still sort of surreal. Janet loves me and gave me $50 so that I'd send her postcards (or maybe a little more??) Missed Jorge though--gonna miss him. We've become such good friends lately; will definitely be hanging out some even though I won't be working there past August. Dan was great and let me take breaks, and just all in all had a good last day.

Now we're in San Francisco. Well actually, South San Francisco, right next to the airport. Spent the evening with Mom and Dad in the bar. Despite a tiff between Dad and me, everything's going great. And when everyone was in a forgiving mood, even came out that I smoke! Then had a fabulous, huge dinner in the Bronze Elephant or whatever (what the hell is a great place like this doing in an airport hotel?) So stuffed. I'm currently writing on the hotel computers (which is nice, since Powernet has been a bitch lately and won't let me log on), and about to go back upstairs and spend my last night with my folks. I'm so fucking nervous about this shit right now. Shit! I know I'm going to have such a great time, but fuck if I'm not nervous. Oh well, it's France! Ha!

This will also be the last entry in the regular journal I imagine for a while. For all the latest, go to my Travels page and see pictures and read what's going on. It will be in English unless I get incredibly inspired. Ah! France! Okay, calming down... 9:30pm

Love ya Fiona! While you'll be criticising literature, I get to take la photographie!!! Ha ha ha ha! See ya around

Sunday, June 15, 2003: Living a Little

Started out the day by not waking up until ten. Then off to Reno for shopping and lunch with Katie. Very good time on all counts, and I got some good new clothes for France and Spain. Nothing California would be proud of, but good anyway. Even got a Hawaiian shirt, which I'm not quite sure about. Called Fiona and set up a date, and then called California and talked for two hours. I think we're hitting it off...

Then, Fiona and I went and saw Finding Nemo (good movie, but not rip-roaring--dammit! where are all the split-your-pants, ROTFL movies???) and got Awful Awfuls. Talked until one in the morning. Had a great time; hopefully got Fiona not thinking for a few hours...

Then came back to Carson, but didn't want to go home. Went to my nice little park off Stewart Street, but 2/3 of the way through my cigarette, some cops came and kicked me out. So I went to my other spot, and stayed out there until like 3:30 in the morning. Then came home and stayed up until four-four thirty. Dammit, Fiona, why do you do this to me! I don't know what it is, but I always end up doing some deep thinking after seeing her. Now, if I hadn't had work the next day at nine, this wouldn't've been a problem, but no... Regardless, I dreamed up my new mini-essay last night, on say cigarette number four. Tons of fun.

Fiona, I hope last night's brief escapism brought some sunshine in (sorry, that was WAY corny) 10:49am

Saturday, June 14, 2003: "Sitting in the morning sun..."

Well, I finally got to weigh myself: 276!! This is down like six and a half pounds from Wednesday, and 21 from my high in March. This Hydroxycut Ephedra-Free works! I know, I know, it's probably all artificial, but it (or maybe my friend in California or Spain) is inspiring me to eat less, and combined with the heightened metabolism, I'm losing weight. Why didn't I start this a month or two months ago?? Oh well, I'm started now, and you know what, I even looked a few mm thinner in the mirror this morning! At least I'm not doing that chin thing that I have in that picture of me and Katie taken at my birthday (you will get to see that, along with everyone else, when I'm down again. Mom put it on the fridge, I took it down, and I'll take a picture with her and me again when I look better). And, unlike previous times when I'd lose weight, I just start eating again. But I don't even really want food-----YAY!

So, Mom and I are going shopping this morning. We're getting clothes for France/Spain, but maybe I'll get 44 sized pants and fit in them, as opposed to should be wearing 46. Then maybe a light lunch. Must call California again and get ahold of Fiona--maybe a movie or something tonight.

"...Sitting on the dock of the bay, wasting time" 10:38am

Friday, June 13, 2003: Freddy Krueger Random Day

Well, absolutely nothing going on in my life. Maybe tomorrow, in Reno, something will. I'm going for a new, updated, more mature wardrobe in my shopping tomorrow, but it still has to be comfortable because it's going to have to get me through Europe. So, I'm hoping/praying I can get what I want at cheap prices and look stylin', as it were. God, it's like eight days away. Now if only the goddamn Spanish Consulate would return a phone call. We've called everyday, to no avail. At least I get a day off tomorrow, which is nice. What has also been fabulous is how I get to bring my computer. Surfing the net and chatting online really helps those ten hours fly by. Why didn't I think of this before??? Wow, I did end up with an update after all!! 5:14pm

Also, for the benefit of all the world, I present to you my first song.

Wednesday, June 11, 2003: The Day after the Decision

Well, it's the day after the big accident. She didn't magically repair herself last night à la Christine. I guess that's a good thing, since I don't what to turn out like Arnie Cunningham anyway. But I did talk for an hour last night with a new friend of mine, who's an old friend of Paul's. We discussed Italy, France, and weight loss (he's just lost like 50lbs). Lives in Sacramento, too! I now have friends in Australia, Spain, Mexico, and finally, America! I am now on the Transatlantic Weight Loss Plan with the help of Paul, and am now back down to 282.5 (from 285 like two-three days ago). That's $10 in the kiddy (sp) already! Now, to get a visa for Spain, a phone for Europe, and a time schedule to talk to Vanessa about what all I should pack. It's all coming down the wire—there are like ten days left!!!! 11:46am

Tuesday, June 10, 2003: The Accident II

Coming soon to a theatre near you: the sequel to the devasting car wreck of 2002. That's right, yet another Camry at an intersection gets bent out of shape. But there have been a few changes: 1) I'm not at fault, and 2) my car's not totalled. Starring, Alex, the 1994 Toyota Camry SE-V6, and introducing Mierda, a '77 Corona with an oblivious old man behind the wheel, and co-starring two very nice ladies who stayed and filled out witness reports. Shot on location at the intersection of Stewart and Little Lane, 11:45am. The drama, the action, the crunching, the $2700 price tag! Coming today. No people were harmed (thank God) in the filming of this not-quite-as-dramtic sequel.

Monday, June 9, 2003

First, I want to thank Fiona for a great time last night. Saw the Nevada Museum of Art, downtown, and The Italian Job, and only once did I almost get in a wreck and only once did I run a red light. Only missed out on the Awful Awfuls, but it would've been a really long night had I stayed up there any longer. But it sure was fun

So now I'm here at work, but only for four hours. Then I get tomorrow off! And, since I finally convinced Janet I actually wanted to work ten hours a week, I'll still get a good paycheck! Only twelve days remain. Holy shit. Must call Spanish conulate before noon to get my visa! Really holy shit. 9:02am

Thursday, June 5, 2003

Well, ML&P are gone. Had a great last-morning breakfast though, and got them interested in visiting The Nevada Museum of Art, which is showing a Frida Kahlo/Diego Rivera exhibition right now. I think that's pretty cool. Oh, and my sister is now, as of Tuesday, a high school graduate! I know my parents are breathing huge sighs of relief. 9:48am. Addendum: Updated the About page, as well as placed a new image on top (can you tell the difference??) 7:53pm

Y para la bella flaca que todavía vive en La Pequeña Ciudad Más Grande del Mundo:

żAún te dije como vives en mí?
Cada momento de la vida mía
Y si todo eso es loco, y no sabes lo que quiero decir
No importa nada, mientras que creo


La gente nunca dice como siente
Moriría para ti si sabía la pérdida
Y si todo eso es loco, y no sabes lo que quiero decir
No importa nada, mientras que creo


Si hablo la verdad, nadie más
Puede tomar tu lugar
Pero debo avanzar
Qué otra cosa hacer?

Amaré otra vez
Amaré otra vez

Sé que amaré
Amaré otra vez
No puedes prevenir mi amor,
Mi respirar, mi sentir

Sé que amaré otra vez

— Lara Fabian

Monday, June 2, 2003

Well, it's June. I leave on the 21st of this month. Holy shit. Less than a month from now, I will be in Europe. But this weekend has been intense. Mama Lea and Pap flew in on Thursday night. Friday night, Katie and Von and Rhetta and her new beau Darryl came for dinner. Those four left the next morning. Then Grandma and Grandpa came down last night with Ron as chauffer. So the house has been bustling, and I'm not really enjoying it. Way too much visiting. Fortunately, I get to go to work, whereas Mom and Dad have to entertain all weekend, or rather be dragged around by ML&P doing so so much housework. At least I don't have to be dragged around by Jessica (which really sucks, you know. She returned my call yesterday and cut it off). So, a full weekend. And I got, with the overtime, Last night, with both sets of grandparents and Ron, was especially interesting, as the Bopps were really having a laugh making fun of France, as the Masseys started fuming. Their little outburst was quite interesting, and it got me into the game as well, on the Masseys' side. Was nice to shut them up about France, as I'm sick of it--it's so goddamn immature, this France-bashing.

Anyway, Fiona, if you're still reading this, call me. Wanna make sure you're doing okay. And the weekend comes to an end after Katie's graduation! Yay. 3:20pm

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