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Journal Archives for September 2003

August 2003 ~ Home ~ October 2003

All of this comes from the travels section.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003: ¡Barcelona!

I can't believe this past weekend. Just friggin' incredible:

After work on Thursday, went home and packed, then hopped back on the (last) metro and got to the bus depot mere minutes before the bus left. Whew! Got on, watched Woman of the Year (La mujer del año), did a half hour at a truck stop, then fell asleep all the way through to Barcelona. Got there, and took the Metro right down to Las Ramblas. We came out of the subway at dawn, and the avenue was like the Champs-Élysées, but better. So cool.

So we started walking around looking for a hostel. Walking up and down the avenue got a little tiresome after a bit, and the group (there were nine of us) split up into two groups. Chris, Ryan, Amanda, Jill, and I got left behind, so we said to hell with it, found a hostel, and moved in. It was a nice place, but the only window opened onto a large middle-of-the-building vent, so there was little natural light and it ended up feeling like a cheap dorm room. But it had its own bath and a nice front desk clerk, so it was all good.

Once we had a room and could set our stuff down, we started the real touring. Toured through the Old Town, with Monica and her Eyewitness Guide leading the way. Saw Barcelona Cathedral and some cool city buildings. After lunch, (and the split-up), we took the metro up to Sagrada Família, which was fucking amazing. The architecture at first glance is reminiscent of any other Gothic cathedral, but then you actually open your eyes, and it's so much more. Gaudí really had something here. Each side façade had a different theme and a different feel. The first one we saw looked Gothic, but much more organic and free-flowing, to me almost somewhat disturbing but nonetheless very cool. The opposite face was designed by another artist, showing Christ's passion, and it was severe and sinister, quite the opposite of the front fascia. Afterward, I went down to the bus depot to buy a return ticket (I was in the just take off and go mood when I bought the ticket and didn't even think of how I was getting back), and Chris, Ryan, Amanda, and Jill went to the zoo. There's a huge story about the ticket that I won't write here right now. Finally reunited with the group at the Arc de Trionf and went home to prepare for the evening.

Spent all day trying to chase down the other group and do our touring, and we finally met them at a concert. We had dinner (some of us) and most of us ordered the grande beers, which were a full, complete, liter of beer. They treated Ryan and me gooood. After dinner (well, only some ate, excl. me), Ryan and I broke down and got McD's to prepare for an evening of drinking. We spent the rest of the evening sort of following the other five around, but it got boring and we couldn't find a bar and all of us were getting a bit frustrated. So, we said to hell with it, and got ourselves and cab and went to Razzmatazz, recommended to Ryan by a friend. Got there around 1:30, and no one was there. And nobody came. Turns out, all those free concerts were for Barcelona's city festival, La Mercè, Our Lady of Mercy. It was a wild time on the streets, but the club wasn't happening. Fortunately, the €8 cover charge covered two drinks, so we weren't all out. Went home around 3 with Ryan, who had passed out on a sofa on the second of five floors. I, of course, outside the grande cerveza, wasn't feeling that bad.

We all woke up around noon. Jill decided early in the morning to go join the other group, so she moved out without telling us and without paying for her fifth of the room. Hmp! No matter. We got some lunch, and did more touring. Spent three-four hours in the Picasso museum, seeing all of his old work and most of his new. It was amazing to see his progression from a more mainstream artist to so avant-garde. The highlight of the museum was Picasso's reinterpretation of Vel´zquez' Las Meninas. He did like 50+ reinterpretations, and the biggie was just amazing. It was also so cool, because I saw the original in the Prado less than a month ago! Went back to the hotel to rest. Then started walking to dinner, and we ran into a La Mercè parade. There were a bunch of people dressed up as devils that had spinning fireworks on the top of sticks. And they were swinging them around at the barely-separated crowd. It was incredible: a haven for lawsuit freaks. But we had the best time. The parade ended with a huge dragon flinging fire around at the onlookers. Whew! Ended up having a great time, and finished Saturday up drinking at another bar recommended to Ryan. Met some Spaniards and Frenchmen there, and we got along famously. Went to bed satisfied.

Then caught the 10:40am bus back to Bilbao. Slept most of the way, and got back in time for early Telepizza and TV.

"Barça" was amazing. The city was everything I imagined it would be, and it helped to have just a few friends there who were very cool and were just as eager to see everything. I may not have seen all that Barcelona has to offer (there was a Dali museum just too far outside of town), but I am so glad I went. Now back on my head. 3:56pm

Wednesday, September 17, 2003: The Good Circle of Friends

So we're at La Plaza last night, Ryan, Klara, and me (it feels like being Paul and Jamie and Ira (I'm Paul) always going to Riff's--all we're missing is Ursula), and the topic of blood donation comes up. So I say to Klara, in Spanish, that they do not allow men who've slept with other men since 1977 to donate. Ryan actually got most of it. But he didn't get all. So, Klara just says, "Él es homosexual." "Oh." No big whoop. So then Schleck and Chris come by, and Klara leaves, and I just think "Fuck it" and make the evening a coming out party. Then we went to Manhattan and I told Martin. So now the cat's out of the bag. The biggest surprise for me: no one was shocked by or even blinked at the annoucement.

My biggest fear was that things would somehow change, at least temporarily, between all my guy friends and me. This is not the case. First, as Martin eloquently put it, "I hang out with you because you're cool." It seems they all suspected, because I was just too nice to be straight I guess (score one for our team), but no one feels any differently. So, my biggest fear (which really wasn't that big) proved to be unfounded. Second, it seems they all suspected as much, which means there was nothing to change. Even Ryan and Chris, having only known me a couple weeks, suspected as much and they still liked me (the episode at Terra Rock did really put the last nail in the coffin: they were all basically, "Oh, okay." I wondered, and now I know).

So, they all like me more now that I trusted them with that, and I ended up having a great time at my first real coming out party. It was cool. I just love being the center of attention.

So, to all those who've helped me along the way, especially as I was first dealing with it and who took the announcement in stride, or even without blinking, I thank you. Paul and Roy and Chris in Australia, for getting me out. Fiona, for not changing anything, and for that night when we got to talk--very kick-ass. Mom, for not causing me any pain by your not feeling any pain. Jamie, for feeling special that I trusted you. Klara, for not even blinking in switching from "Is she a slut?" to "What's his name?". Monica, for again, dancing with me and being like, oh, okay, this is news? And Ryan, Chris, Schleck, and Martin, for not changing a damn thing. And another one to Chris, for no longer saying "whatever floats your boat." To all, I sincerely appreciate it. 12:04pm

Tuesday, September 16, 2003: The Internship!

I almost made it through Spanish class without falling asleep. Hung out with klara a little more, then caught the bus home. Was home for about ten minutes before I had to go to the metro to catch the bus to the Parque Tecnológico. Got there at 1:45, because to have taken the next bus would´ve gotten me there 15min late), and talked with Mom before finally going in. Met up with Susana, who set me up in an empty desk and gave me the stuff to translate. And I just jumped right in. I sat next to Maribel, across from Jesús "Puli", and met some others whose names I didn't hear. Oh, and Rubén the tech guy. I got my own laptop, hooked up to the internet and the local network, and dug out the dictionaries. Four hours later, I was more than a quarter of the way through. It's normal translation, except there's some new terminology regarding cellphones and there's the fact I have to translate it into more British English. I guess I'm doing okay, but the Word UK English spellchecker doesn't work, so I have really no idea. I mean, shit, I've spoken American all my life. Maybe I'll just have to do a find and replace for all the centers into centres. Ah well. It was good, and despite the fact I'm not earning a cent, my Spanish is notably improving. All right, off to La Plaza with Klara! 9:01pm

Monday, September 15, 2003: This Time I Did It Right

Spending-free my ass, but Saturday was fun. At least for me. Went to La Plaza and then to Manhattan, and closed them both down. Didn't get to sleep until around 4. But all evening I was texting a phone number I saw on that channel 4 (one would think I would have learnt from the last time, but no), and he sounded more interesting. So, I told him I'd meet him.

Went to his place, after leaving a note in my room so that if I never returned, there was some sign, and we sat down in the living room and talked. His name's Jaintzi, and he's a hair stylist. A little chunky, but otherwise your stereotypical gay hair cutter. But he's cool: he and two of his friends actually own the salon, and they've almost completely paid off their bank debts and are having a lot of fun doing it. He has a chou chou with a Japanese name, a nice big bedroom, and we just sat and talked and smoked a little for a couple hours. Then I asked him, "¿Te caigo bien?" and he said "sí", y puso su mano en mi brazo. Sonreí, y fuimos a su cuarto. Y yada yada yada. And the yada yada was the best part. Then he had to go meet him mother, so me besó y salí, y creo que voy a llamarlo (¿ésto es lo que debes hacer si quieres más que sexo, no?). Fue una gran tarde, y esta vez salí sintiendo no usado pero, si no amado, apreciado. Nos gustamos mucho, y sí, quiero regresar. Me parece un poco como George, pero no importaba su pelo cuando se desnudó, y me gustaba su cuerpo. Espero que fuera igual para él.

Bien, that´s it for now. Back on my head, but I was prepared for the day so it´s all good. Got my homework done last night around 1:30am, but still couldn't fall asleep until 3 (which really sucked in my Spanish class, because I can't seem to stay awake in there, and la cafeína isn't helping.

Y Paul, todo lo que me has dicho es correcto, y te doy las gracias por decirme. Me parece raro tener la abilidad tener relaciones con cualquiera y no preocuparme ni de mis padres ni de Dios. Y ahora que he conocido a un tío con quien me puedo divertir un rato, tus palabras suenan mejores. Gracias para el voto de confianza. Y estás correcto: sí es ´salir del armario´. Ciao! 12:04pm

Update, 9/16: While waiting for work to start, Jaintzi texted me. "Lo siento, trabajo mucho. También mi Exnovio me llamó.... Gracias para todo. Adios y suerte" So, another one night stand. As Chris put it at the coming out party, I'm turning into a slut. Damn, I was hoping for more. La vida continúa--al próximo. 12:16 on 9/17

Saturday, September 13, 2003: Social Lives Are Expensive

Friday night was a good night. Met Javi, and walked around for an hour before finally going to a Basque restaurant and chowing down. All of us were rellenos, but it was only €15 per, so it was good value for the buck. Then we picked up Yony and went clubbing. Went to Terra Rock, and had a good time. I even started talking to a guy, but he was kind of sleazy and I couldn´t understand a thing he said. I wouldn't be surprised if borracho is the word here. But none of the other four seemed to notice that I didnt't want to break away, even though it would've been quite easy, so maybe they still don't know, which I guess is good since I don't want them to. Paul and Jamie are still the only ones who know here. Them and Jon on Atxuri and the Ecuadorian in Madrid, but they don't count. Gotta love one night stands. So, then we went to Bluesville, but it was so packed you couldn't hardly breathe. So then we moved it to Flas, and partied till 4am. Didn't get home 'til five. The only downfall to the evening is that that beautiful €50 note I was carrying disappeared. Shit. Shit. Shit. So I called Mom this morning, told her I needed more money here probably by October, and of course they don't have any to give me. I told her to dammit sell the horse. Hope springs eternal...

Quick note to Fiona: I was on my computer the other day and saw that story that I emailed you. How'd you like to maybe send the critique my way? I was actually surprised at how good I think I am; but I know I'm not a genious, so gimme the honest opinion. Off for a quiet, spending-free day. 6:10pm

Thursday, September 11, 2003: CV (or Résumé to all you Americans)

Hung out at a new bar last night called Barbarella´s, but the beers were €3.20, so we went down the street to the Manhattan and had a good time. Gi Kuk accompanied us, after having serenaded Chris and me in the living room with his harmonica, voice, and acupuncture skills. Apparently, he is licensed/has a degree in all three. He sang opera, played American classics, and pressed his thumb into my had to relieve stomach pain. Hurt like hell. But, as specious logic goes, I don´t have stomach pain! Gi Kuk really is amazing. At least I can say he's got a few years on me, so I don't have to feel so damn outgunned.

Today was more interesting though. Woke up, and it was foggy! Yay! Went to Spanish, then back home, where I proceeded to get ready for my interview. Esther called at 2:50 wondering where I was. Oops. I was supposed to be at the Puente Colgante at that time, not 3:50, like was in my head. So, Esther bit the bullet and drove me to the Parque Tecnológico. Finally found my way in and met Susana, my boss. Very nice lady. She interviewed me (in Spanish), and I answered her questions satisfactorally. She's going to have me translate owners' manuals and how-to guides from Spanish to English. I'm looking forward to it myself. It's only drawback is the rather complicated way to get there: ride the metro, walk for ten minutes, catch the bus for thirty. Yippee. God, if I have to commute, can't I at least be driving myself! I'd even do it in a stickshift!

I guess that's it for now. Gotta go be domestic and get groceries: Coke, paper towels, and cereal. I love being domestic, man! 6:08pm

Tuesday, September 9, 2003: Hmm aka Complete and Utter Lack of Articulation

Okay, so none of you probably knows about SkyTV/Ch4 here. Well, Paul would. Anyway, they play some decent (but usually sucky) music videos in numerous languages, always with a ticker bar at the bottom. Instead of reading of news headlines, however, they read off personal ads. And I responded to one.

So I went down to Casco Viejo around 8:30 last night, and met Jon, and yada yada yada. There. I said it. Sort of. Right. Nothing serious, no fucking, but I guess it counts.

So that was just weird. We shook hands afterwards. I don´t know. We didn´t hit it off famously, but I don´t know. I can´t really articulate this.

So afterwards I needed a drink. Or ten. And I proceeded to get drunk off my ass. At least it was with good friends and we had a good time. Jaimes however is the only one who knows. I´m not sure if I hate myself or am cheering myself or just really ambivalent about it. God, I´m just desperate and pathetic now, I know it. I hope not.

I really don´t know what to think about this. I think it´s probably better to just forget it ever happened and move on. I just really need to find someone though. If anything this has shown me that one night stands are emotional rollercoasters, and that I need something slightly deeper than that. Friends w/benefits are nice, since I´m afraid of commitment, but I guess I really do want to get married, maybe even for more than just the fear of being alone.

But there are bright spots. The weather here today has been amazing: complete downpour interspersed with parly cloudiness and major windgusts. If it weren´t for the profusion of water, I´d swear I was home right now. Love it. And, I got to class no problem today (except of course for the rain), and am now only tired, slightly achy, and have heartburn. Yeah, that sounds like a blast, doesn´t it?

Jaimes and I were talking last night, as she seems to be the only person I can trust this shit with here. She´s really supportive, and all my telling her did was make her feel special that I trusted her so much. But she was telling me that Monica said that she and I had bonded as well, and she thinks I´m miserable, that I´m hiding something. While I am hiding something, because I´m too wishy-washy still to look myself in the mirror and say it, despite its obviously being true, it isn´t making me miserable. I just have to be more cautious around that topic, or lie, either works. But still, I am happy. I mean, I have a social life now, which is something I never had before. I have friends I can trust my deepest, darkest shit to (thanks to Fiona, Paul, and Jaimes), and I have buddies I can sit down at the bar with and hang out. All I´m lacking is a steady relationship, but that´ll come, I do honestly believe that. As I wrote a while back, all I´m looking for is an honest friend, someone to be able to depend on. And I want sex, but that´s a given. So, ever the hopeless romantic, I´m looking forward to meeting the right person and settling down a bit. God I hope it´ll come fucking soon, though. I´m tired of waiting, that´s for damn sure.

All right, enough of the pretentious, self-important bullshit. I got it out of me. 1:09pm

Monday, September 8, 2003: Back on my head, again

Saturday night was pretty much a repeat of Friday. Javi took us to Chinese food (delicious, and at only €8/person, quite a deal). Then we met Yoni /JO-ni/ the girlfriend (I think her full name is Yonisladis (sp), since I know this is confusing everyone) at a bar, hung out, and talked, Tyhen to another club, where we danced to great Latin music, and checked out the fellow dancers. Then to a karaoke bar, but it was kind of empty, and the lineup was full, so we called it a night.

Then last night, we went to a "party" for his brother´s birthday at Telepizza, since it was just about the only thing open. Then the brother left, so we went to their apartment and hung out while they cleaned and got ready to go out. Thought we were going to go shoot pool, but that ended up not happening, and we went and got a drink and met his parents, who are nice people. I guess they liked us; Javi said they did. But the mother looked so Spanish; it was just amazing. ´Course, they keep saying that I look like a typical American, so I definitely need to lose weight now. Maybe then I´d be German at least!

Anyway, so this morning was kind of a wakeup call. 7:30am. I´m glad I didn´t finish the game with the guys last night (we found a bar, actually the first one we went to in Algorta, that has satellite, so we tuned to Fox and watched Chicago play San Francisco, since Chris the Roommate´s from Chicago and Ryan the friend who´s always over at our place is from San Francisco). Just crawled in bed, so now I´m not hating life. But I have a lunch date with Jaimes right now, then class, then a cancelled class for a Basque Politics Mandatory seminar (shit!). 11:45am

Saturday, September 6, 2003: Spanish Hospitality

Friday was pretty uneventful. The only highlight was that Vanessa called me back, and we decided we´re going to go to London for the weekend of Oct 3-5! So, when Chris, Ryan, and I decided not to go to the beach but instead into downtown, we went to El Corte Inglés and I bought a plane ticket! Just like that! So that was the highlight of the day.

The night is the real story though. Around 10:30, we all met at the metro plaza. At first it was just about 6, but it turned into like 15-20 before we´d actually gotten on the metro. We got off at Casco Viejo, and this huge group was trying to find a good bar. What a waste of time. Eventually, Martin, Jaimes, Schleck, Ryan, Chris, I, and a couple others broke off to a leather/heavy metal bar, and really stuck out. So, we left pretty quickly. We decided to get back on the metro and go up to the other side of town to find a festival. Chris, Ryan, and I, being sort of separate from the group while waiting for the train, started asking a Bilbaino if he knew of this festival. He said he didn´t. Stumped, we all got on the metro. At the Abando station, I started talking to Ryan, and together we convinced Chris to get off with us at the next station and see what we could find on our own. The three of us started walking, and we ran into the guy from the metro station! We waved, and he recognized us. We asked him where the party was, and he said he´d take us, he just needed cash and to pick up his girlfriend. So we went with him and met his girlfriend just as she got off work. At first we thought she was mad her boyfriend had just decided to bring along some kids he met at the metro, but no, she was excited to have us along.

So we started barhopping, comparing cultures, drinking beer (et al--good mixed drinks here), and listening to some great club music. That, and I got to dance with a Latina. Her boyfriend totally didn´t mind, and she wanted to dance with me! I feel so much less anglo. And she´s Cuban, so she really knows how to move. Mmm. There are a couple if onlys to add here, but nonetheless I had a great time. The first bar was my (and Ladi´s (sp)) favorite. The second was incredibly packed, and the third was just nice, if emptyish. Javier "Javi", who´s my age, bought us rounds at every place. Ledis, who´s 24, just danced the night away. We didn´t call it a night until after they´d invited us to dinner the next night, and then to drive to a festival in another town. They finally showed us their building at around 4:30, and we said our goodbyes.

Frankly, right now, I´m dumbfounded at how incredibly nice these people are. They welcomed us into their evening, made us feel and home, and kept the conversation lively, and for the most part, in Spanish. Despite some communication problems, we really just got along famously. All three of us were amazed at how hospitable they were, all of us feeling guilty that we probably wouldn´t´ve done the same back home. At least not as far as they went. So, they´re going to be calling Chris around 10, and we´re going to meet at the Moyua station and start all over again. Thank god I got to sleep until 3pm today--I´ll need all the rest I can get to party like a Spaniard on the weekend! 7:33pm

Thursday, September 4, 2003: Classes

Loved last night. Stayed in and Chris cooked us a great pasta sauce and pasta. So fucking good. The man can cook, and we ate our fill. And the nifty thing was, it was a veggie sauce, not meat, so it was incredibly healthy! We listened to a little music, watched a little TV, and just had a great time. Then Martin came over, so we went out to a bar to watch the soccer game. I, of course, am stuck in a corner with a post in my back and my ass hanging off the seat, so I can´t get comfortable. Not to mention, Spaniards seem to have no concept of "air conditioning". Ugh! But it was a good night. So then I went back, and on the way got sidelined by a very drunk Basque man. He just kind of took my arm and started talking in Basque. I, speaking a grand total of 2 words, look dumbfounded and keep saying sorry, but he doesn´t register. I try talking to him in Spanish, and he doesn´t really respond. Then in English, and he does! He spoke it quite well, especially given the apparent odor he had. Ryan passed by and I called him over to join us, and together we finally managed to break away. He was a cool guy, and wanted to buy me a drink, but I wasn´t in the mood to listen to stories in Basque for another couple hours. So I got home and watched Jóvenes y Brujas on Antena 3, and given that I´d already seen it, I could pretty much follow the story, but I did understand a lot of the dialogue. Missed out on "How Soon Is Now?" though, and that ticked me off.

But this morning I paid for staying up that late. My alarm went off at 7, but I woke up at 8:25. Very very pissed about this. Almost caught a ride with Martin and his German roommate, but I just missed them, so I caught a cab. It cost me €10, but I got there on time, as opposed to waiting until class was half over just to get on the bus and get there about the time they were finished. Not fun. But the class seems like it´s all review, but I actually think I could use it. I´m kind of put off by the fact we´ll be reviewing ser and estar, but I could always use a refresher. I mean, I just learnt that you estar muerto, not ser muerto. Very odd to me. Hopefully I´ll learn something, though.

Well, just got off the chat session with Vanessa, and she´s going to be calling me in about half an hour so that we can discuss what´s going to happen and how we´re going to meet up. I also have to start thinking about when I´m going to meet up with Paul and Andy. Yippee--just took out €400 for rent, and already planning on spending another €400 here and another €400 there... Might have to start putting shit on the MasterCard. 11:56am

Wednesday, September 3, 2003: Day off

This is going to be an interesting semester, already I can tell. Monica´s 21st birthday was last night, and it was a blast. Went to Piper´s around ten (an hour after the party was due to start) and took a table separate from everyone else. Gave Monica a big hug and got some drinks. Sat down with Chris and Ryan, and just talked and hung out. Eventually got going after a bit, danced a little bit with Monica to Peggy Lee´s "Fever" and had a good time. My favorite part was meeting the Italian guy sitting by himself at the bar. He and I talked, in Italian, for a good five minutes. I was amazed at how good my Italian still was. Then I started introducing him to several of the Americans who were there, and one of them and he started talking long and hard. I was quite pleased. Went home rather early as I didn´t want to get too far gone and I was falling asleep. But the conversation with Klara the Hungarian was a great topper to the evening right before I left. And that was the night.

Woke up this morning at 11:30 and had breakfast and did laundry. Just hung out and then came here. I think Chris is going to cook pasta tonight, so I´m looking forward to that. Now I need to figure out the bus system and print out my résumé for my internship. The internship I now really want to do, because I get more foreign language credits, get work experience, may do translations (which I already know and love), and get out of Corporate Finance or Principles of Management and Organizational Beahvior for another semester! So it´s all looking up.

Es todo para ahora. 4:38pm

Tuesday, September 2, 2003: Bilbao

Drove out to the Valley of the Fallen, north of Madrid. The place was amazing! It´s set high on a hill, with a huge cross, and a basilica (which is larger than the Vatican´s) drilled into the mountain. Inside are buried some of the men who died in the Spanish Civil War, as well as Franco and his right-hand man, up at the altar. It was quite an experience. Then we drove to the Palacio del Escorial, which was interesting as well. The tour was a little longwinded, but it was enjoyable. Then we drove home.

The end of Madrid! We packed and left really early to go to Segovia. We took our time getting there, but it was a great little burg with a good looking cathedral and an amazing castle. The thing I love about the architecture here, at least for the castles, is that they plaster over the stones, and imprint a pattern into the walls, making for a good looking castle. Its only problem is that the yellow plastering blends it into the yellow fields (which look sometimes like the area around Twin Falls and sometimes like East Bay/Davis, California--I feel like I´m in the States over here!) But it was cool to see. Then we pulled into Bilbao, and it was gray and rainy. Perfect! A girl, Vanessa, met us and got us to our apartment. Turns out Schleck and I are in the same flat. We met Chris, another roommate, who was already there. I took the front bedroom, which has an amazing view and I believe is also the largest! The flat itself is great, albeit on the 5th floor (this is going to kill me!!) We have 1.5 baths, a full kitchen with washer, a TV room, and a balcony! Very nice, and except for being right next to the metro (it gets loud), it´s a perfect location (because it´s right next to the metro--paradoxical, I know). So we met up with some friends and went to a great little pub not too far from the metro plaza (as I´ve taken to calling the nice little plaza right near our place that is also the home of the Algorta metro stop). Got some beers and had a great night.

Woke up pretty early and went to the USAC bus stop to go to the Universidad del País Vasco (aka Euskal Herriko Universitatea aka Basque Country University) for Orientation. It was longwinded but I guess informative. Then we took the tests, and I guess I did well. Also found out that the Spaniard has cancelled, so some Korean guy named Gi Kuk (9/8) will be moving instead. He speaks like no English, which is good, but little Spanish, which is bad. Huh. Make things interesting this semester. But we´ve been getting along. After a pizza (which did not set well with me--this is my punishment so don´t harrass me Roy), went home and to bed.

More orintationing today. Got to know the university and the city better. Already getting to know my way around pretty well. Ingacio took us to a hill to see the views, to the best beach, and to the mall, so now I know where everything is. Now it´s just a matter of figuring out which bus goes to those places!

So that´s the past few days in a nutshell. More to come! 7:00pm

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