Ifa, solipsism and your destiny

In Spiritual Solipsism the concept of personal destiny is of the utmost importance: after all, it's our destiny that contains all our experiences whether past, present or future.

About the past I wouldn't bother too much: the past consists of memories, and we can arrange and/or reconstruct these at will. If you don't believe that, just dig into the many court cases where the weirdest accusations are flaunted about by adults who, on the instigation of dedicated therapists, suddenly "remember" quite spectacular youth traumas like having been ritually murdered and eaten by the local vicar and his three wives.
Or otherwise reasonably sane people who insist on having been abducted and thoroughly explored in a sexual way by aliens, while pointed research into their actual whereabouts at the time clearly indicates that they were being enthousiastically wanked off in the friendly neighborhood massage parlor.

The present ain't no problem either: you're there, and you deal with it. You can't help living in the present, for that's the focus of your solipsist identity. All you have to do is simply be.

Aye, the future!

The future then. Knowing that in Spiritual Solipsism you create your own reality, it would be nice to have some guidelines on how to optimally develop said reality in years to come. The African Ifa philosophy (it's also a religion, a way of life, and a helpful solipsist format for whoever prefers not to re-invent the wheel) has a lot of clever things to say on the concept of destiny. Through Ifa-based divination, optimum roads for the future can be established, obstacles are pointed out in order to be avoided, and the making of choices is reduced to a simple: "This option stinks like a month old corpse, and that option smells sweetly like a rose". Most people choose the rose, only to discover later that it grows on a grave with an even worse smelling stiff inside. Ifa divination helps you to prevent such discoveries, by telling you beforehand why the rose grows there.

Have a dekko

Anyway, go have a look yourself. Potter about with the links at the top right of this page: an Ifa-oriented dekko might prove interesting to you. But beware: it's pretty solipsist over there, so you enter at your own risk.