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Tour--Chapter Fifteen and Sixteen
Tour--Chapter Fifteen
The sun penetrated every pore on my skin. > "AAAAHHHHHHHH" Suddenly I felt a cold,mushy, wet > object hit me in the back. My eyes flew open to hear > histerical laughter coming from behind me. I snapped > around and saw Aaron and Kevin standing by the pool > door with water guns. I then realized that the > loudest laughter came from the other end of the pool. > I turned around again and saw Brian and Howie leaning > over a chair laughing hysterically. I saw fragments > of what had been a water balloon all around me. While > I had turned around Kevin had tossed a water gun to > Nick who had stood up next to me. "We couldn't find > any silly string for payback.." Nick said to me with > a sly grin on his face "You wouldn't dare...." I > responded. Just then another water balloon came flying > by me but missed and exploded on the pool deck. "You > see we figured that you looked really hot and needed > to cool off..." Kevin smiled as he and Aaron walked > towards me "Aaron whats going on? I thought I was > your little traitor..." I said laughing > knowing I would end up soaked. He gave me a little > grin "you are, but this is funny and the guys made me > do it...". "Hey Erika..." I heard Howie's voice and > turned around to see a balloon fly at me and hit me > in the arm. "uurrghh you guys suck.." I screamed at > them laughing. They threw another balloon but I saw > it in time and since they weren't throwing incredibly > hard I caught it. "Uhoh" I heard their five voices in > unison. I turned around and chucked the balloon at > Kevin, hitting him in the chest, he was soaked. Nick > and Aaron started shooting at me with the water guns. > I decided that I needed to either jump in the pool or > try to grab one of the water guns. I ran towards > Aaron who had realized what I was planning. I chased > him around the pool twice before I caught him "haha > so you think you'll get me wet and get away with it > huh?...." I said to him laughing as I picked him up > and started tickling him and took his water gun. > Howie and Brian had also picked up water guns. Randy, > Denise, and Donna had obviously heard the commotion > and must have thought we were getting jumped or > something of the sort because they all came running > out to see what was going on. "Man you guys had me > calling half the security team.." Randy yelled at us > after realizing what we were doing. Donna and Denise > just went back to whatever they had been doing.Andre > came out running too, the n went back in and came back > out with his camera. Jeff and a couple of the other > security guys grabbed water guns and joined in on my > team. We started shooting water back at the guys. > Aaron just sat on a chair laughing his little heart > out. I was glad there was no one in the pool or they > would have gotten in the way. We ducked behind chairs > trying to shoot each other without getting wet, like > an army game. I ran out of water and was too far away > to refill the gun. I decided that if I surrendered > they might stop. I stood up from behind the chair > dripping wet "OK you guys are better at > pranks than I am, I've lost." hoping that it would > target their egos I stepped on the pool deck. They > all stood up from behind their chairs laughing and > dripping wet also. "well well well.. she has finally > admitted to our superiority..." AJ said laughing in a > deep voice. By now we were all laughing. "OK now can > I go...?" Out of the side of my eye I caught Brian > and Nick giving each other a strange look.All of a > sudden the five of them and Aaron ran at me. I tried > to back out towards the chairs but they got me before > I could move. Nick grabbed me and tried to push me in > but I grabbed his arms and pulled him in with me. As > we fell in the deep end we grabbed each others' arms > tighter and eneded up in a big knot of limbs > underwater. Even from underwater we could hear the > guys laughing. As Nick and I pulled our heads out of > the water at the same time and looked at each other I > saw the security guards walk up behind the guys and > push them all in. Within a minute the seven of us > were wading in the deep end of the pool looking up at > the security guards who were laughing their hearts > out. Inevitably we all started laughing, even the guy > at the pool bar was laughing."I'm gonna get you guys > back sooo bad" Nick threatened the security guards > "Just wait, we'll get you guys.." AJ and Kevin > chimened in. We kept laughing. We finally decided to > get out of the pool as we noticed that more people > began filing into the pool area and the guys didnt > feel like having to deal with fans. I climbed out of > the pool first. As I stood on the deck kevin was > climbing up the ladder to get out. I walked over and > stood over him "well...well...well....isn't this an > ironic turn of events...hehe?"Kevin looked up at me > and realized what I was about to do "ohh ET, come on > I think you got us back enough..""OH no Mr. Train > your not gonna get away with it this > have pushed me, thrown me, and knocked me into a pool > so many times that well I've got to do this for the > principle of the matter.."and with that I pushed Kevin > back into the pool as he was trying to climb out. We > all laughed including Andre who said "these are gonna > be awesome shots". I walked back to where I had been > meditating when I was so rudely interrupted to find > Nick and Howie eating the last pieces of fruit"very > tasty breakfast.good choice" Howie commented "thanks, > im glad you approve on my food preference" I retorted > smiling. "HMMHHMmm good,but they tasted a little like > chlorine..."Nick said to me smiling with watermelon > seeds purposely placed on his teeth. His wet blond > hair clung to his face framing his blue eyes. He > swallowed the seeds grinning at me. Kidding around and > smiling I said "You know, now you'll get watermelon > plants growing in your stomach.." He smiled as if the > idea pleased him "hey sounds good to me I'll never > have to buy watermelon again." he responded with a > smart ass grin on his face. I was still dripping. I > leaned behind Howie and grabbed my towel and wrapped > it around my waist.One of the bodyguards got a > message from Randy to get us all back inside because > there were too many people around so we headed back > into the hotel. As we walked in a wall of frigid > cold air hit my body and I started shivering "dang its > cold. I'm guessing its cause I'm WET" I said turning > around and giving them all an evil look with a hint > of sarcasm. "Man if looks could kill we'd be toast" > Howie snickered. By the time we got to the elevator > the guys had to stop twice to sign autographs and > take pics with fans. We piled into the elevator and > pressed the button to our floor. I was shivering > uncontrollably from the cold since my bathing suit > was still very wet. I looked around and the guys > looked cold too, everyone except the bodyguards was > freezing. "Man I think im loosing felling in my > arms.."I tried rubbing my arms to get warm but it > didnt help much since my hands were cold too. "Hey > let me try.." Nick moved over behind me and started > rubbing my arms. "You know Im still mad at you.." I > said turning around and looking at him "but you can > keep going cause I'm getting feeling back in my > arms...". The elevator stopped three times to pick up > other people who couldnt fit in the elevator, but we > finally made it to our floor. "better...?" "yes much > thank you.." I smiled a thank you to him. As we piled > out of the elevator Denise and Nina came out of the > room they were in "You guys have half an hour till > the bus comes and we have to start moving things back > into it." We responded with acknowledgment and > agreement. I barely opened the door to my room as the > phone rang. I threw my self across the bed and picked > it up. "Hello?" "Hello Ms. Terrosa, you have a call > from a Megan Sandin, she says its urgent, Ill patch > you threw." "Ok thank you." two seconds later "Hello, > Erika?" "Yeah MAi whats up?" "Ok are you watching > TV?" "No why?" "well get off your lazy ass and turn > on MTV right now" "OK hold on" I put the phone down, > grabbed the remote and turned the tv on, the last > thing I had watched the night before was MTV so I > didnt need to change the channel. As the tv came on I > saw Sara Ulchild talking about the guys' performance > the night before and Nick's close encounter with a > fan. "Yeah ok its on,I was there I already knew" I > moved the phone near the edge of the bed and watched > the tv with the phone receiver hanging off my > shoulder "Keep watching you dork". As soon as she > said that a shot of my exposed back flashed on MTV. > "OH MY GOD< OH MY GOD. HAS MY MOM SEEN THIS?" I > screamed into the phone. I must have screamed > extremely loud cause Nick came rushing through the > door that connected our rooms, "WHAT WHAT HAPPENED > are you ok?" All I could do was point to the tv. He > came up next to me and watched the tv. "Megan has my > mom seen this? shes gonna flip. When did it come on?" > " I don't know but I imagine if she does youll get a > call from her. Its been on twice already, I tried to > call you but the guy at the desk said you weren't in > your room and he couldn't bother you were you were. > Three people called me already to see if its true. > Its in the paper and everything." "Yeah i was in the > gym and then I was getting attacked in the pool." > Nick gave me a sly grin. He must have called the > other guys to come see cause by now everyone > including Randy was in my room, I was glad I'm a neat > person. Sara had gone through the entire thing > explaining everything that had happened including my > exposure and Nick's hospital visit."Mai I'll call you > back, knowing my mom she's trying to call and will be > upset if she cant get through. OK I'll call you in > half an hour and tell you everything, ok bye, oh and > dont tell anyone anything, unless they already know, > unless its heather and then you know the drill hehehe > ok talk to you in a while, bye." I hung up the phone > and kept staring at the tv. "Well looks like you just > had your first encounter with the paparazzi, How do > you feel?" Brian said to me laughing sitting down > next to me. "Don't worry about it, it'll pass in a > few days." Howie said sitting down next to me and > giving me a big hug. "Erika, your mom knows already, > I called her and told her this morning, she said to > call her when you can" Denise came up to me and gave > me a comfort smile and hug "don't worry about it, > Howie's right, it'll pass in a few days" "Thanks I'll > try to keep that in mind hehe" Everyone went back to > their rooms. I got up and went to the shower. Half > way through my shower somebody knocked at my door > "room service I have your packages" a woman's voice > said "oh ok just go ahead and leave it on the bed > please". I figured everyone in this place failed > grammar or something. About 20 minutes might have > passed before the woman left. I got dressed in the > bathroom and went back into the room. As I walked > back into my room I was in disbelief. There were 6 > baskets of flowers on the table, 3 extremely large > black cases near the dresser,and several packages and > letters on the bed and night stand. I just stood > there in disbelief "this stuff must be to the guys." > I walked over to the table with the flowers. One > basket was full of purple orchids and pink and white > roses, and had a little white stuffed bunny attached > to it. I found the card attached to it and read it > "Dear Ms. Terrosa, please accept these flowers and as > a token of our apology to you for last night's > incident. We hope that this will not deter you from > returning to our beautiful city. Sincerely The Mayor > and staff of city hall".I held on to the card and > smelled the flowers. Still in shock I read the cards > on the rest of the flower baskets. Al the messages > were similar but from different people in the city. > "ok well the flowers are for me but the rest of the > stuff has to be a mistake." I thought to myself. Not > stopping to look at the rest of the notes I went to > Donna's room. I knocked pretty hard and she rushed to > the door "Erika whats wrong?" Not stopping to explain > I grabbed her hand and took her to my room "this is > whats wrong, I don't know about the other stuff but > the flowers are for me. Am I allowed to keep this > stuff?" She was in as much puzzlement as I was. > "humh.... I don't know hold on a sec". She turned > around and talked very quietly on the phone. While > she talked I opened one of the packages on my bed. > The message read "Hi Erika, you don't know me but I > was at the concert last night and saw what happened. > I just want you to know that not all of us are like > that and I hope you are not mad at the fans. So as a > peace offering I want you to have this...I hope you > come back soon. Love Jessica KTBSPA -PS tell Kevin > that I think he is hot." I thought it was very sweet. > I lifted the cover to the package and inside was a > stuffed puppy dog. It was a black and brown long > eared hunting dog in a laying down position with big > puppy eyes looking up. I went to the door connecting > mine and Nick's room and knocked on it, still holding > the dog. He opened the door with just pants on and > his hair still wet from the shower "what happened > now?" As he opened the door I saw that his room > looked almost exactly like mine, flowers and packages > everywhere. "huhm I guess you already know about this > huh?" "WOW I thought it was just me..." I thought > they screwed up and gave me stuff that was meant for > you guys but its all adressed to me." Nick walked > into my room his wet hair dripping all over the > place. Suddenly Donna got off the phone and looked at > me "well I just got off the phone with Lou and Jive > and they said that your welcome to keep it if you > want it, same with you Nick. I'll leave you to unwrap > presents I have some work to do.Meet down in the back > parking lot in 20 minutes." We agreed and she left. I > turned around and realized that Nick was dripping > water all over the floor so I said to him "would you > please stop dripping water all over my carpet?" "Sure > thing" and with that he started shaking his head > around and throwing water all over the place."aahh > stop that" I yelled at him. I grabbed a towel from > off the bed and wrapped it around his head so he > looked like a snake charmer. "ok I get the point.. > well whats this stuff.?" "I don't know, I haven't > looked at it yet" I answered and took the card that > was attached to it. It was a big black fabric case > about > 5 1/2 feet by 4 1/2 feet, and it had the Tommi > Hilfiger logo in the corner. The Envelope had my name > written in calligraphy on it. Nick watched me as I > opened the envelope and read the card. The card was > hand written in the same calligraphy as the envelope > and it read << Dear Ms. Terrosa. I was shocked to > hear of the incident that partook last night in which > you and Mr.Carter where involved. I would like you to > accept this gift in hope that you might wear them > while you tour with the Backstreet Boys and > afterwards. They are my latest designs and would be > pleased to see you wear them. At your greatest > convenience please provide me with your opinion on > these designs. Warmest Wishes, Mr. Hilfiger>> "WOW"I > exclaimed in disbelief "what? what is it?" I handed > Nick the note and watched his facial expressions > change from puzzlement to humor. He looked at me and > said "well it looks like you've gotten your first > exclusive designer wear......well open it you > dumbass..." "Watch it. I'm still mad at you dork" and > with that I lightly smacked him on the arm. "Hey all > right, its beat up Nick day. I've been waiting for it > to come along. Why wasn't I informed?" I heard Brian > and Aaron's voices behind me and I turned around. > They were both standing in the doorway between the > two rooms. They were both changed into fresh t-shirts > and shorts and Brian was wearing a bandana around his > head. "So what are you guys up to?...Oh Nick did you > know that a department store and florist shop > exploded in your room?......looks like it happened > here too..."Aaron said looking around at all the > stuff. Brian had stepped into the room and was > smelling the roses. "Well will you open it already or > are you waiting for hell to freeze over?" nick said t > me anxiously like a little boy on Christmas day that > cant open his presents yet. "Fine chill..." I UN > zipped the front of the case slowly just to upset > him. " I know you are doing it on purpose.." he said > giving me a nasty look,I shot him a grin back and > Brian and Aaron laughed. I finished unzipping it and > pulled back the front covers. My jaw fell to the > floor as I looked at what was inside. Brian put his > arm around my shoulders and said "looks like you made > out pretty good here. Well I'm going downstairs cause > Donna sent me up to get you guys to come down cause > the bus is here. Don't take too long or shell throw a > fit". With that he went out the room the same way he > came in. I kept staring at the clothes in the case. > There were three dresses, two short dresses and a > long dress. A dressy long sleeved blouse that looked > to be made of baby blue colored satin, it had a small > Hilfiger logo tastefully stitched on the tip of one > of the collars. There were electric blue pants, a > fancy baggy shirt,and figure fitting navy blue clam > digger jeans. I looked at the bottom of the case and > noticed three boxes. "Earth to ET, come in please > over..." Nick snapped his fingers in front of my face > "what?" "Come on lets go they are yelling at us".I > closed the case back up, replaced the card and picked > up a long black leather case from next to the bed.I > decided to bolt my room from the inside just in case, > so the three of us left through Nick's room. Aaron > rode to the elevator and down it on Nick's back. On > the elevator Aaron asked me "so Erika are you gonna > keep the clothes? you'd look great in them" "Thanks > Aaron you are such a gentleman" I gave Aaron a kiss > on the cheek. "You should learn from him Frack, he > could teach you a few things...". Nick pretended not > to have heard me and Aaron and I exchanged smirks. > "Anyway I think I will, Donna said I could so I don't > see why not. Plus it'd be an insult if I didn't at > least wear them". Before stepping off the elevator we > put on our security badges and disguises : Nick put > on his blue fisherman hat and sunglasses, Aaron put > on a Tampa Bay Buccaneers cap and sunglasses, and I > put on a white and green Mighty Ducks cap and > sunglasses. We were met by our bodyguards on the > ground floor. We inconspicuously walked through back > hallways to the parking lot trying not to attract > unnecessary attention. We finally made it to the > parking lot and security was every where. It was > extremely hot under the early morning sun. There were > two buses next to each other parked in the middle of > the parking lot, the bus we had traveled in for the > last week and next to it the normal tour bus which > was silver with dark tinted windows and much bigger, > the engine was still running. Kevin came up to us > seeming slightly ticked off "Where have you guys > been?" "take a chill pill Train,we're here aren't we? > anyway we were investigating ET's new wardrobe" Nick > answered in a snotty tone. "fine lets just get to > work and get this done as quickly as possible without > breaking anything this time...". We all went into the > smaller bus and started taking everything out and > putting it in respective piles on the floor outside. > in the mean time the band and some of the crew were > were moving equipment into a second silver and black > bus. About 45 minutes later we started moving all the > stuff into the larger bus. Thankfully there our > closets were much bigger than in the previous bus. On > one of my last trips moving things into the new bus I > picked up the long black leather case and some bags > and headed for the bus. "Hey Erika, I've been > wondering. What's in that black case your holding?" > Aaron asked me as he walked behind me carrying some > of his own bags. "What in this?Ok I'll show you but > you'll have to keep your eyes closed" "Ok". We both > put our stuff down and Aaron stood there with his > eyes shut. The guys kept going back and forth with > bags."SLACKER" Brian said to me as he walked by > carrying a load of bags to the bus. I stuck my tongue > out at him. "keep 'em closed...,no peeking" I said to > a restless Aaron. I put the case down on the floor > and I kneeled on the floor with my back to him. I > opened the case and pulled out my practice fencing > foil and stood up facing him. AJ and Howie were > standing at the door of the bus watching."OK you can > open them but don't move an inch. ok?".Aaron nodded > in agreement. As he opened his eyes I took an attack > lunge at him and lightly poked him in the chest with > the dull tip of the foil.his eyes were huge as he > stared at the sword that was almost under his nose > "THAT IS SOOO COOL. WHAT IS IT?" he squealed with > pleasure. "Hey don't skewer the kid we need him" AJ > laughed from behind me. "I couldn't cut anything with > this if I tried" I responded. "Looks like we've got > our very own Zorro here, or should I say Zorra?" > Howie smiled. "This is called a Foil Aaron. Its used > in Fencing, this is just my practice one." I said to > him and took another lunge at him. "So like you could > get into a sword fight and like kick some ass?" AJ > said smiling "well if for some reason the middle ages > came back and I got into a sword fight then yeah I > probably could. Or if I wanted to do some awesome > choreography" I replied. "So like you fence like in a > league?" Howie asked me "Yeah at school. I'm on the > college team and a league back home" "Hey Erika can I > hold it?" "sure knock yourself out Aaron, not > literally."I handed Aaron the foil. He stood there > acting out the sword fight scene from Star Wars. "So > why did you bring it?" Howie asked me "I have to > practice everyday I can so I ty to practice at least > a little before going to the gym in the morning, > otherwise I'll lose the muscle endurance". > "man we better not piss you off otherwise you'll > slice us up" AJ said trying to sound scared. We still > had several things to finish putting away so I put > the foil away and we went back to lugging bags. When > we were finally finished 30 minutes later we all > collapsed on the couch in the new bus. The news bus > was much larger the refrigerator and food cabinets > were larger and there was a microwave. Towards the > back there were 12 beds so we wouldn't have to sleep > on the couches anymore. There was a tv and in the > back of the bus there was a mini music room with a > keyboard and two guitars. The bathrooms were also > bigger. "So what do you all want to do? and we're not > staying in to play videogames Nick." AJ said as we > sat there hot and sweaty. "oh shut up AJ" Nick > answered in a badmood "well someone got out of the > wrong side coffin this morning" Brian teased. "Anyway > what we up to? I found the numbers to the nearest > golf course, basketball court, mall, and movie > theatre and security is ready to rent out whatever we > want to do" Howie intervened trying to deviate the > conversation to prevent an argument.
Tour--Chapter Sixteen
I was sitting between Howie and Kevin on the couch > with my legs fully stretched out blocking the > passage. "I'm up for anything that'll get me out of > this hotel but can we discuss this upstairs please? I > want to finish going through all that stuff." " What > stuff?"AJ looked at me inquisitively. "we both got a > whole bunch of stuff because of what happened > yesterday"Nick answered in a really sour tone. 'Ok > well you guys can keep sitting here discussing our > activities for today. I'm going to my room to > organize that stuff. When you decide come tell me. > Anyone who wants to help is free to join me" I got up > and headed for the door of the bus. As soon as I > stepped off the bus, Jeff was right next to me. I > looked around and noticed that there were still about > ten people coming and going around the parking lot > between the buses and boxes. I saw Randy a few feet > away and motioned that I was going back to my room. > He understood and nodded in understanding. I noticed > that AJ had gotten out of the bus and was going > upstairs too so I waited for him, which didn't take > long. We made our way back by the same way that Nick, > Aaron, and I had come. Howie and Aaron caught up to > us just as the elevator doors were about to close. > 'Man you guys walk fast. We almost had to run to > catch up to you" Howie said almost out of breath. We > laughed. "so what exactly is the 'stuff' you got?" AJ > asked me again "oh you should see it she got sooo > much stuff. and theres one dress that would look > really good on her and..."Aaron broke in talking > really fast answering AJ before I could say anything. > "hehehehe, from what I understood, sounds pretty > cool" AJ replied to Aaron, we all snickered. We got > off the elevator at our floor and headed for our > rooms.As I realized I remembered"oh man I completely > forgot that I chained my room from the inside. I can > only get in through Nick's room and I didn't get a > key from him. urrghhh" I said outloud."hehehe dont > you just love me...?" Aaron giggled with a smile on > his face "for what?" Howie asked him "Cause of how I > think of everything..." Aaron continued smiling and > pulled out the key to his and Nick's room from his > pocket. "You are good Aaron. You've saved the day > once again" I said smiling at him.We walked in and > were greeted by all the packages from fans and people > in the community and the hospital for Nick. The guys > were pretty shocked and wanted to be nosy but I > didn't let them. As we walked through Nick's room the > phone in my pocket rang "oohh ringing pants.." AJ > laughed. As I answered we walked into my room "Oh hey > mom, I was just about to call you". I walked into the > room first and sat down on the bed between packages. > Howie and AJ's jaws dropped to the ground as they saw > all the stuff in my room. I kept talking to my mom > explaining to her all the details of the previous > nights events as the guys snooped around at all the > packages and flowers. AJ silently asked if he could > open one of the boxes and I nodded. I continued > talking to my mom and asked if I could keep the > stuff, after much arguing she finally caved in.I > watched as AJ opened the small flat white box with > logo on it which I had never seen before.Howie and > Aaron stood around watching him. He opened it and > pulled out some kind of a sweater but that only had > sleeves. The four of us looked at each other puzzled. > As I was about to hang up Aaron decided that he > wanted to talk to my mom so I gave him the phone.They > talked for about 4 minutes and then Aaron hung up "I > like your mom ET she's really nice", thanks Aaron you > should tell her next time. Now what is this?" I > looked puzzled again at the sweater that AJ was > holding. He tossed it to me and I caught it "well is > there some kind of letter or card? read it" Howie > asked and pulled a card out of the box. I held the > sweater in my hands. It was extremely soft and felt > like cashmere and it was a shiny lilac color. Howie > read the card out loud. It was from a local designer > who specialized in these sweaters. I held up the > sweater.Unlike any other sweater it had 2 sleeves but > no front and only the shoulder part of the back. When > worn it would cover only the arms and upper back." oh > I get it now" realizing how it was designed I put it > on. "its strange but I like it" AJ commented. "So > when and where did all this stuff come from?" Howie > asked me. "well remember u guys asked me to tell the > front desk to hold all packages till this morning. > Well when I was taking my shower they brought them > all in. When I saw it all my jaw dropped to the floor > like yours did." "where are you gonna put all this > stuff?" AJ asked "I dont know. The hard ones to put > away will be those two" I said pointing to the two > large cases. "what are they?" Howie asked "open the > black one, I havent looked at the other yet" AJ went > over to the Tommi case and looked it over. He > immediately noticed the logo. He looked at me for > permission to open it and I noded. He unzipped it and > folded the covers back. Both of them just stood their > mouths gaping. I walked up behind them "I know right? > thats what I said". I remebered I hadn't opened the > boxes in the bottom of the case so I leaned over and > picked them up. They were pretty heavy."Hold this > please" I put two of the boxes in AJ's hands while I > put the one I had on the bed. "I haven't opened the > boxes yet so I don't know what is inside" I said > opening the sealed box. The box was the size of a > shoe box. I lifted the cover and saw white shoe box > paper "oh these are cool" I said moving the paper, > the three of them were patiently waiting to see.I > pulled out a pair of Tommi sneakers that were > supposed to come out in two months. They were pretty > big in red, blue, and white the Tommi colors. The > laces were completely clear. I turned around holding > them up for the guys to see. "OH man, Rok has been > wanting a pair of those since he found out they were > coming out. He'll be sooo jealous" Howie said to me > laughing "He might try to jump you for them" AJ added > in "Think they'll fit?" I wondered out loud "put them > on and find out" he retorted. I sat down on the bed > and took my shoes off. I slipped on the sneakers > without any problem and laced them up "WOW, they fit > perfect and their really comfy, It usually takes me > forever to find shoes that fit" I stood up. The shoes > were amazingly comfortable and fit as if they had > been made for only me. "Maybe its cause u've got > boats for feet" AJ laughed "SHUT UP gotee boy" I > threw a pillow at him hitting him square in the face. > "DUDE, my arms are getting tired would you open > these?" he said when we stopped laughing. I took the > boxes from his hands and put them on the bed. They > were identical to the other box except they were > slightly wider and much longer. "Anybody wanna guess > whats inside?" I asked looking up at them smiling " a > pair of pants" Aaron suggested "just open it..." the > other two complained "man all you are impatient" I > picked one of the boxes and opened it. Inside were a > pair of black leather knee-high boots with a 2 inch > high thick heel. "OH my Gaud". I picked up the boots > and showed them to the guys. Howie and and AJ > simultaneously whistled. I immediately put them down > and opened the other box. Inside were an identical > pair of boots but in silver instead of black. "I've > always wanted boots like this but could never find > them in my size let alone afford them" I said gasping > in dismay. AJ picked up the black pair "man these are > hot. They'll look great on you" I took the sneakers > off as fast as I could, put them back in their box > and put on the silver boots. Just like the sneakers > they fit perfectly "how do they feel?" Aaron asked > staring at my feet "they feel like im walking on air. > I walked around the room with them on, they felt > great. "Well looks like you don't need to go shopping > for a while" Howie commented. "I know right". "hey > can I open the other one?" Aaron asked me "yeah sure, > after this I won't be surprised at anything" I told > him. I took the boots off and put them back in their > box along with the rest of the shoes. I put the boxes > back in the black case. "This one is from CAlvin > Klein" Aaron said, his tone of voice dropping being > serious "what?" my head jerked up from behind the > black case. "Hes right it is" Howie added checking > the card on the front "the card is almost exactly > like the Tommi one". AJ who had been looking at a box > on the bed and I almost ran over to the Aaron and > Howie. Aaron opened the the case as the three of us > stood there waiting. At that time the rest of the > guys walked in from Nick's room but none of us > noticed. Aaron pulled back the front flaps and we > just stared. Inside was a white long sleeved cotton > blouse, a milk chocolate brown sleeve less vest, a > see-through black long sleeved blouse and a couple of > tank tops. Two long skirts, one was a deep chocolate > brown and the other a metallic gray, a black > miniskirt and a beige miniskirt. There were two boxes > at the bottom, one the size of a normal book and the > other the size of a shoe box. "so here you guys are" > Kevin's voice came from behind us. His voice > startled us and we jumped. "so whats the verdict?" > Brian asked walking over "the verdict is she wont > need to go shopping anytime soon" AJ answered. We > talked about the clothes for five minutes then > decided that I and Nick better get all our new stuff > organized since we wouldn't have time tomorrow. The > guys helped me put away all the stuff. Putting the > smaller boxes, envelopes, and cards into the larger > ones. Within twenty minutes everything was organized > into four boxes, except for the cases, and the > flowers and baskets. "you can keep the flowers here > till before the concert tomorrow and put them in the > bus before we go to the arena that way they don't die" > Kevin suggested and so I did. We went to Nick's room > and did the same thing. Like me he had only opened a > few things but had seen that he had gotten several > letters and chains with medallions from fans and > stores. He also received a basket from the mayor and > several flower baskets and arrangements. I noticed > Nick's mood had returned to that of earlier in the > morning during the water fight. While we were working > we talked and joked around. "So why were u being > Oscar the Grouch before?"I asked him at one point > "cause the pain killers had worn off and I wasn't > feeling well" he answered "you see Nicky here has > a very low tolerance for pain..." Brian added being > funny "shut up" Nick shot back in defense but not > being mean "you are such a wuss you know that, thats > why I always beat you at Mario Kart" "oh yeah" "yeah" > they started joking around arguing and before I knew > it I was in the middle of a pillow fight. They looked > like four year olds on a playground. I had no choice > but to join in or get trampled in their path. It only > lasted about 10 minutes but it was enough to leave us > winded. We recomposed ourselves and finished > organizing all the stuff. "You know the bus is gonna > look like a jungle tomorrow when we get all these > plants in there." Kevin said as we sat around after > finishing the job,he sounded a bit skeptical. "hey at > least we'll have tons of fresh oxygen, it'll never be > stuffy." I commented. Just then my phone rang today > "well your pretty popular today aren't you?" Brian > teased "what can I say I'm loved" i answered > smiling.I answered "hello-hey so sup?- oh hey-my mom > knew, Denise told her, she was so spazdic for a while > and she was complaining till i go there to understand > what happened-cool, you should see how many people are > calling me to find out what really' happened- I can > imagine HEY GUESS WHAT?- what?- Tommy Hilfiger and CK > sent me clothes-WHAT ARE YOU SERIOUS?-YEAH I'M > talking they picked it out and sent it to me > personally, and all these people sent me flowers and > stuff, you'd think I was dead, nick got like 3times as > much stuff and flowers as me its ridiculous-OH GOD > THATS SO AWESOME" I talked to Nicolle for a few minutes > on the phone telling her what happened and I hung up. > "So what did Nicolle say?" Howie asked "she didnt > belive me so I told her to watch when we go on all > those shows Ill wear them" the guys and I laughed."Am > I the only one who is hungry?"
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