To sign it, send an e-mail to Manson Ramirez at: with:
Below is a copy of the letter Manson Ramirez is sending to the schools' officials along with your votes.
As citizens of the United States of America, we have all come to know and respect not only our rights, but also the rights of others. Everyone is their own individual person, and should be allowed to like, dress, act, look, and discuss what they want when they want. Yes, it is wrong to do so if it offends others, but that is not the case in this situation.
About two months ago, a student from your school district sent out an e-mail message stating that your school decided to ban Marilyn Manson. Marilyn Manson fans all over the country recieved that single message, or 'cry for help', and I am now doing something about it. Please do not immediately discard this from your sight and memory, for I am merely trying to keep things like this from happening again. I know this does not only speak of your school, but also of other schools. Since I have no knowledge of those other schools' decisions to ban things such as Marilyn Manson and Nine Inch Nails, I cannot do anything about that. I am not trying to say that you must like these things, but that you should not ban something because of a T-shirt that states someone's opinion.
Isn't it said that public schools cannot teach religion in schools, and separate students due to religious beliefs? If I am correct, I believe that this matter falls into that category as well. Since the message I recieved stated that the band was banned from your students' wardrobe, speach, and literature, because of a shirt that read 'American by birth. AntiChrist by choice.', I truly believe that you are trying to separate anything against your own religious beliefs from being a part of your educational atmosphere. I would like to know how it is that you can do such a thing! If you can so easily dismiss any anti-religious things from your school, I hope you also just as easily can dismiss all religious clothing articles, speach, and literature!
Please listen to this, if you will not listen to your students. All I am asking is that you talk this matter over with the students whom are involved, and that you open your eyes next time. Hopefully there won't be a next time, and I also hope that you will change your minds about your decision to bring religious matters into your students' school careers. Your web site states that you believe all students can be successful, but how do you expect them to succeed in life when you are discouraging them from being themselves?
Thank you for your time.
P.S. Along with this statement, I have enclosed contact information for people that agree with my statements. Please review it and get back to all of us immediately!
©1998 Manson Ramirez