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ELIJAH GREY born ca 1791 England; baptized at Charlwood Surrey England 25 October 1794; perhaps died ca Dec 1860 Reigate England; perhaps son of Stephen Grey and Sarah (unknown); probably married MARY (Unknown) born ca 1796 England.

CENSUS: Charlwood Surrey England 1841


Children of ELIJAH GREY and MARY (unknown):

1.  Elizabeth.

2.  Mary.

3. Ann born 1820 England.

    CENSUS: Charlwood Surrey England 1841

4. Harriet born ca 1821 England.

CENSUS: Charlwood Surrey England 1841

+5.  Sarah born 1824 England; died 1897; married 21 Jan 1843 Charlwood Sussex England John Tulett born 8 Nov 1816 at Crawley, Sussex, England; died 16 Feb 1909 Lyons NY; son of John Tulett and Martha Boswell. They moved to Lyons Wayne Co. NY.    Both are buried in Dobbin Cemetery.   LDS Index for 1880 on internet has name listed as Julett. They sailed to America in 1855 on the "Ocean Queen".

    CENSUS: Crawley Sussex Eng. 1851; Town of Waterloo Seneca Co. NY 1860; 1870; 1880; Lyons Wayne Co. NY 1900
    OBITUARY: From Syracuse Post Standard 18 February 1909
Lyons, Feb. 17 - John Tulett, the oldest man in the village, was found dead in bed yesterday at the home of his son, Abraham S. Tulett, No. 134 William Street. He was 97 years old  and had been in good health up to a short time ago. He was born in Herefordshire, England, and came to America in 1855, settling on the John Haines farm between Lyons and Geneva. The country was then a wilderness. He was a truck farmer and lived in that vicinity until his wife died about 12 years ago. For a man of his years he was remarkable, his memory being good to the last. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Emily Soden, of Shellsburg, Iowa; seven sons, James Tulett of Geneva, William Tulett of Chicago, Thomas Tulett of Cincinnati, Frederick Tulett and Charles Tulett of Junius, Elijah G. Tulett and Abraham S. Tulett of this village. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock from the Methodist Church between this village and Geneva followed by burial in the Dobbin Cemetery.
    CEMETERY: Dobbins Cemetery Seneca Co. NY

    CENSUS: Crawley Sussex Eng. 1851; Town of Waterloo Seneca Co. NY 1860; 1870; 1880
    CEMETERY: Dobbins Cemetery Seneca Co. NY
From Geneva Daily Times 24 August 1897
The death of Sarah Tulett, wife of John Tulett, occurred yesterday at the family residence in the town of Waterloo. The deceased was 73 years of age. She is survived by her husband, seven sons and one daughter.
+6.  ELIJAH STEVEN born ca 1829 England; died ca 1885 NY; married between 1855-1860 SARAH JANE VAN AUKEN. In 1850 census living with Peter and Ellen Decker in Town of Phelps, born 7 Mar 1839 NY; died 13 Oct 1921 of a stroke at home of daughter, Ruby Caroline Millard of Phelps NY. Her death certificate names father as John and mother (unknown). Family lore indicates that Sarah Jane was "orphaned at an early age." Sarah Jane is buried in Dobbin Cemetery Town of Waterloo NY. Florence Millard Briggs in her hand-written notes states that Elijah Grey had sisters, Elizabeth; Mary; and Sarah. Death certificate of Rhoda Grey says mother, Sarah Jane Van Auken, was born in Town of Lyons NY. 
CENSUS: Charlwood Surrey England 1841, 1851; Town of Waterloo Seneca Co. NY 1860; Town of Phelps Ontario Co. NY 1865; Town of Waterloo 1870; Geneva Ontario Co. NY 1875; Town of Waterloo Seneca Co 1880
    MISC.: Child's Business Directory 1867/8 - Elijah Grey, farmer 13 acres Town of Seneca

    CENSUS:  Town of Phelps Ontario Co. NY 1850; Town of Waterloo Seneca Co. NY 1860; Town of Phelps 1865; Town of Waterloo 1870; Geneva 1875; Town of Waterloo 1880; Geneva Ontario Co. NY 1900, 1910. 1920
    DEATH CERT.: Filed Town of Phelps; died of cerebral hemorrhage; father John; mother (unknown)
    OBITUARY:  From Geneva Daily Times Friday October 14 1921
Mrs. Jane Grey, 82 years old, died yesterday afternoon at one o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Millerd, in the town of Phelps.  Her death was the result of a stroke suffered a week ago. Mrs. Grey is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Mark Simpson of this city, Mrs. William Patrick of Waterloo, Mrs. Fred Dadson of Junius, and Mrs. William Millerd of Phelps; three sons, Charles Grey of Geneva, and Joseph and George Grey of Los Angeles California; thirteen grandchildren and fifteen great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 from the home of Mrs. William Millerd of Phelps.  Burial will be in Dobbins' Cemetery on the Pre-Emption Road.
7.  James born ca 1831 England.

CENSUS: Charlwood Surrey England 1841

8.  Charlotte born ca 1836 England.

CENSUS: Charlwood Surrey England 1841

9. Perhaps Stephen born ca 1822; died 1891; married Jane Ann Wood born ca 1832 Brighton Sussex England.


Children of Sarah Grey and John Tulett:

1.  Emily born 10 May 1845 Crawley Sussex England; died 25 Feb 1932 Shellsburg Benton County IA; married 19 October 1864 at Phelps NY  James Knox Soden born 6 Feb 1843 Phelps NY; died 18 Feb 1905 Shellsburg IA; son of William Soden and Elizabeth (unknown). Emily came to US ca 1855. Both are buried Oakwood Cemetery, Shellsburg, IA.

    CENSUS; Crawley Sussex Eng. 1851; Junius Seneca Co. NY 1860; Benton Audubon Co. IA 1880; Shellsburg  Benton Co. IA 1900, 1910, 1920

CENSUS:  Benton Audubon Co. IA 1880; Shellsburg Benton Co. IA 1900;
    MISC.: Civil War veteran; Private Co. H 126 NY Inf.

2. Mary A. born ca 1847 England.

    CENSUS: Crawley Sussex Eng. 1851; Town of Waterloo Seneca County 1860

3.  James born Feb 1849  England; died 29 Apr 1932 Waterloo NY;  married 7 Mar 1883 Elizabeth Elmer of Geneva; born 1851; died after 30 April 1932. Both are buried Glenwood Cemetery, Geneva NY.

CENSUS: Crawley Sussex Eng. 1851; Town of Waterloo Seneca County 1860, 1880; Fayette Seneca Co. NY 1900, 1910; 1920
    OBITUARY: From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 30 April 1932
James Tulett, Geneva, 82, died today at his home in the town of Waterloo, east of Border City. He leaves his widow, son Clarence of Waterloo; two daughters, Mrs. Franklin Acker of Hackensack and Mrs. Jack Rodarty of Los Angeles, Calif.; five brothers, William of Chicago, Thomas of Brest Ohio, Abram and Elijah of Lyons and Charles of Fayette. Funeral Monday at 2:30 o'clock.
    MISC.: Marriage Notice published Geneva Daily Times 7 March 1883

CENSUS: Seneca Ontario Co. NY 1860; Geneva Ontario Co. NY 1880; Fayette Seneca Co. NY 1900, 1910, 1920

4.  Thomas born about 1854 England; died after 30 Apr 1932 OH; married ca 1890 Charlotte (unknown) born ca 1868 Iowa.
    CENSUS; Town of Waterloo Seneca County 1860, 1870, 1880; Van Wert Van Wert Co. OH 1910; 1920

    CENSUS: Van Wert Van Wert Co. OH 1910; 1920

5.  Frederick Russell born July 1854; died 2 May 1926 Town of Waterloo NY; married 3 December 1884 Henrietta Anderson born July 1862; died about 26 Nov 1932 Waterloo NY. Both are buried Glenwood Cemetery, Geneva NY.

CENSUS: Town of Waterloo Seneca Co. NY 1860, 1880, 1900
    OBITUARY: From Geneva Daily Times 2 May 1926:
Died today Frederick Russell Tulette, age 71, Waterloo-Junius Road; leaves widow; son Sinclair A.; brothers Charles of Waterloo; James of Waterloo; Abe and Elijah of Lyons; William of Chicago; Thomas of VanWert OH; sister, Mrs. Emily Soden of Shellsburg IA.
    MISC.: From Ontario County Journal 12 December 1884: Married in Geneva, Dec. 3d, by the Rev. T. M. House, Frederick R. Tulett of Junius and Henrietta Anderson of Phelps.

    CENSUS: Waterloo Seneca Co. NY 1900
OBITUARY: From Geneva Daily Times 28 November 1932
Henrietta Anderson Tulett, widow of the late Frederick Tulett, died at her home on the 5 Points - Waterloo Road at 8 o'clock Saturday evening following a short illness.  She was 70 years of age.  She leaves one son, Sinclair, of the Town of Phelps and 2 grandchildren.  Funeral will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at her home with the Rev. Howard Hassinger of St. Peters Church officiating. Burial will be in Glenwood Cemetery.
6.  Elijah G. born Oct 1856 or 1857; died 19xx (after 30 Apr 1932); married ca 1898 census to Hattie Boyst born July 1867; died 1934; daughter of John Boyst and Hattie (unknown). Both are buried Elmwood Cemetery, Lyons NY.

    CENSUS: Town of Waterloo Seneca NY 1860, 1870, 1880; Town of Lyons Wayne Co. NY 1900, 1910, 1920

    CENSUS; Town of Lyons Wayne Co. NY 1880; 1900; 1910;  1920
    MISC.: From Lyons NY Wayne County Review 24 September 1903 - Mrs. Elijah Tulett became the mother of twins Tuesday and for several hours her condition was considered serious. Dr. Carmer now has her out of danger and the youngsters are doing well.

7.  William Henry born 27 May 1858;  died 14 Feb 1939 Chicago IL; married 3 Mar 1886 in Geneva NY Catherine Wilhelmina Ida Roehrig born 14 Mar 1858; died 24 Dec 1947 Highland Park IL; daughter of Charles Roehrig and Jane King.

    CENSUS: Town of Waterloo Seneca Co. NY 1860, 1870, 1880; Chicago Cook Co. IL 1900, 1920
    MISC.: From Ontario County Journal 19 Mar 1886 - Married in St. Peter's Church, Geneva, March 3, by Rev. James Rankine, D. D., Mr. William Tulett and Miss Roehrig, both of Geneva.

CATHERINE: Chicago Cook Co. IL 1900, 1920
8.  Charles S. born about 1861 Waterloo NY; died after 25 Apr 1932; married ca 1888 (1) Elmira (unknown) born October 1865; married (2) 14 May 1918 at Geneva NY Mary Woods (widow Ryan); born about 1871 County Mayo Ireland; died 25 Apr 1932 Fayette NY; daughter of Thomas Woods and Mary Casey.  

    CENSUS: Town of Waterloo Seneca Co. NY 1870, 1880, 1920
    MISC.: Marriage Notice published Geneva Daily Times 18 May 1918

    CENSUS: Town of Waterloo Seneca Co. NY 1920
    OBITUARY: From Geneva Daily Times 26 April 1932
Mrs. Mary Ryan Tulett died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Koopman, on the South River road, town of Fayette, last night after a long illness. She is survived by her husband, Charles Tulett; three daughters, Mrs. Carl Naegele, Mrs. Harry Spink of Geneva, and Mrs. Koopman of the town of Fayette; and one sister, Mrs. Ellen Flaherty of Willard.
9.  Abraham born Jan 1862; died 1936 Lyons NY; married 23 Dec 1885 Emma Marie Deming born 31 Oct 1863 Billsboro NY; died 23 Sep 1931 Lyons NY; daughter of James Crawford Deming and Almira Butts. Both are buried Elmwood Cemetery, Lyons NY.

    CENSUS: Town of Waterloo Seneca Co. NY 1870; Phelps Ontario Co. NY 1880; Lyons NY 1900; 1910; 1920
    MISC.: From Geneva Gazette, Jan 8 1886:  Married in Geneva by the Rev. W. Hogarth D. D., Abram S. Tullet and Emma M. Deming, both of Waterloo. 

    CENSUS: Waterloo Seneca Co. NY 1870; 1880; Lyons Wayne Co. NY 1900; 1910; 1920
    OBITUARY: From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 23 September 1931
Lyons, Sep. 23 - Mrs. Emma M. Tulett, 67, wife of Abraham Tulett, died today. she leaves her husband and one daughter, Allie M. Tulett of Rochester and Archie Tulett of Chicago; two brothers, David Demming of Seneca Falls and Frank Demming of Cleveland; and two sisters, Mrs. Cecilia Snyder if Lyons and Mrs. Mary VanNess of Waterloo. Funeral from the home Thursday at 2:30 o'clock.
(1900 census - 12 children born, 7 living; 1910 census 13 children born - 7 living)

+1.  Sarah Jane born 24 Oct 1859; died 18 July 1937; married (1) William Newkirk; married (2) after 1909 William R. Patrick born July 1860 Northumberland Co. Eng; son of John Patrick and Ellen Cullar; died 16 Jan 1946.  Resided Pine Plains Seneca Co. NY. Sarah and William Patrick are buried in Dobbins Cemetery, Seneca Co. NY.

    CENSUS: Town of Waterloo Seneca Co. NY 1860; Town of Phelps 1865, 1870, 1880; City of Geneva Ontario Co. NY 1892; 1910; Waterloo Seneca Co. NY 1920
    OBITUARY:  From GENEVA DAILY TIMES; July 19, 1937
Mrs. Sarah Jane Patrick, wife of William Patrick, of Pine Plains,  died at the Geneva General Hospital last night after a short illness. Surviving, besides her husband, are two sisters, Mrs. Fred Dadson of Junius and Mrs. William Millerd of Phelps; two brothers, Charles Grey of Geneva and Joseph of Yreka, Calif; also several nieces and nephews. The funeral will be held from the home at Pine Plains Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 with the Rev. Dr. C. G. McConnell of the First Methodist church officiating. Interment will be in Dobbins Cemetery.
CENSUS: Waterloo Seneca County NY 1900;
From Geneva Daily Times 16 January 1946
William R. Patrick, aged 85, died this morning at the home of his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Hill, 315 Genesee street, following an illness of several weeks. Surviving are three brothers, John P., Geneva; Cornelius, Hall; and Albert, Lyons road; three sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Hill, Geneva; Mrs. Albert Raynor and Mrs. Emma Ward, both of Wolcott; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Bennett Funeral Home, 207 Genesee Street, Rev. L. D. Bell, pastor of First Methodist Church, will officiate and interment will be in Dobbins Corners Cemetery.
+2.  CHARLES STEVEN born 27 Oct 1862 Town of Phelps Ontario County NY; died 22 Dec 1937 Geneva NY; married 16 Dec 1885 Phelps NY AMELIA JANE GOODSON, born 17 Nov 1863 Town of Phelps, Ontario Co. NY; died 12 Aug 1954 Geneva Ontario Co. NY; daughter of  Robert Goodson and Amelia Ridley.  Both are buried Dobbin Cemetery, Town of Waterloo, Seneca Co. NY.

    CENSUS: Town of Phelps Ontario County NY 1865; Town of Waterloo Seneca Co. NY 1870; Town of Geneva Ontario Co. 1875, 1880; Town of Phelps Ontario Co. NY 1892, 1900; City Geneva 1920, 1930
    OBITUARY:  From GENEVA DAILY TIMES; Dec 22, 1937:
Charles S. Grey, 75, died at 11:10 a.m. at his home, 95 West Street, after a long illness.  Surviving are his widow, Amelia Goodson Grey; four children, Nina Bryan, Amelia Leitner, Charles Leslie Grey of East Orange NJ and Howard E. Grey of Vestal NY; two sisters, Mrs. William Millerd of Phelps NY and Mrs. Fred Dadson of Junius NY; brother, Joseph, of Eureka CA; 21 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren.
    MISC.: From Geneva Gazette 18 Dec 1885: Marriage Notice

    CENSUS: Town of Phelps Ontario Co. NY 1865, 1875, 1892; Town of Geneva Ontario Co. NY 1900; City Geneva 1920; 1930;
    DEATH CERT.: Filed City of Geneva Ontario County NY;
  From Geneva Daily Times 13 August 1954
Mrs. Amelia Grey, 90, 129 Washington St., died Thursday afternoon in Geneva General Hospital after a long illness. She was admitted to the hospital about six weeks ago following a fall in which she suffered a broken hip.The funeral will be held at 4 p.m. Saturday in St. Peter's Church. The Rev. Norman Remmel, rector, will officiate. Interment will be in Dobbin Cemetery, Pre-emption Rd. Friends may call today and Saturday morning at Corwin Funeral Home, S. Main St.

Mrs. Grey was born in 1863 in the Town of Phelps and lived all her life in this area. She was the widow of the late Charles S. Grey and was a member of St. Peter's Church. Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Amelia Leitner, 129 Washington St., with whom she made her home; a son Leslie Grey, Maplewood, N. J.; a half-sister, Mrs. Vernie Baker, 36 Pulteney St.; 21 grandchildren; 51 great-grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren.
    MISC.:  From Geneva Daily Times 24 November 1953
FIVE GENERATIONS HONOR LOCAL WOMAN ON 90th BIRTHDAY - Five generations were represented at the open house in honor of the 90th birthday of Mrs. Amelia Grey, 38 Folger St. Mrs. Grey was on Nov. 17. The open house was arranged by Mrs. Grey's daughter, Mrs. Amelia Leitner, for relatives and friends. Around 50 attended the event from 2 to 9 p.m. Mrs. Grey has 21 grandchildren, 49 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.

Born in the Town of Waterloo, Mrs. Grey has lived in Geneva most of her life. She is very active, assists in the housework, reads, writes letters, and likes to listen to the radio. Two large birthday cakes and bouquets of chrysanthemums formed the table decorations for the open house. Mrs. Leitner's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Harold Leitner, assisted her in serving. Representatives of the five generations of the family present were Mrs. Grey; her daughter, Mrs. Leitner, her granddaughter, Mrs. Burke Searles, great-granddaughter, Cynthia Searles; and great-great granddaughter, Gail Smith, daughter of Edward Smith, a grandson. (sic should be great-grandson). Mr. and Mrs. Grey had seven children, two of whom are still living. Mrs. Grey's daughter, Mrs. Leitner, lives at 38 Folger St., and a son, Leslie, in Maplewood, N. J.
3.  Eleanor/Anna Ellen born about 1864; died about 18 June 1881.

    CENSUS: Town of Phelps Ontario Co. NY 1865; Town of Waterloo Seneca Co. NY 1870; Town of Geneva Ontario Co. 1875, 1880
    OBITUARY: From Geneva Gazette 24 June 1881
Last Saturday morning a young girl named Anna Ellen Gray either committed suicide deliberately, or died from the effect of an overdose of medicine taken to produce an abortion. We have obtained facts in the case so far as developed from the sorrowing father, Elijah Gray, who is a resident of this town. "Nellie", as she was familiarly called, had been out at service as a domestic for two or three years – for the last three months and at the time of her death in the family of David Westfall, just over our county line and in the town of Lyons. Nellie was fond of young society, accustomed to attend country dances, and thus of being out late at nights. For this she was upbraided and even chastised by her parents. But they thought no greater wrong had been committed by her than making some improper acquaintances. The sequal proves that her ruin had been accomplished.

Saturday morning last Nellie did not get up to perform her accustomed work. On being called she said she was sick. Her mistress left her undisturbed and prepared the meal herself. While at breakfast Mrs. Westfall was startled by the sound of a heavy fall on the floor in Nellie's room. Going upstairs she found Nellie lying on the floor behind the door, face downward, and unconscious. Mrs. W. at once called her husband who upon reaching the room found the unfortunate girl dead. The room was in great disorder, the bedclothes and even the deceased's clothing torn and strewn in every direction, showing that she must have suffered greatly during the night and become deranged. Coroner Livingston of Clyde was notified who summoned a jury, and an investigation and post mortem examinations were held, Drs. Putnam of Lyons and Dr. Robinson of Alloway conducting the latter. The revelation was made that the girl was in about the seventh month of pregnancy. A bottle of suspicious looking medicine was found in her trunk, which indicated that she had attempted an abortion. The stomach and vital organs, Mr. Gray informed us, were sent to Rochester for analysis to determine what was the exact character of the deadly drug or poison taken. But without the chemist's report, the coroner's jury rendered a verdict that deceased came to her death from an overdose of medicine taking for the purpose of producing an abortion. We cannot learn upon whom suspicion fastens as the direct cause of the poor girl's ruin. Whoever it be, he must be haunted by remorse as accessory to her murder so long as he lives.
+4.  Rhoda born 27 Dec 1867 (twin) Town of Seneca; died 15 Oct 1931; married 5 March 1889 (1) William Goodson born ca 1861; died December 1890; son of Robert Goodson and Amelia Ridley; married (2) 5 Apr 1894 Mark W. Simpson born Mar 1864; died 28 May 1944; son of William Simpson and Julia (unknown). Rhoda and Mark Simpson are buried in Glenwood Cemetery, Geneva.
    CENSUS: Town of Waterloo Seneca Co. NY 1870; Town of Geneva Ontario Co. 1875, 1880; City of Geneva Ontario Co. NY 1892, 1900, 1920
    MISC.: From Ontario County Journal 15 March 1889: Married in Phelps, March 5, by Rev. William Edson, D. D., William L. Goodson of Phelps and Miss Rhoda Gray of Waterloo;

From Geneva Gazette 1894:
Marriage Notice;

From Geneva Daily Times 15 October 1931
Mrs. Rhoda Gray Simpson, wife of Mark W. Simpson of this city, died this morning at the Dixon Sanitarium after an illness of several months. Surviving are her husband, Mark W. Simpson; a daughter, Mrs. Clifford S. Loomis; a son, Harold M. Simpson; two grandchildren, Jane Loomis and Richard Simpson, all of Geneva.
    CENSUS: Geneva NY 1870, 1875, 1880, 1900, 1920
    OBITUARY: From Geneva Daily Times 1 June 1944
Mark W. Simpson, aged 80, retired Geneva grocer, died early Sunday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Clifford S. Loomis, of 246 William street, after a long illness. Mr. Simpson had conducted a retail grocery business in several locations, retiring because of ill health in 1927. He was operating the grocery establishment on the corner of Oak and North streets at that time. Surviving are his daughter, Mrs. Loomis; one son, Captain Harold M. Simpson of Company K, Third Regiment, New York State Guard, both of Geneva; one brother, Charles Simpson of Newburgh; two granddaughters, Doris Jane Loomis and Elizabeth Ann Simpson; one grandson, Richard Simpson, seaman first class, U. S. N. R. Private services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Corwin Funeral Home, 406 South Main street. Rev. H. H. Hassinger, rector of St. Peter's Episcopal.
    CENSUS: Town of Phelps Ontario Co. NY 1865, 1875, 1880
OBITUARY:  From Geneva Gazette 12 Dec 1890;
The funeral service of Mr. William Goodson was held at the little Episcopal Chapel of the Pines last Thursday, Rev. Dr. Rankine of Geneva reading the ever beautiful burial service in his usual impressive manner and tenderly spoke words of comfort to the sadly bereaved ones.  Mr. Goodson was a young man of exemplary habits, beloved by all who knew him.  He had been ill 2 years by that fell destroyer, consumption.  His young wife who is thus so sadly bereft has the tender sympathy of all the community.
+5.  Ruby Caroline born 27 Dec 1867 (twin) Town of Seneca; died 7 July 1946 Phelps NY; married 25 Feb 1895 in Town of Geneva William Millard born 7 July 1860 Urington England; died 11 Oct 1940; resided Mary Street in Phelps Ontario Co. NY. Both are buried in Newton Cemetery, Junius, Seneca Co. NY.

    CENSUS: Town of Waterloo Seneca Co. NY 1870; Town of Geneva Ontario Co. 1875, 1880; Phelps Ontario Co. NY 1910, 1920
    MISC.: From Geneva Gazette Feb 1895: Marriage Notice

From Geneva Daily Times 8 July 1946
Phelps, July 8 - Mrs. Ruby Millard, 79, widow of William Millard, died at Brightman Nursing Home, Newark, Sunday, after a long illness. Mrs. Millard was an attendant at Phelps Baptist Church. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Carrie Bauer, Lyons; Mrs. Anna Flanders, Hornell; Mrs. Jane Burnett, Phelps; Mrs. Florence Briggs, Penn Yan; two sons, William Millard, Bristol Valley; Charles Millard, Lima; thirteen grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Fred Dadson, Geneva; one brother, Joseph Grey, Yreka, California; and one nephew. Services will be held from her home on Mary street Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. Rev. B. A. Wagner, retired Baptist clergyman, will officiate, and burial will be in Newton Cemetery, Junius.
    CENSUS; Town of Seneca Ontario Co. NY 1892; Phelps Ontario Co. NY 1910; 1920

From Geneva Daily Times 12 October 1940
Phelps, N. Y. -  William Millard, 80, died yesterday in his home in Mary Street, Phelps. He was born in Urington England and came to this country about 50 years ago and since has resided in the town of Phelps.  He was a member of the Episcopal Church. Surviving are his widow, Ruby; four daughters, Mrs. Carrie Bauer (of) Lyons, Mrs. Anna Flanders of Hornell, Mrs. Jane Burnette of Phelps, and Mrs. Florence Briggs of Penn Yan; two sons, Charles and William of Canandaigua; also ten grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at the home on Mary Street at 2:30 p.m. Monday with burial in Newton Cemetery, Junius.
+6.  Charlotte/Lottie born Mar 1872; died 15 Nov 1948 Junius NY; married ca 1891 Alfred/Fred Dadson born October  1869; died 14 Nov 1945 Geneva NY; son of George Dadson and Elizabeth (unknown).  Resided Junius Seneca Co. NY.  They are buried in Glenwood Cemetery Geneva NY.

    CENSUS: Town of Geneva Ontario Co. 1875, 1880; Junius Seneca Co. NY 1900, 1910, 1920
    OBITUARY: From Geneva Daily Times 15 November 1948
Mrs. Lottie Dadson, 76-year-old widow of Fred Dadson, died early this morning in the home of her son, Earl, on the Old State Rd., Phelps, R. D. 2. Funeral services will be conducted in the Bennett funeral home, 224 North St. Rev. Fred Shaw, pastor of the Junius Presbyterian church, will officiate. Burial will be in Glenwood cemetery. Born in the Town of Geneva, Mrs. Dadson was a member of Junius grange. Her husband was a well-known Junius farmer. Survivors, besides her son, are a brother, Joseph Grey, Yreka, Calif.; and two grandsons, Fred and Harold, Phelps.
CENSUS; Junius Seneca Co. NY 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920
    CEMETERY: Glenwood Cemetery, Geneva NY
    OBITUARY: From Geneva Daily Times 14 November 1945
Fred Dadson, aged 76, well-known farmer who lived in the Town of Junius until two years ago, when he moved to Geneva, died at Geneva General Hospital early this morning. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Lottie Dadson; one son, Earl of Junius; two grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Mary Elden of Sylvania, Ohio; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Bennett Funeral Home, 207 Genesee street. Dr. Fred S. Shaw, pastor of Junius Presbyterian Church will officiate and interment will be in Glenwood Cemetery.
7.  George Washington born about 1874; died about 7 May 1931 in car accident; buried Redding California.

    CENSUS: Town of Geneva Ontario Co. 1875. 1880; Sierra Twp. Tehama Co. CA 1910
OBITUARY:  From The Searchlight; May 12, 1931; newspaper published in Redding California;
G. W. GRAY'S BODY FOUND AFTER 2 DAYS AT CLIFF FOOT; Tragedy Discovered by Two Campers; Authorities Investigating; Nature of Country Prevents Removal of Body Until This Morning

The body of George W. Gray, believed killed about two days ago, was found in the wreckage of his automobile last night by two campers at the foot of a 200 feet cliff on the Keswick road. Due to the hazardous climb over the rocky formation from the road to the foot of the cliff, no effort was made last night to bring the body out. Authorities, notified by the discoverers of the body, immediately started an investigation.  The accident occurred 100 yards beyond the Rock creek bridge on the Keswick road. A request to remove the body was made to McDonald & Scott, but after an inspection of the scene it was decided that nothing could be done until daylight. Little could be learned of Gray's history last night.  He resided a short distance beyond the point at which he met his death.
From The Searchlight; May 13, 1931; newspaper published in Redding California
GEORGE W. GREY RITES SET FOR TODAY; PRIVATE; Investigation Reveals Man Was Killed About Five Days Ago

Funeral services for George W. Grey, 48, victim of an automobile accident on the Keswick road, will be conducted this afternoon from the chapel of McDonald & Scott and burial will be made in Redding cemetery.  The services will be private, in accordance with the request of J. E. Grey of Yreka, a brother of the dead man. Coroner A. F. Souza, Jr., after an investigation of the accident, estimated Grey had been dead about five days when discovered Monday night by two campers at the foot of a 100 feet cliff a short distance beyond the Rock creek bridge. Little information concerning the manner of the accident could be obtained.  Witnesses were found who said they saw Grey in Redding either last Friday or Saturday night, but could not be sure of the exact day.  It is believed he left here the former night and met death while enroute to his home six miles beyond the scene of the accident.
8.  Fannie born about 1877; died before 13 Oct 1921.

    CENSUS: Town of Geneva Ontario Co. 1880

9.  Joseph Elijah born 8 Mar 1879; died 17 May 1961 Yreka CA.  Joseph was an artist.  He is buried in Evergreen Cemetery Yreka CA.

    CENSUS: Town of Geneva Ontario Co. 1880; Newman Twp. Stanislaus Co. CA 1900
    OBITUARY:  From Siskiyou Daily News; May 18, 1961:
Joseph Elijah Grey, 82, retired Yreka painter, died yesterday evening in the Siskiyou County Hospital where he had been a patient for the last four years. Born March 7, 1879 in New York, Grey had been a resident of Yreka for more than 30 years.  For many years he was a painter and lived in the 600 block on North street where he owned property.  Prior to admission to the hospital he had lived on East Center Street. Surviving relatives include two nieces in New York. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 p.m. in Girder's Funeral Chapel with burial in the Evergreen Cemetery.
10. Child born before 1900; died before 1900 census.

11. Child born before 1900; died before 1900 census.

12. Child born before 1900; died before 1900 census.


Children of Sarah Jane Grey and William Newkirk:

1.  Frances/Frankie born about 1881; was accidentally killed by gun at home 20 Aug 1891. 

    OBITUARY: From Geneva Gazette 21 August 1891
ANOTHER CASE OF "DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS LOADED" - A sad accident happened yesterday at 11 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Jane Gray, about two miles northeast of Geneva on the Pre-emption road, which resulted in the death of Frankie Newkirk, a little girl aged 10, who was boarding at the house of Mrs. Gray, her grandmother.  It seems that Mrs. Gray had been absent from home all day, and had left her son Joseph, a boy aged 12, and the little girl Frankie alone.  While she was gone the girl Frankie told Joseph where his mother had hidden the pistol (an old fashioned single barrel pistol), and he getting it sat down on one side of the room playing with it, while the girl sat in the doorway sewing.  Accidentally the pistol was discharged, sending a bullet into the girl's head, hitting her on the verge of the frontal bone and entering the brain.  It proved a fatal shot, and the poor victim died in about four hours.  Drs. Weyburn & Leonard were both promptly called but could do nothing for the ill-fated girl.  Coroner Bellows of Seneca county took the case in hand for a thorough investigation.

1.  William born 1887; died 1888; buried Dobbin Cemetery Town of Waterloo NY.

2.  Neva born 5 Feb 1888 (twin) Town of Waterloo Seneca Co. NY; died young; buried Dobbin Cemetery Town of Waterloo NY.

3.  NINA JANE born 5 Feb 1888 (twin) Town of Waterloo Seneca Co. NY; died 14 Dec 1944 Geneva NY; married Nov 1906 GEORGE EDWARD BRYAN, born 24 Apr 1883 Michigan; died 16 Sep 1958 Lockport NY.  Both buried Glenwood Cemetery Geneva NY. 

4.  Amelia born 31 July 1889; died 22 Oct 1987 Geneva NY; married ca 18 Dec 1908 Howard E. Leitner born 1882; died Oct 22 1916 Geneva NY. Both are buried Glenwood Cemetery, Geneva NY.

    CENSUS: Town of Phelps Ontario Co. NY 1892; Town of Geneva Ontario Co. NY 1900; City Geneva 1920, 1930;
    OBITUARY: From Finger Lakes Times 23 October 1987
Mrs. Amelia Leitner, 98, of Healey Road, died Thursday, Oct. 22, in Geneva General Hospital. The funeral will be at the McGuigan Funeral Home with Rev. James Adams, pastor of St. Peter's Episcopal Church, officiating. Burial will be in Glenwood Cemetery. Mrs. Leitner was a life resident of Geneva and the widow of Howard Leitner. She was an inspector at the Shuron Optical for 37 years. She was a member of St. Peter's Church. Surviving are one son, Charles J. of Geneva; two daughters, Mrs. Glenn (Dessie) Cortright and Mrs. Burke (Valeita) Searles, both of Geneva; 14 grandchildren; 30 great-grandchildren; and three great-great-grandchildren.
    MISC.: From Geneva Daily Times 18 Dec 1908:
At St. Peter's church on Wednesday afternoon in the presence of a few friends, Howard E. Leitner and Miss Amelia Grey were married. Rev. J. B. Hubbs, D. D., officiated and the bride and groom were attended by Miss Bertha J. Labudie and Leslie Grey, brother of the bride. After a short trip they will be at home to their friends at their home on Pre-emption road, west of the city.
    OBITUARY: From Geneva Daily Times 23 October 1916
Howard E. Leitner, aged 33 years, died yesterday morning at 8:30 at the Geneva City Hospital. The body was taken to his home on the Pre-Emption road today. He is survived by his wife and 4 small children, 2 boys and 2 girls; also several brothers and sisters in the West. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of C. S. Grey, on the McKay Farm on Pre-Emption road. Rev. Kenneth A. Bray of St. Peter's Episcopal church will officiate. Interment will be made in Glenwood Cemetery.
5.  Charles Leslie born July 1891 Geneva NY; died 30 Dec 1969 Hornell NY; married 8 Aug 1912 Phebe Matilda Dusinberre born 17 June 1889 Geneva NY; died 28 Aug 1970; daughter of Isaac Dusinberre and Sarah Matilda Bowers. Most of his working life he resided in Maplewood NJ and commuted to his job as seed analyst for Vaughn Seed Co. in New York City. Moved to Hornell NY in 1961. Both are buried in Rural Cemetery Hornell NY.

    CENSUS: Town of Geneva Ontario Co. NY 1900; Broome Co. NY 1920
    OBITUARY:  From Evening Tribune Hornell NY 30 December 1969
C. Leslie Grey, 78, of 31 Cameron Ave., Hornell, died this morning at Bethesda Community Hospital following a long illness. He was born in Geneva and spent most of his life in Maplewood, N. J. He was a seed analyst with the Vaughns Seed Co. of New York City, retired and came to Hornell eight years ago. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Phebe D. Grey; a son, Robert L. of Hornell; a sister, Mrs. Howard Leitner of Geneva. The body is at Crandall and Crandall Funeral Home in Hornell where services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday. Burial will be in Rural Cemetery, Hornell.
CENSUS: Town of Seneca Ontario Co. NY 1900; Broome County NY 1920
    OBITUARY: From the Evening Tribune Hornell NY 23 August 1970
Mrs. Phebe Grey, 81, widow of C. Leslie Grey, of 31 Cameron Ave., Hornell, died Thursday evening at Bethesda Community Hospital in North Hornell after a long illness. She had lived in Maplewood, N. J. before coming to Hornell nine years ago. Surviving are a son, Robert L. Grey of Hornell, with whom she made her home; and a brother, George Dusinberre of Auburn. The body is at Crandall and Crandall Funeral Home in Hornell where services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday. Burial will be in Rural Cemetery, Hornell. Futher survivors of Mrs. Grey include three grandchildren, James R. Grey of Bradford, PA., Mrs. Frederick Alexander of Binghamton and Kathleen R. Grey of Hornell; and one great-grandson.
From Ontario County Journal 16 August 1912:
Married, at Phelps, Aug. 8, C. Leslie Gray and Miss Phebe M. Dusinberre, both of Phelps.
6.  Howard Elijah born July 1897; died 23 Dec 1950 of a heart attack; married 18 May 1918 Frances Josephine Stevens born 11 Aug 1897; died 17 Nov 1985 Candor Tioga Co. NY; daughter of Frank Seely Stevens and Josephine Sophia Porter. Both are buried in Tioga Cemetery, Owego NY.

    CENSUS: Town of Geneva Ontario Co. NY 1900; Binghamton Broome Co. NY 1920
    MISC.:  GENEVA DAILY TIMES; 18 May 1918:  Wedding at home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevens, 114 Washington St., Geneva,  of daughter, Frances Josephine Stevens; bride of Howard Elijah Grey of NY.  Rev. Sills of Trinity Church officiated.

CENSUS: Bingamton Broome Co. NY 1920
    OBITUARY: From Binghamton Press and Sun Bulletin 19 November 1985

Frances J. Grey, 88, of Montour Falls, passed away Sunday, November 17, at Arnot-Ogden Hospital, Elmira.  She is survived by three daughters, Bea Bauer, Candor; Peg Sweet, West Melbourne, Fla. and Barbara Wallan, Kissimmee, Fla.;  a son, Howard Grey, Montour Falls; step-son, Steven Bauer, Newark Valley; 15 grandchildren; 33 great-grandchildren. Private sevices will be Tuesday at the Allen-Manzer Funeral Home, Candor, with the Rev. Ernest Harrelson officiating. Burial in Tioga Cemetery. There will be no calling hours. The family suggests donations to the Candor Legion Ambulance.
7.  Ruby born ca 1893; died 21 Mar 1900; buried Dobbin Cemetery Town of Waterloo NY.

From Ontario County Journal 30 March 1900
Died at Geneva, March 22, Ruby Grey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Grey, aged 7 years.
Children of Rhoda Grey and Mark W. Simpson:

1.  Harold Mark born 20 Nov 1894; died 3 May 1975; married (1) 25 Sep 1920 Agnes Peterson born Dec 1896 Denmark; died Nov 1924; daughter of Andrew Peterson and Patricia (unknown); married (2) Mary Elizabeth Stevens born ca 1899; died 13 April 1977; daughter of Fred Stevens and Mary Bray.  Harold was prominent in the banking business and was a V-P of Lincoln Rochester Trust Co. when he retired.  He was mayor of Geneva NY 1960-62. All are buried Glenwood Cemetery, Geneva NY.

CENSUS: City of Geneva Ontario Co. NY 1900; 1920

    CENSUS: Town of Waterloo Seneca Co. NY 1900, 1910; Geneva Ontario Co. NY 1920

OBITUARY: From Geneva Times 14 April 1977
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Bessie) S. Simpson, 78, of Geneva, widow of Harold (Jimmy) Simpson, died yesterday morning at her home. Private graveside services will be at the convenience of the family in Glenwood Cemetery with the Rev. Smith L. Lain, rector of St. Peter's Episcopal Church officiating. Mrs. Simpson was born in Geneva, the daughter of Fred and Mary Bray Stevens, and lived here all her life. Her husband, who died in May, 1975, was a former mayor of Geneva city. She was a communicant of St. Peter's Episcopal church. Surviving are one son, Richard Mark Simpson of Rochester, one daughter, Mrs. Robert (Ann) VanNiel of Melbourne, Australia; two brothers, Frederick Stevens of Warner Robins, Ga. and John Stevens of Kanaina, Honolulu, Hawaii; two sisters, Miss Ruth Stevens of Washington, D. C., and Mrs. Joseph (Margaret) Deacon of Haverford, Pa.; five grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
2.  Mabel Knowles born 5 Sep 19xx; died before 1961; married Clifford S. Loomis; born ca 1899; died 15 May 1970.

CENSUS: City of Geneva Ontario Co. NY 1920

Obituary from Geneva Daily Times 15 May 1970:
Clifford S. Loomis, 71, of 91 Slosson Lane, died at Geneva General Hospital early this morning following a coronary attack. Funeral services will be Monday at 10:30 a.m. in the Chapel at the United Methodist Church. The Rev. John Wolfe, Jr. will officiate. The burial will be in Elmwood Cemetery, Batavia, at 1 p.m. Mr. Loomis was retired in December, 1967, after 40 years service with the Lehigh Valley Railroad. He was also a Navy veteran of World War I, having served aboard the USS Pelican. He was a member of the United Methodist Church and Barracks 45, Veteran of World War I, having served as president and currently as adjutant. Mr. Loomis was also a member of Winnek Post 396, American Legion, Veteran of Foreign War 2670, and served as president of the Senior Citizens for the past two years. He was active with the disabled veterans groups. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Richard (Doris Jane) Simmonds of Geneva; three grandchildren, Richard S. Simmonds of Buffalo, Janet I. and Nancy A. Simmonds, both of Geneva.
Children of Ruby Caroline Grey and William Millard:

1.  Carrie Evelyn born 18 Jan 1896; died 12 Mar 1986 Newark NY; married 5 December 1925 Henry Bauer born 28 Aug 1898; died Apr 1979; son of Philip Bauer and Louisa Hartnagle.  Resided 1940 Lyons NY. Carrie taught in local schools after graduating from Waterloo Training Class.
    CENSUS: Town of Phelps Ontario Co. NY 1900, 1910
    OBITUARY: From Finger Lakes Times 13 March 1986
Lyons, N. Y. - Mrs. Carrie Bauer, 90, of 824 Old Pre-Emption Road, died yesterday, March 12, at Newark-Wayne Community Hospital. The funeral will be held at the Weeks Funeral Home Saturday with the Rev. John E. Rohrbaugh, former minister of St. John's Lutheran Church in Lyons, officiating. Burial will be in South Lyons Cemetery. Mrs. Bauer was born in Phelps, Jan. 18, 1896, the daughter of William and Ruby Grey Millard. She was the widow of Henry Bauer, who died in 1979. She was a school teacher around Lyons. She was a member of the Lyons Grange. Surviving are one son, Lee of Lyons; one daughter, Joyce Donofrio of Lyons; one sister, Florence Briggs of Penn Yan; seven grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; and nieces and nephews.
CENSUS: Town of Lyons Wayne Co. NY 1900, 1910
2.  William Thomas McKinley born 27 March 1897; died before March 1986. Possibly married Isabelle Gunnison; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gunnison. Resided 1940 Canandaigua NY.

    CENSUS: Town of Phelps Ontario Co. NY 1900, 1910, 1920
    MISC.: From Ontario County Journal 2 Apr 1897
BORN - In the town of Phelps, on March 27, to Mr. and Mrs. William Millard, a son, Wm. McKinley
From Geneva Daily Times 17 May 1924
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gunnison of Victor have announced the engagement of their daughter, Isabelle, to William Millard, Jr. of the town of Phelps.
3.  Anna born 9 June 1899; died Feb 1985 Hornell NY; married 22 December 1923 Harry Sylvester Flanders born 6 June 1895 NY; died 1988 Howard Steuben Co. NY; son of Theron Flanders and Anna Phillipson. Both are buried in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Howard NY.

    CENSUS: Town of Phelps Ontario Co. NY 1900, 1910

CENSUS: Howard Steuben Co. NY 1900, 1910, 1920

4.  Sarah Jane born 20 June 1901; died July 1978; married 4 June 1927 Ralph Burnette born 5 Nov 1904; died Dec 1976; son of Charles Burnette and Agnes (unknown).

    CENSUS: Town of Phelps Ontario Co. NY 1910, 1920

5.  Charles Stephen born 23 Mar 1903; died 7 Dec 1967 Denver CO. Burial Fort Logan National Cemetery, Denver CO.

    CENSUS: Town of Phelps Ontario Co. NY 1910, 1920

6.  Grace Frances born 29 July 1905; died 30 Aug 1905. Buried in Newton Cemetery West Junius NY.

7.  Florence Ruby born 15 Sep 1910; died 27 Jan 2007 Kirkville Onondaga County NY; married 12 Oct 1939 at Phelps NY Elmer Clinton Briggs born 25 August 1917 Yates Co.; died 25 August 1989 NY Syracuse NY; son of Clinton Briggs and Carolina Nelson. Both are buried Bellona Cemetery, Yates County NY.

    CENSUS: Town of Phelps Ontario Co. NY 1920

    CENSUS: Torrey Yates Co. NY 1920
    OBITUARY: From Finger Lakes Times 28 August 1989
Penn Yan, N. Y. - Elmer C. Briggs, 72, 2341 Old Route 14A, Penn Yan, died Friday, Aug. 25, at Crouse-Irving Memorial Hospital, Syracuse. The funeral will be at Weldon Funeral Home with the Rev. Herbert Tennies officiating. Burial will be in Bellona Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Penn Yan Area Volunteer Ambulance Corps. Mr. Briggs was born in the town of Benton, July 29, 1917, son of Clinton and Carolina Nelson Briggs. He was a trainer and driver of horses and hitches for more than 50 years. He had exhibited for Budweiser, Victor Comptometer and Curtis Candy Company, throughout the country. He was a member of the New York State Draft Horses Association, a delegate to the New York State Horse Breeders Association, a member of the New York State Shetland Pony Association, and was a member of the American Horse Shows Association. He was an avid sportsman and enjoyed hunting and fishing. Surviving are his wife, Florence; two daughters, Mrs. Lewell (Carol) Troast of Minoa and Mrs. Edward (Bonnie) McCarthy of Syracuse; four grandchildren and two great-children.
Children of Charlotte Grey and Fred Dadson:

1.  Alfred Earl born 4 Mar 1892 Junius Seneca Co. NY; died 16 Sep 1973 Phelps NY; married (1) Ruth Gorman; divorced; married (2) Ruth B. Kelsey born 6 Aug 1908 Bloss PA; died 22 Nov 1993 Waterloo NY; daughter of William C. Kelsey and Ester M. Jackson.  Both are buried in Glenwood Cemetery, Geneva NY.

    CENSUS:  Junius Seneca Co. NY 1900, 1910, 1920
    OBITUARY: From Geneva Daily Times 17 September 1973
A. Earl Dadson, 81 of R. D. 2, Old State Rd., Phelps, died unexpectedly yesterday. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Genung Funeral Home, Waterloo. The Rev. James Gobel, pastor of Junius Presbyterian Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Glenwood Cemetery, Geneva. Mr. Dadson was born in Junius and was a life resident. He was a Golden Sheaf member and past master of the Junius Grange. He was a farmer in the area all his life. He is survived by his wife, Ruth; two sons, Harold of Waterloo and Fred at home; one grandson; one granddaughter; and several cousins.
    OBITUARY: From Finger Lakes Times 22 November 1993
Mrs. Ruth B. Dadson, 85, formerly of 361 Route 318, died Monday, Nov. 22, in the Seneca Nursing Home. The funeral will be at 3 p.m. on Friday at Coe-Genung funeral home in Waterloo. The Rev. Ellen Donnan, pastor of the Junius Presbyterian Church, will officiate. Burial will be in the Glenwood Cemetery in Geneva. Memorial contributions may be made to the North Seneca Ambulance Corps. Mrs. Dadson was born Aug. 6, 1908 in Bloss, Pa., the daughter of William C. and Ester M. Jackson Kelsey. She had been a resident of Junius for most of her life and was a member of the Newton Cemetery Association. She was the widow of Alfred E. Dadson, who died Sept. 16, 1973. She is survived by two sons, Alfred (Fred) E. Dadson, Harold C. Dadson, both of Waterloo; two grandchildren, Lisa Dadson of Cleveland, OH, and Eric Dadson of Waterloo; one step-grandson, Charles Bennett of Phelps; four brothers, Leonard (Sam) Kelsey of Hall, N. Y., Lawrence Kelsey of Waterloo, Arthur Kelsey of Phelps, John Kelsey of Geneva; three sisters, Mrs. Ester Bonnell of Phelps, Mrs. Robert (Ollie) Davis of Clifton Springs, Mrs. Elgar Helen Cottrell of Geneva. Predeceased by four brothers, Perry Kelsey, Raymond Kelsey, William Kelsey, Cecil Kelsey.

Further generations are omitted because there are living descendants.

If anyone has further information or corrections, I would be interested in learning more. Please email.

Updated 10 July 2014