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The "Plus" enhancements can be very useful through out the game, whether in missions or versus. If anyone knows any other enhancements not listed please E-mail me. The only really useful enhancements are the doubled boost ability, the ability to use the back weapons while running with bipedal legs, and the ability of the sword to be used as a distance weapon. The doubled boost if very useful if you are a flying and circling kind of guy. You can stay in the air longer than any regular AC which also good for those missions that need you to fly high. Such as the last mission (floating mines mission). The added boost power really shows it's usefulness in the air platform versus stage. The ability to use your back weapons while running with bipedal legs is useful anywhere. Imagine being able to use the grenade launcher while flying or running. My recommendation is to start circling your opponent with the powerful back weapons. That should take care of them. Also, try sniping with the powerful back weapons. This time your sniping is more effective. Using the sword as a distance weapon has it's advantages. You don't really have to worry about your ammo as much because you can just use you sword as a distance weapon if you have to. It seems to take more damage as a distance weapon. The only draw back is that you can't lock on. Being "Plus" can really help give you an edge over the competition. One last thing, the only way to get a 100% success rate and 100% over-all rate is to become plus since to get one of the secret items you have to fail a mission.