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Journal Archives for August 2003

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Some of this comes from the travels section.

Friday, August 29, 2003: Toledo

Instead of partying (especially since no one, including me, was up for it), we decided on a bit of hanging out in the café and went to bed. My roommate and I read some (I checked up on Toledo, and finished the new Clive Cussler). While reading up on the Prado, I found out that The Garden of Earthly Delights is hanging there, and I missed it! I can´t tell you how annoying that is! But it´s all good: something to see next time.

So we woke up early, all of us refreshed, and went to Toledo, about an hour´s bus ride southwest of Madrid. The city is amazing. Filled with cool shops (most selling swords and cutlery), nifty little cafés, and a general lively atmosphere. The views were equally spectacular. Saw the main Cathedral (the one dedicated to the Virgin), the synagogue, and did a lot of hanging out in the Plaza Zolocoral (sp). What a trip this city is. The roads were incredibly narrow; most of the time, we were having to walk around cars that were forced to go about 2 ft/hr because of the throngs of mostly tourists. But it was just so neat to be in a city that was founded 300 years before they new the Americas existed! I felt transported back to the Middle Ages, just like in Carcassonne. Its only downfall was the McDonald´s in that plaza. But I digress. The one thing that amazed me, however, was Castilla-La Mancha´s resemblance to southern Idaho, around where my grandparents live. There were lovely rolling hills covered in yellow plant life that looked so much like the area around Rochester and the (other) Mormon town. It felt somewhat like home. (Not that the Cadillac Escalade and Ford Explorer I just saw are helping to change that). Took a catnap on the busride home, and filled out the postcards. It looks like they won´t be mailed out until I get to Bilbao, but the quantity of postcards ought to make up for their late arrival.

Well, I have a bit of time before dinner and tonight´s revelry (we´re going to try for a club that doesn´t get started until 2am), so I ought to take a nap. 6:55pm

Thursday, August 28, 2003: El segundo día en Madrid

¡Hola a todos! After partying hardy last night (finally got a buzz around 1:30), woke up this morning and toured the Palacio Real (which is gorgeous) and the Prado, which held some amazing paintings. Met up with the three major pre-ca 1850 painters, Velázquez, Goya, and El Greco. Got to see that cool Las Melinas, where the artist painted himself painting, with the young princess and her maidservants being watched by the king and queen. But my favorite was El Greco, who painted the daily lives of the average Spaniards. Until the death of his beloved wife, that is, when he entered his black period. It was amazing to see the dramatic change, from Rembrandt-esque light and color and fun, to the morbid, grotesque scenes of death and misery. His style seems to mark the beginning of expressionism as opposed to realism, and although his characters´ faces weren´t realistic, the style portrayed the agony beautifully, perhaps better than he could have with photo-like faces. Loved it. The Prado was also hosting a Titian exhibit, and I got to see a few through some blocked-off entrances. The Prado was really cool.

So now here I am back in the internet café. The stores are now reopening, so I´m going to go look for sheer silk socks for Roy. Thus far no luck, and I´m not holding out much given what Paul´s told me. Then it´s back to the hotel at eight for dinner. I´m even considering just plopping in bed, but I´m not sure it´s worth it. God, and I´ve already blown through €100! Between all the beers last night (I bought a few rounds for everyone), and the fabulous pizza today for lunch, it´s been disappearing quickly. I imagine I should probably save some for rent! 4:13pm

Wednesday, August 27, 2003: La llegada en España

I´m finally here! My plane-ass is curing, I´m in a fabulous room in a fabulous hotel, I´ve been meeting and talking to people: things are great. Hell, even the keyboards are essentially the same! Madrid is beautiful; it´s nice outside, there´s a cheap Coke machine right there, and it´s only 10am, so I can´t quite get a drink. Not a bad thing, but I am so ready for it right now. At least I can finally get a smoke in. Awesome! 9:54am

Monday, August 25, 2003: Día de victorias/Úlitma día en los EEUU

It's been a great day today. The biggest news is that Roy/California is essentially over his cancer! He emailed me today to say that his doctor informed him that there is no trace whatsoever of his limphoma (sp), so the eight cycles originally prescribed are down to four! Meaning, he'll be done in a few weeks, and be completely recovered by the time I see him in December. It's fucking awesome!

My news is somewhat less dramatic but still amazing. Apparently Mom wasn't in as much denial as I thought she was. We're sitting on the front porch smoking, and she just comes out and asks, "John, do you think you're gay?" And I said, simply, "Yes." And that was that. No crying, no fuss, no drama. TNT would be pissed, you know? I was essentially dumbfounded, since I expected more of a response from her. I knew deep down that she knew, but I figured it was a big thing for her and that she wasn't going to face it until I made her. But there was no need. Hmm. So, I'm out to her now, and I honestly believe she doesn't have a problem with it. She just doesn't want me to give up on girls; she suspects that I'm not good enough at getting girls and therefore abandoned it. This is a suspicion of mine too, but even if it is true, it just means I'm bi. Which for some reason seems really weak and I'm not sure I want to go there. Anyway, so now she knows and all is well. She really does love me.

I still can't believe Roy's over it so quickly! Way to go man! 10:06pm

Saturday, August 23, 2003: The Benefits of Alcohol

Okay, so alcoholism is bad. You need only look at an AA group to understand that. But it is possible to have a FABULOUS time with it as well. Jorge and I went to Bully's tonight and had an absolutely fabulous time. I told him my deepest darkest secret (Fiona and Paul, you know; Aurora, I think you probably now know too and/or can guess), and he told me his. It was great. I had too many beers, but I'm still coherent. I think. As for the phone call to Fiona tonight, I apologize if I sounded drunk. I was, what can I say? But I was fun and you know it!! Aurora, I don't hate you, so please don't flip me off. Why would you do that? You know my email: tell me! To Jorge, who will probably never read this, I want to thank you for being supportive and for not changing a damn thing, which is exactly what I wanted.

As for this evening, it couldn't've been cooler. I'm so damn glad I didn't let him out of it. We just had a great time. The waitress was even flirty, which did increase the tip (as I suppose that was all it was meant to do). And I'm somewhat numb, just brewed some coffee, and am now going to eat a decent meal, since chicken wings don't count. And my first cigarette broke off weirdly right at the beginning, and I now have a reminder of this evening in the form of a burn scar on my right pinky. In my inebriated state, this is a good thing. All right, enough delirium. I love drinking with friends!!!! 11:59pm

Friday, August 22, 2003: Mis amigos

God, I love the rain! We got .64in yesterday, and it was cloudy and foggy and cool and fabulous! Spent the whole day doing whatever I wanted (which of course didn't include packing). Woke up late, and looked outside: no hint of sunlight. Love it. Drizzly all day, and it couldn't've been nicer. Unfortunately, I don't get paid for such days, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. Went to lunch with Mom at Cheers, and paid for it, as my grande finale there. Then filled up the tank (that was the only downer: gas is up to $1.89 at the cheapest AM-PM in town; the Iraqi station is up to $1.95, and the Shells and Chevrons, $2.09---took me $31 to fill up yesterday). Then drove back to the Iraqi station, where some guy asked me for a ride to Winhaven in Minden. So, the second hitchhiker in my lifetime; I must say, August has been a month of firsts for me. Plus, he was a lot cooler than the last hitchhiker, and we got along famously on the drive down. (He loved my car, MAJOR points there.) Then came back home and read on the front porch, reading my coming out book. Very interesting and informative. All in all, nice nice day.

The evening went just as well. Josh came over and we went out for pizza and talked. Then, we picked up his girlfriend, Angie, and went to Cue-phoria on Winnie. I sucked, as usual, but made a couple really nice shots, which made me feel better. Then we played 99 and King's Corner at Angie's house, and I didn't get back until 11. But it was nice to see Josh again, and he's even praying for me (aww, how sweet).

Today's not been so nice though: too much sun and I'm really ready for work now. But I finished off my Mad About You DVD so I can now send it off to Le Roi/California, and my shirts are back so I can now take pictures. Also have to do that damn DSP stuff to go inactive for the semester; probably has to be turned in before the beginning of the semester, and for some reason I'm afraid that that is Monday. Probably not, but no, it is. Shit. OK, gotta get rolling. 10:45am

Tuesday, August 19, 2003: Freak-out

Well, my flight to Madrid leaves a mere week away, and it's kind of freaky. I'm very comfortable here in my routine, with work, TV, Fiona, and going to bed late, and this is really going to disrupt it. It'll also be the final snip in cutting the ambilical cord--because they don't stretch 10,000 miles for three and a half months. That's a good thing; something that I've been looking forward to for a long time. And I guess now there's even a little excitement creeping in on me. Kind of starting my life. Hell, I may even get lucky and land a job and get my degree from the Universidad de Bilbao. That'd be cool. So, I suppose there are ups here, but it's going to be unsettling. I'm going to have to change a lot here, and as is stereotypical, this is kind of frightening. I know I'll do well, I know I'll have fun, but I just want it started now, not later. Okay, that's my venting for the night. 11:25pm

Monday, August 18, 2003: Camry, from the Japanese kan-muri, kammuri, Crown

So, I'm thinking I need to re-do my About Me and Camry pages. Some people have some kickass Internet monuments out there; why don't I? I could have a huge, wonderful pics, that would download quickly. I'll work on that.

All right, so it's Monday night, no plans. Got a new book, The Lost Language of Cranes, and it looks to be interesting. Thanks, Paul! Two more books and a CD are still on the way. I just hope they all get here before I leave. You know, I'm still nervous about going. But I'm thinking of it more as moving and less as an extended vacation (which is what France was), so maybe it'll go down differently. I'm in an apartment, and that's going to be very new for me. Sort of an ohmigod sort of thing. All right, got to shut it down; still have to mop the floors, thank you very much, Janet. God, I wish she'd get in a good mood for once! 6:00pm

Saturday, August 16, 2003: Hopeless romantic

So when do you want to go to Esoteric? Or we could always try the gay bar next to the train tracks... 4:37pm

Thursday, August 14, 2003: Two down, the rest of the world to go

So, quiet week at home, for the most part. Despite the tiff on Monday (which I think I still haven't forgiven Dad for), things are good. I actually did laundry today, and cleaned up the room somewhat. I could theoretically sleep in my own bed tonight, which would be good seeing as how I couldn't fall asleep last night, and am now functioning on like two hours' sleep, if that. But I'm watching the Mad About You DVD I bought in San Francisco, and I'm having a good time remembering the early '90s.

Ahorita salí del clóset a dos personas: Shar, mi amiga con quien quizá viviré el próximo semestre, y a Fiona, que todos conocen. No molestó mucho a Shar, pero creo que era un gran choc a Fiona. La sorprendí mucho. Su día había sido malo, y creo que lo hice peor. Lo siento, Fiona. Fortunatemente, después del película, todo parecía bien--hablabamos para tres horas, sobre todo--nuestros padres, los fundamentalistas que odiamos, etc. So, it's been an okay week. Sorry I freaked you out Fiona. And I hope that the thing that's really freaking you out works out. Thanks for calling today. 4:40pm

5:20pm: Uploaded Song No. 2: "In a Toyota"

Monday, August 11, 2003: "That Summer"

I just spent well over $600-700. I look damn good, but I'm broke. But that's not what's important. Lo que sí importa es que entré el mundo de los adultos.

Manejé a la California. Entré en la puerta y me dijo hola. Nos sentimos en el sofá y me comenzó abrazar. Estaba nervioso; él me preguntó porque. Le dije que no sabía si fuera gay, pero ahora sé. Y así pasó.

Spent the day going out to dinner. Spent Saturday in SF, spending $600 on clothes I don't need but really wanted, and I look so good in them. Got a new suit, four new shirts, new shoes, and both Mom and Dad thought I looked great in them when I got home yesterday. Pleasant evening at home con más tocar y abrazar.

Sunday, walked through Old Sacramento and ate on a riverboat. Exercised before all that, and I weighed in at 270. I can't put into words how great this weekend was. August 8-9. 1:31pm

Thursday, August 7, 2003: Voyages!!

I leave tomorrow for Davis. My suits are pressed, I'll soon be packed, and the credit card is in the wallet. My worries: that he and I have different expectations, and that I'll be more in debt after this weekend then all of France. My hopes: that he and I have the same expectations, and that I'll come home better dressed than ever. I hope this weekend kicks ass, because it really could. I'm very excited but very nervous. Hopefully a movie with Fiona will help out some. 4:44pm

Sunday, August 3, 2003: In memoriam

Justin, you were one of the most awesome people to ever walk the face of the planet. You never hated on anyone. You were always cool with everyone, ready and willing to help anyone in need. As was constantly reminded at your memorial, you lived life to the fullest. I regret and lament that I never took the time to return the favors you so easily bestowed on me, that I didn't get to know you and completely understand how cool you were. I want to thank you for having graced me with your presence as much as you did, and I hope you're having a kick-ass time in heaven. Put in a good word for me, would you? I know I shouldn't be asking, but you never made me feel like I was putting upon you, and for that I thank you as well. Hasta la vista. 9:40

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