Congratulations to ~Tweedy~ for being the 666th person to visit this site! |
Hello! Thanks for visiting the Chamber of Marilyn Manson! The OFFICIAL CHAMBER OF MARILYN MANSON will be released by January 1, 1999! Thank you for all the support, it is because of you that I have decided to take some time to work on creating a new, better OFFICIAL CHAMBER OF MARILYN MANSON. Email me at with any suggestions, etc. (THIS IS A NEW ADDRESS!) Thanks again!
Sweet Dreams,
Ms. Manson Ramirez
(Please bookmark this page. E-mail me if you would like to link to this
Now not only is this page be a place for fans to visit for information on Marilyn Manson, but also a place where non-fans, and/or people who dislike the band because of their lack of understanding, can learn to understand everything they
are currently unable to. I hope this page will be able to do that. I am not trying to force people into liking the band. I am not trying to convince people that
Christianity is bad. I am not trying to convince people to like or do anything against their own will. I am merely trying to help people understand what I have
learned to. I am trying to teach people that they should not immediately hate or
dislike difference.
See below for some news about the NEW Chamber of Marilyn Manson! UPDATED!
Welcome fans and those searching to understand, I am Manson Ramirez, a devoted Marilyn Manson fan. I have liked the band since 1995, and therefore feel that it
is wrong what is being done today. It is not right that people can ban a certain
band from their area just because of a few lyrics. Lyrics aren't everything, but then again neither are album titles.
So many people in society today do not understand
the things that Marilyn Manson do. Therefore they decide that they are evil and
should be banned. Americans, and people worldwide, would rather throw on
their "good-guy badges", and leave it at that, because it's easier than trying to
understand. I would just like to know why. I would like to know why this country, that is supposed to be free, decided to establish those nice little amendments. It's obvious that most people have forgotten their meaning. What ever happened to the First Amendment?
Please help out by signing our petition. For more information, please see
"Schools Part II" below.
To me, it seems that Marilyn Manson has only become such a controversial band
today because they released an album titled "Antichrist Superstar". As soon as the album was released, church-goers everywhere were paying close attention to
the band's every move. Some only banned them because they released an album with that title. I feel that many people would not care so much about what Marilyn Manson do if they had decided to name the album something different...
Send me a message:
*Please note: I am not Marilyn Manson, nor do I have any
affiliation with them. Please do not send me messages directed
to them, and please don't send blank messages.