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Tour--Chapter Five and Six
Tour--Chapter Five
"..beep...beep...beep" "urhgghhhh that clock..." It's 6:30 AM. I set my clock to half an hour before everyone else is supposed to get up so I can take a swim at the hotel pool. I get put on my bathing suit, grab a towel and make my way to the pool, down the stairs. The sun has started to come out already and sunrise is almost over, the pool is a bit chilly but it feels good against the Florida heat. I check my watch and its 6:45. I get out, dry off and tie the towel around me. I head back to my room. When I get out of the elevator I find Kevin standing in front of me, heading for his own room. "Good morning, went for a swim huh, how's the water?" he asked me, he was all sweaty, he obviously had just come from the gym. "Not bad but now I'm cold cause I'm still wet". "So we'll see you for breakfast in the lobby?" "I'll be there in 20 minutes" I answered. We both went to our own rooms. I showered and got dressed but had no time to dry my hair so I just put on a toothed head band and let it hang loose. I put on some lipstick and mascara and headed for the lobby. I got down to the breakfast room and they were all sitting there except Nick. I said good morning and the boys all stood up from their seats when I walked in the room and waited for me to sit down before they sat again. They are such gentlemen. I ordered a toasted bagel with cream cheese, some OJ, and a bowl of fresh diced fruit. AJ was eating eggs, pancakes, and sausage. I grimaced at the smell. He laughed and said "You have a weak stomach" "Everyone has a weak stomach compared to you, you big lug. I can't see how your so skinny and you eat all that junk man" retorted Howie in jest. "Gotta keep up my energy, shows take so much out of me" he replied. "On to lighter subjects how did you sleep last night Erika?" interrupted Brian. "Pretty well, obviously not as well as you Brian. It took me a while to fall asleep". "yes, last night took a lot out of me, I practically passed out on the bus" " Yup Frick, me and Kev had to carry you to the front door of the hotel before you woke up, sort of at least" Nick Jested as he walked in to the room from behind me. We all greeted him with a good morning. "yah..but at least I woke up on time Frick.." Brian snickered. nick grabbed a donut and a glass of OJ from the counter behind our table. He was wearing a white baggy tee and shorts. We ate and talked meaningless chatter for the next ten minutes. It seemed as though Kev and I were the only one really awake. "I guess you went to the pool this morning Erika?" Howie asked me in a really sweet voice. "Yah, if I don't take a swim in the morning it takes me forever to wake up. Could you guys just call me ET please. Thats what all my friends call me". "ET like the extra terrestrial? or like energetic terrestrial?" Nick asked me "more like my initials" "Sounds good to me ET" Brian said. He started making goofball faces and we all laughed. "All right guys its 7:45, we have to head for home in 20 minutes. We still have a 2 1/2 hour drive" Mrs.Mclean said a few minutes later. We all finished breakfast and headed to our rooms. In my room I grabbed the bag I had brought with me from the bus with last nights clothes and my bathing suit. I was so glad that my room had a washer and dryer. I met the guys 10 minutes later outside my room. They asked me if I had forgotten anything I said no. We headed down the hallway and into the elevator. We looked like a posse from a sixties' movie. I was walking in the middle of them. As we walked out the door towards the bus a couple of girls recognized them and started screaming and running towards them. They signed a couple of autographs for them and I just stood by Howie patiently waiting for them to finish. I knew exactly how these girls felt. Unfortunately when they screamed some other girls from the hotel heard and came running. The guys spent 15 minutes patiently signing autographs and posing for pictures. AJ pulled me into a couple of them. He must have noticed I was getting bored. The crowd of girls kept getting bigger. The boys were like "were sorry but we really have to go we are already late". A couple of those girls pushed away from Nick's side when they said that, he didn't want me to get separated. The girls must have though I was his girlfriend or something because they gave me some really evil looks and weren't letting me get to the bus. Kevin and Nick realized this so they plowed trough the girls to where I was. They put their arms around me protectively and said "Are you ready we can't stop till we get to the bus". We pushed through the mass together. If it hadn't been for the body guards and the boys I wouldn't have made it to the bus. The three of us and 2 body guards finally got into the bus and sat down. The scene was almost as bad as the previous night. I sat down at the table in the back next to Brian and sighed with relief. "Scary isn't it. We were completely shocked the first time that happened. We shouldn't have stopped to sign autographs" "It's OK, you know its just one more experience to add to my list of new experiences that I've had just in the last 24 hours. It's a bit scary though". Kevin added " It got so bad in France once that the fans completely blocked off an entire major road. They had to call the police to move them. That was when AJ got his necklace ripped off and we all had our shirts ripped". The bus had pulled out of the parking lot and there were still girls screaming trying to run after the bus. "So what are the plans for today Mrs.Mclean?" asked Nick. "Well by the time we get to Orlando it will be 11:AM. You guys can go home if you want or do whatever. We have to meet at the studio tomorrow morning at ten. We will pick up Aaron at the Studio tomorrow. He'll tour with us till California. When we separate you guys can contact me at my cell as usual.." "ET we are going home today and hanging out in Orlando. Do you want to join us?" Kevin asked me " Sure I just don't want to be a burden since you'll be with your families.." "Don't worry about it. We are having a picnic on my beach for lunch and dinner so we don't have to wear disguises. We really want you to meet everybody...come on..come on say yes.." was Nick's retort to my statement. He sat next to me and started tugging at my shirt like a little kid. "all right..ha ha ha.. all right I give in. It's a picnic day today" I laughed in response. "Good cause we weren't going to let you leave anyway.." said Howie smiling. We spent the next few minutes making plans. "do you want to go shopping? I really need to and these guys won't go with me because they want to wait till 'Mall of America'?" "I'd love to AJ, there some stuff I need to buy" I was going to go visit the Orlando mall with AJ and his mom for a couple of hours. At 1PM we would meet the guys and Nick and Howie's families at the picnic, and then see from there. "Now what was it that you said last night about your artwork?" Brian asked me. "I was telling you guys about my gallery opening 2 weeks ago" We talked for an hour about my work. They were truly interested and asked me tons of questions. Mrs Mclean asked me if I'd ever designed clothing. I said yes , since I had. She said she wanted me to meet with the boys costume designer. They asked me to see some work. " Let me see...have you guys seen my silver duffel bag, I have pictures in there that I can show you and my journal.." I stood on my knees on the couch and looked in the over head compartment. Nick and AJ looked for it too. "BINGO..I got it" Nick hollered from the other end of the bus. "Catch" he tossed it to me and I sat back down in my seat. I went through it making sure not to make a mess. I could feel everyone on the bus watching me and waiting. "Here we go" I pulled out a photo book of 100 pictures and handed them to Howie who was now, along with everybody else, hovering over me. He took the book and sat down in the couch to my right. Everyone sat around the two of us. It took him ten minutes just to get through the first five pictures. They made compliments and I said thank you. As I was going through an explanation of the second piece the driver said that we were at the studio. Howie handed be the photo book back and I promised we would finish looking at them later. We unloaded ourselves from the bus. Mrs.Mclean advised me to leave my luggage on the bus but take my duffel bag and my purse and take my photo book. At the studio the boys introduced me to EVERYONE. The security guys that I hadn't met yet were really nice. The band was really funny. On the side I asked AJ why the guys and the band traveled in different buses and he said so they wouldn't get on each other's nerves. The boys were used to each other's eccentrecies but the band wasn't. And he said the boys liked to have some time with just them. The studio was amazing. The waiting room had 27 platinum albums for the boys album 'Backstreet Boys', and even more for all their other albums. They also had six gold albums and a picture of the boys holding each two Grammys. They showed me the recording studio and Lou's office. We all talked for half an hour and then we all took off. The boys each left in their own cars that were parked in the back parking lot of the studio. AJ promised the guys we'd meet him at his house at 1. I got into AJ's car with his mom and I sat in the back. We drove for about 20 minutes before we got to the mall. AJ turned the radio on and we jammed all the way over there. The windows were tinted so we could see outside but people couldn't see into the car well enough to recognize him. At one point a remix of 'Everybody' came on the radio and AJ sang his parts a-capella in the car along with the radio. When we go to the mall's parking lot AJ put on dark sunglasses and a different baseball cap that covered almost half of his face. "you know..I gotta be incognito if we want to do any shopping" I chuckled but realized how true that was remembering the morning's incident. We wondered through the mall, he on my right his mom on my left. First we went to Wet Seal and I bought a t-shirt, tank-top, new scrunchy, and a bottle of blue glitter body gel. He bought a flannel and a hat. The cashier seemed to have recognized AJ but wasn't sure so she didn't say anything. We wondered around the mall for another hour. We both bought another couple of things and his mom bough a new pair of shoes. At 12:30 we took off for the pic nic. At the gate of the island AJ had to show the guard a pass signed by Nick so we could get in. We got to Nick's house. WE all got out and walked to the backyard. At the back of the house was a huge pool. The back of the house overlooked an incredibly beautiful lake. Nick ran up to greet us. He introduced me to everyone that I had not met yet. His parents were sooo nice. His older sisters weren't there though. He introduced me to Aaron, Angel, and B.J. Angel looked so much like Aaron. His mom Jane was really pretty. Howie's parent's were really nice too. The guys were all huddled around Nick's dad and the grill. He was cooking burgers and hot dogs. Everyone was in their bathing suits. The boat was docked and there was a tube on the back.
Tour--Chapter Six
Bob (Nicks dad) asked me how I wanted my burger. I told him well done. He handed me a burger and Nick took it out of my hand and said "now I'm going to make you a traditional Backstreet Boy burger" He smiled devilishly and I was dreading what he would do to my burger. He put on it, ketchup, mustard, lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles. He handed it back to me and I took a bite, it was actually really good..a little hard to chew cause it was huge and my mouth isn't as big as the guys'. " I like it" "good, now you are officially one of us" he said smiling with pleasure. Within the time it took me to finish that one burger, the guys had eaten three a piece, they basically inhaled food. I spent some time talking to Nick's and Howie's moms. They were so nice to me. We talked about school, art (Nick's mom knew a lot about art), how much guys can be a pain in the rear sometimes. Basically we had fun and I think they licked me. They started telling me really cute and funny stories about when the boys were little, like the one time Nick was 1 and he got up on the stage in his dad's club, he was in his diaper, and he started dancing. I started to laugh, and suddenly I felt two hands on my shoulders. I turned around and there was Nick "Aww ... mom, not with the baby stories.. you'll bore her to death plus we are going tubing...-he looked down at me-wanna come?" " yah I'd love to I just have to put my bathing suit on, unlike last time.." we both started laughing. Mrs. Carter showed be the little pool house and I changed to my bathing suit. We all went on the boat, me the guys, Aaron and Nick's siblings and dog, and Bob. We spent 2 hours tubing on the lake. At one point me and Aaron were on the tube together and Bob decided, after the guys suggested it, that it would be hilarious to make us fly into the water, so he made a really sharp turn. Me and Aaron weren't expecting it and next thing we knew we were in the water spitting out lake water. The rest of them on the boat were laughing so hard they might have had a heart attack. Me and Aaron vowed that before the end of the tour we would get them back REALLY good. We eventually went back to the pic nic, we were all physically exhausted but we wanted to do more stuff. We decided to go see a movie. After we all showered (individually in different bathrooms) and changed into dry clothes we looked in the paper and decided to go see the latest 'Alien' movie. Me, Aaron, the guys, and Angel piled into the car and headed for downtown Tampa, since we were at Nick's house it was closer. Even to the movies the guys had to wear some kind of disguise, me, Aaron, and Angel didn't so we teased the the whole time about it. Basically in the last 48 hours I hadn't had a single sad or depressed moment, I was constantly laughing. Before the movie even started we had a popcorn and gummy bear fight in the movie theater during the previews. Me and Howie left to get more. This time we ate it, some still got on the floor though. The movie was pretty good, but two hours later we all regretted having chosen it because that's the only thing Nick talked about for hours. The guys had jokingly told him to stop or they would jump him. An hour later in the parking lot of the restaurant they all jumped on him. Everyone in the families and the rest of us went to dinner at this Italian restaurant. We were all so exhausted it was a pretty uneventful, except for when half of the female staff came over one by one and asked for autographs, and quiet dinner. The guys didn't feel like spending their only night off for the next 2 months together so we split up. Brian, Howie, AJ, and Kevin wanted to go clubbing but me and Nick were too exhausted from the boat. The guys went clubbing and me ,Aaron and Nick went back to Nick's house with his parents and sisters. It was 9:30 PM when we got there so we decided to have desert in the living room. I spent half the night playing with the dog. Unfortunately I'm allergic to cats so his mom was nice enough to keep it in the kitchen. The four of us played video games for another hour and a half or so. We were playing Super Mario Cart. Me and Angel against Nick and Aaron. We beat them twice. During the third game we all fell asleep in front of the TV in the living room, sitting on the floor leaning against the couch. Nick's mom woke us up at around midnight when she noticed the game running by itself and no loud laughing coming from the living room. Nick and Aaron walked to their rooms like zombies, and so did Angel and I. Angel was nice enough to share her room with me. I understood why Nick loved his family so much. Angel and I woke up at 7:30 AM, before anyone else, or so we thought. We made the whole family breakfast. I made cappucinos, the Italian way, for everyone, we made toast and fruit salad for everyone. We didn't even have to wake them up, the smell of the coffee and toast brought them like flies to honey. Nick and Aaron looked absolutely exhausted. Everyone was dressed for breakfast and no one was wearing their pajamas-darn I thought- but Nick did look pretty good in khaki shorts and a white tee. "Boy whatever the too of you made sure smells good, it woke me right up" Bob said examining breakfast and taking really long sniffs at the smell of coffee. "You guys did this?" was Jane astonished and pleased question. Angel and I looked at each other knowingly,turned to the four of them standing at the entrance to the kitchen and bowed saying in an English accent trying not to laugh "Your breakfast is served...". "You really shouldn't have.." was Jane's reply, " I wanted to" I said "All of you have been so nice to me that I just wanted to say thanks the best way I knew sit down or the coffee and toast will get cold" I replied. Angel and I had already had the same breakfast so we stood watching as they ate. The Carter's kitchen is incredible, its an eat in kitchen and it has everything you could possibly think of to cook any meal. There was complete silence as they ate. "sooo... mom what do you think?" Angel asked eager to hear a pleased answer. "You guys ..humph...humph..are the best breakfast..hmph cooks.." Aaron said while he was trying to wash a piece of toast down with coffee. We all laughed. "This is really incredible..I never knew coffee and toast could taste this good.." was Bob's comment. "Old family tradition" I answered as my face beamed with appreciation. "nick you haven't said a word in the last 20 minutes, is something wrong?" Jane asked Nick as she looked at him across the table. He had scarfed down four pieces of toast and was almost finished with his coffee. " I know but this is really good mom, just trying to get it in so I can remember it in four weeks when all we've had is dry donuts and luke warm coffee for breakfast.." Nick said smiling finishing a last bite of toast. " Speaking of which is there any more..?" Nick asked. "Seriously Nick your such a pig.." Angel said half laughing. He and Bob handed me their cups and I made them more coffee. Twenty minutes later we all cleaned up the kitchen and it was already 8:45 AM. We all changed into more human clothes and hung out in the back yard by the water. At 9:30 we packed our bags into Nick's car and headed for the studio. It was still pretty early so we made a pit stop at the beach. It was beautiful, the sun in the velvety blue sky with a light cool breeze moving the fluffy white clouds towards the east. We didn't have much time left so we went to the studio. When we got there AJ and his mom, Brian, and Kevin were already there along with the band and everyone else. Everything had already been lugged onto the buses. Just then Howie pulled up with his parents and all of his stuff. By now it was 11 and everything was in the bus including all of Aaron's things also. We said goodbye to everyone and I thanked Mr. and Mrs. Carter several times for their kindness and hospitality " It was no problem dear, we loved having you over, come back any time you want.", " We would love to have you over for breakfast again.." Bob laughed and me and all the Carters laughed , everyone else looked at us as if we were nuts. "Oh man I forgot to call, I promised I would call before we left Orlando..darn.." I said to my self in a low voice when I realized that we were about to leave and I hadn't called my mom yet, I had promised I would call before leaving the State. Mrs. Mclean overheard me and said "..don't worry you can use my cell to call her from the bus, you can use it any time you want to talk to your family..tell you what I'll get you your own..." before I could thank her and object she had gone into the studio and brought back a cell and handed it to me. I smiled her my thanxs. There was another round of hugs and good byes, including one between me and the Carters again. WE got on the bus and waved from the rolled down windows. I remembered Jane having told me that she or Bob usually traveled with Nick and Aaron but since Mrs. Mclean would be traveling on this tour they would meet up with us in 2 weeks. We pulled out of the parking lot and 10 minutes later we were finally settled down for the 3 hour drive. I went to the far end of the bus and pulled out my new cell. I hesitated at first but then decided to go for it. I dialed my home phone because I knew my parents would be home waiting for me to call. The guys were all sitting at the front chatting with the driver. Kevin, Brian, AJ, and Howie looked exhausted and I could tell they had been out clubbing all night. They must have noticed that I wasn't there because slowly they all ended up sitting around me watching me talk to my mom. Aaron had been the first to notice and he sat in front of me and as I listened to the phone ring was telling me of how he misses his parents when he's on tour. I thought to myself that he was one of the sweetest boys, and part of it must have been from hanging out with those five big sweeties over there. My mom picked up the phone and we said hi, I looked up feeling eyes watching me, and I found myself looking at Howie and Brian, the other three were next to me and Kev was behind me :whhaatt...?" I said laughing " no scusa niente, si sto bene.." I said to my mom in Italian realizing she had heard me. I talked to her for about 6 more minutes and I promised I'd call her back before the next show. I hung up and asked the guys again laughing "whaat..what happeened...?". "nothing, we were just intrigued when we heard you speak in Italian.." Kevin said "why?" I asked bewildered. "Cause we never thought you did. how dod you know it?"," I speak it at home every day..." and so I went into my 5 minute shpeel of all the languages I speak. "Very cool.." was Nick's comment and the rest of them agreed. "You know when we were in Italy for the San remo song festival 2 years ago they taught us some Italian to say, but we had no idea what we were saying.." Howie said " We could have been insulting them and we wouldn't have known till it was too late.." Brian said laughing.We all chimed in to his contagious laugh. "I could teach you guys if you want.. then you would know what you are saying when you go back.." I said smiling. So we agreed that I would teach them a new phrase or couple of words every day. It was one O'clock and we were starving so AJ pulled out some juices turkey sandwiches from the fridge and gave them out to everyone. After lunch the guys decided to practice for about an hour and a half, Aaron joined them in their a-capella harmonization. I curled up in a corner of the couch and listened quietly. Today's choices for practice were again up to me so I asked them to sing 'I Swear' by All 4 One, the song has a lot of sentimental value for me. The were more than happy to oblige. Then they sang 'Like A Child', 'Christmass Time'(we laughed at that one since it was the middle of the summer), "10,000 Promises", "Everybody" "I'll Never break Your Heart", "Set Adrift On Memory Bliss", and a few others including "On Bended Knee"," The End of The Road", and "Waters Run Dry" by Boyz II Men, and a couple of Aaron's songs. I was in complete and utter heaven. The guys all crashed down on the couches and drank tons of OJ and fruit juice. "So where are we going next?" I asked when they regained their voice. "First, we have to do an autograph session this afternoon just outside Tallahassee at a bookstore, then we have at the children's hospital near the FSU campus, then we hit the hotel(for you guys who don't know that's Florida State University right on the line between Florida and Georgia).
Read on!