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Isaac Hanson is Hanson's guitar man. He sings lead in "A Minute Without You" and switches lines with Taylor in "Madeline" Here are some way cool facts on this Hanson man..

Full Name: Clarke Isaac Hanson

Nickname: Ike

Height: 5'10

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Sport: Basketball

Ike names his guitars after girls he likes.

Ike is 17 years old. His birthday is November 17, 1980.

Isaac can do impressions of Butthead, Kermit The Frog, and Bullwinkle.

Isaac says "Girls definetly don't have cooties.

One of the producers of Middle Of Nowhere says that Ike's got girls on the brain.

Ike says that he'd celebrate his success by going on a hot date.

Go to my Isaac site called Totally Ike! Click here to see Isaac's pics.

Click here to go to MTV's movie gallery and the mov called "" is Isaac's butthead imitation! Check it out!

[Taylor] [Isaac] [Zac]

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