Forever Young Part 3

(Four months later)

Joey slipped on a pair of black pants and a light purple tank top. She was trying to decide what to do with her hair when Casey and David ran into her room and jumped on the bed. They were giggling uncontrolably and hiding under the covers. Joey decided to humor them.
"What was that sound? I could have sworn I saw Casey and David come in here, but I don't see them anywhere! Where could they be?!?!" Joey looked thoughtfully around the room. Casey and David jumped up from the bed.
"BOO!!!!" Joey pretended to be surprised as she grabbed the two in her arms and started tickling them. They were laughing hysterically, until Joey remembered she had a date.
She went back to her vanity and started putting on some makeup. She could see David and Casey looking at her in the mirror. She called Casey over, "Do you want to try some lipstick on?" She nodded excitedly as Joey put a shade of light pink onto her lips. "You look gorgeuos darling!" She said as she went back to her own makeup.
"Mommy, are you going to where a scarf around your neck?" Casey asked as she scooted onto the vanity seat next to her mom.
"I wasn't planning to, but do you think I should?" She looked at Casey who was nodding her head, then at David who also nodded his head. She pulled out a black scarf from one of the drawers and tied it around her neck. "How about now?" she asked her children's approval.
"Mommy you look gorgeous darling!" Casey imatated the voice her mother used just a few minutes before. Joey laughed as she kissed Casey on the cheek.
A thought came across her mind. "Do you guys like Dawson?" she asked. They were four now, and it seemed that they could make a reasonable decision. They were her whole world, and if they didn't like him, she couldn't date him anymore. Even though she was so much in love with him.
"I love him mommy!" Casey said.
"Me too!" David chimed in from the bed. A huge rush of relief came over her as she hugged Casey. She went over to David and gave him a huge kiss on the cheek, which consquently left a kiss-mark. She laughed, and hugged him.
"I'm so glad you guys do, because I love him too." She said dreamily. "Now, you guys have to help with my hair!" Casey squealed with delight.

Dawson walked up the front steps and knocked lightly. Bessie answered the door. "Hey Dawson, Joey's still upstairs. You can go on up if you want to." Dawson headed up the stairs and walked towards Joey's door. He heard squeals of laughter and soft murmering. He opened the door slowly and peeked in. There Joey was in a pair of tight black pants, a purple tank top, and a black scarf around her neck. She decided to keep her hair down, and pull it back in two purple clips. Casey was sitting next to her on the vanity, and David was watching from the bed. Joey was putting a pair of earings that Casey picked out.
"How'd they look?" Joey asked once she was finished.
"Great mommy!" Joey stood up from the seat and saw Dawson spying at the door.
"DAWSON! Didn't your mother ever tell you it was rude to spy on people!" Joey joked as she pulled him into her room.
"Yah, but I figured, it didn't matter if what you were spying on was the most beautiful thing on the earth!" He smiled as David made a disgusted face.
Joey rolled her eyes and pulled Dawson in for a kiss. They were lost in each other's arms until they started hearing giggles from the bed. Dawson's mouth broke into a smile and he whispered, "You get Casey, I got David." Joey nodded, as they simultaneously started tickling the two squealing kids.

(Two hours later at the ruins)

Dawson had packed a huge picnic basket full of: salad, sliced chicken, rolls, fruit salad, and whole strawberries and whipped cream. He had also packed a bottle of Sparkling Apple Cider, since Joey wasn't a huge fan of alcohol. They were working on the strawberries, Dawson was lying down on Joey's lap contently, thinking about how all this came to be. Joey was feeding him strawberries dipped in whipped cream. Joey dipped another strawberry in the whip cream and held it over Dawson's mouth. He bit it and chewed thoughtfully.
"Dawson, what's wrong? You've been out of it ever since we left the house." Joey wiped her hands on a napkin and lifted Dawson from his lying down position.
"Nothing's wrong..." he said dazed.
She laughed and pulled Dawson in for a kiss. When she pulled away, she whispered, "Are you awake now?"
" you wanna go home now?" Joey nodded and they started packing everything up.
On the way to Dawson's house, Joey took her hair out of the clips, and ran her fingers through her hair. Dawson put his hand on her knee, and smiled. When they got to Dawson's house, Joey started to unpack the picnic basket in the kitchen.
She was washing the wine glasses as he snaked his arms around her waist. He started to kiss her neck and worked his way up to her ear, "Will you marry me?"
She stopped washing the dishes and dried her hands, not knowing what to do. He slipped a diamond ring on her ring finger of her left hand. She stared down at it. It was a silver ring with a large diamond. It was surrounded by smaller diamonds in a beautiful pattern. She smiled and turned around. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. She pulled away and whispered, "Does that answer your question?"
"Not quite.." She smiled, but before she could say or do anything, Dawson swooped her into his arms and kissed her. She held on as he walked up the stairs to his room. She let go of his embrace and went to the bathroom.
Dawson looked into the mirror and ran his hands through his hair. He was the happiest man alive, he was sure of it. He took his blue dress shirt off and his black pants, leaving him in his forest green silk boxers. He waited for Joey to come out of the Bathroom.
Joey came out in his bathrobe and smiled. She sat on the edge of the bed and reached for Dawson's brush on the nightstand. She handed it behind her, signaling that she wanted him to brush her hair. He took the wood brush and ran it through her silky brown hair. He brushed it to her side, revealing an enourmous amount of skin. He put the brush down, and slid the robe past her shoulders and kissed them. Joey lifted her hand and held the back of his head. He made his way up to her mouth and kissed her.
"I love you...and you just made me the happiest man alive..." He whispered as he pulled away.
"I love you too...." Joey said as she was pulled down on top of Dawson.


Okay, that is the end of Nombre Trois! For all of you who think Joey and Dawson will get married and their lives will be happy forever could be right....but you could be wrong! Stay Tuned for Forever Young: Part Four!!!!!!

Emily~Ruth love feedback, but oh, be kind!

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