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Tour--Chapter Seventeen and Eighteen
Tour--Chapter Seventeen
"When are you NOT hungry?"Howie shot at Nick > > sarcastically, who stuck his tongue out at him. I > > took a Starburst out of my pocket and threw it at > > Nick, hitting him in the middle of the forehead. We > > all chuckled. Nick picked up the Starburst, > > unwrapped > > it and ate it. "I'm gonna have to agree with Chaos > > here, I'm starving too" Kevin said "As long as it > > isn't deli lunch meats I'll eat anything....and NO I > > wont eat MCidies AJ" Brian said answering AJ before > > he could even make the suggestion. I laughed watching > > AJ as his eyes gleamed at the possibility of going > > to > > McDonalds and then his hopes being shattered by > > Brian. I couldn't help but laugh. The 7 of us sat > > around the room "well lets drive around and see what > > we find, in the meantime we'll decide what to do > > this > > afternoon after the radio show" Kevin suggested and > > we all agreed. Howie beeped John to get the van. We > > all went to our rooms to change. We decided to dress > > casually and bring a change of clothing so we > > wouldn't have to come back to the hotel. I decided > > to > > put on some of my new clothes. I put on shorts, the > > Tommy tank top that i found in one of the boxes, > > mascara, and blue eyeliner.I put on my new Tommy > > sneakers. I left my hair down because it was still > > damp. Before leaving the room I picked up the bag > > with my change of clothes and my backpack purse. I > > made sure that I had all my IDs and passes and met > > the guys and our bodyguards in the hallway. On the > > way to the parking lot we had to stop 4 times for > > the > > guys to give autographs and take pictures. Even > > dressed casually they looked amazing.Kevin wore a > > white shirt with a blue t-shirt over it, jeans, and > > sneakers. Brian had on a Tommy shirt, long baggy > > shorts, and Reeboks, Howie wore a tight yellow and > > black shirt, with baggy jeans and sneakers. AJ wore > > extremely baggy overalls that showed about 2 inches > > of the top of his boxers, a tight black muscle > > shirt, > > cool sneakers, and sunglasses of course. Nick wore a > > baggy red and white FILA shirt, baggy black surfer > > shorts, and the latest Nikes. WE finally reached the > > parking lot, by now we were all starving.We spotted > > the van waiting for us. Simultaneously, Aaron, Nick, > > Brian, and I yelled 'shotgun', we looked at > > each other > > and started running towards the van as if we were > > being chased by an unruly mob. I reached the > > passenger door 2 seconds before the three of them, > > but before I could get the door open and get into > > the > > van they caught up to me.Suddenly I felt someone's > > arms grab me and wrap around my waist. The next > > thing > > I knew Nick was holding me in the air while Brian > > and > > Aaron tickled the life out of me. In between bursts > > of laughter I yelled at him to let me go. I squirmed > > and struggled to get free but it wouldn't work> I > > ended up out of breath. While I was being tortured > > Aaron sneaked into the passenger seat and Nick and > > Brian finally let me go. We were all laughing but > > for > > different reasons. Inside the van, John could barely > > breath from laughing. Nick looked menacingly at > > Aaron > > through the window as if threatening him for taking > > the front seat. "are you guys done torturing the > > poor > > girl??" AJ came up behind me as he asked Brian and > > Nick "I... don't know, the day is still young.." > > Brian rebuttled laughing. "Thats it, if this keeps > > up > > Ill end up dying of laughter." I said trying to > > sound > > upset with a grin on my face. We dumped our bags > > into > > the back of the van. AJ opened the side door. Brian > > and Nick climbed into the first back seat, the one > > nearest to the front. "Im sitting in the back with > > my > > new best friends" I taunted and climbed into the > > back > > with Kevin and Howie. AJ sat next to Brian in the > > seat in front of us. "man I'm starving, John lets > > go" > > Howie said leaning over the middle seat. " Same > > here, > > altought I don't think I'd be this hungry if my > > breakfast hadn't been water logged this morning.." I > > said laughing. We all laughed remembering the > > morning's activities. We drove around town for half > > an hour looking for somewhere to eat. Every time we > > drove by a McDonalds AJ would look out the window > > longingly. After arguing about where to eat we > > decided > > to eat at the food court of the nearest mall so > > everyone could eat whatever they wanted. The whole > > way there Brian, Aaron, and Nick sang along to the > > radio in an extremely high pitched out of tune voice > > just to irritate someone and to see who would be the > > first one to reprimand them. Noone did, we just gave > > them dirty looks and chatted among ourselves. By the > > time we got out of the van the guys were > > unrecognizable under their disguises and since we > > only took one bodyguard with us we didnt attract > > much > > attention. Thankfully the mall wasn't very crowded, > > mainly cause the greater part of their town's female > > population was storming the radio station where we > > would be later on. The closest thing to McDonalds > > that AJ could find was a place that sold Chicken > > hamburgers. Kevin and I ate from Sbarro's, > > Nick,Howie, and Aaron had pizza, and Brian had > > pasta. > > A couple of us tried to sneak away and do some > > shopping when Kev's cell phone rang, it was Denise. > > Everything was ready at the station and we had to be > > there in 25 minutes. Since the station was kinda far > > we had to leave right away. Thankfully it was a > > radio > > show meaning that the only people who would see us > > would be the DJs and the few fans that were allowed > > in the studio, at least we wouldn't have to be under > > the eyes of Kiki and Angie, or so we thought. When > > we > > reached the radio station cops had to part the mass > > of fans to allow the van to go through. The rest of > > the security team met us at the station. What would > > have taken a normal person 5 minutes to get into the > > studio took us 10. I've never seen as much love for > > their fans as the guys had. They tried to give > > everyone a hug or an autograph until finally our > > security pushed us through all the fans. We finally > > got to the studio. I had never been in a radio > > station studio so I gawked at all the equipment. AJ > > kept teasing me to pick up my chin from the floor,I > > gave him a nasty look and stuck my tongue out. We > > were introduced to the DJs and in general to the 15 > > fans that won the chance to be in the studio with > > the > > guys. We went on t he air and did an interview.The > > very first thing we were asked about was the > > accident > > wit h the fans.We talked about it for a while and > > then > > they went on to ask normal stuff- how are you all > > doing? what do you think of the tour? any news? > > future plans? etc..They asked me if I had comments > > and I just told them that the guys were a big pain > > in > > the butt, and about the water fight we had that > > morning.Everyone laughed. The guys did a couple of > > old songs a capella and answered questions from the > > fans. Surprisingly they asked me a few questions.One > > girl who looked to be about 16 asked me " Whats it > > like living on a bus with these guys?" the 7 of us > > laughed "well usually on the bus we are either > > incoherent or zonked out from exhaustion. Its really > > exhausting but Id have to say that so far its been > > the most fun and the most exilirating week of my > > life. We have a lot of fun. We usually have a food > > fight at least once a day." Everyone laughed and the > > girl sat back down. We did the radio show thing for > > about 1 Hour and then it ended. During the show the > > DJs awarded the guys with a plaque for having the > > most continuous song at # 1- Every time I close my > > Eyes > > had stayed at #1 for 32 weeks straight and was still > > #1. The guys gracefully accepted the plaques and > > posed for almost a hundred pictures. We finally left > > and decided to drive around the city for a while to > > figure out what we wanted to do that afternoon. > > After > > about ten minutes we were ready to go play golf when > > we drove by a GO Kart/mini golf/ arcade. "John John > > turn right there" I quickly leaned over the front > > seat not being able to get the words out of my mouth > > fast enough. John was the only other person that had > > noticed the place. The guys had bewildered looks on > > their faces. WE pulled right in front of the place > > in > > the parking lot and you could see the Go Kart track, > > thats when the guys saw it "OH yeah, I can > > definitely do this all afternoon" Aaron gasped > > hanging his head out the window, the rest of the > > guys > > doing the same.
Tour--Chapter Eighteen
Within seconds we were all out of the van. The > > guys had become disguised and almost impossible to > > recognize within seconds. We all stood there gazing > > at the go kart track with gleaming eyes. "I am > > DEFINITELY doing this" was Howie's only comment. > > Since we had already told Randy and DEnise that we > > were taking the afternoon off we didnt have to check > > in again. We went inside the arcade to buy tickets > > for the go karts. Let me rephrase that, Nick, > > Aaron, > > and AJ ran into the arcade like mad men being chased > > out of hell, the rest of us quickly followed. > > Inside > > we found a gigantic arcade and a laser tag room, > > "hmhmh what to do first....???" Brian exclaimed > > rubbing his hands together, a look of exhilaration > > dawning his face. After 10 seconds of discussion we > > decided t to do the go karts first, "I'm only gonna do > > one round, and then im hitting this arcade" nick > > said > > a plan of attack already designed in his mischievous > > brain. Jim, John and the rest of the guys decided > > that they weren't gonna let us have fun alone. At the > > counter the employee didn't even bother to look at the > > guys so they were never recognized, to all our > > relief. We bought enough tickets for everyone to do > > one round. Although the arcade was plagued with > > kids > > between the ages of 12 and 23 it was mainly guys , > > not a very high security risk for the guys, we could > > have fun without being mobbed for once. The 11 of us > > raced to the track and got in line, behind 6 other > > people that were already there. Even though there > > was no potential of anyone recognizing them security > > asked the guys to keep the glasses and hats on just > > in case. While in line Aaron proclaimed proudly, " I > > am soo gonna woop all your butts", "You are sooo not > > gonna" Kevin retorted in a challenging tone of > > voice. > > "ohhh so the old man is challenging us hey?" John > > asked Kevin smirking, "you bet ' he replied smiling > > 'mannnn this is too good to be true...OK whoever > > wins..." AJ announced the challenge, "Whoever wins > > what???" Howie and Brian asked anxiously. Nick > > jumped > > in "whoever wins gets to make the rest of you dress > > in any way he.." I purposely coughed to get his > > attention "..pardon,<> in any > > way he or SHE wants you to for the first twenty > > minutes of the next show", he finished his > > suggestion. We all looked at each other, you could > > feel the doubt in the air and see it on our faces. > > But since all of us were sure that we would win we > > all agreed "deal?" Nick asked thrusting out his hand > > "Deal" we all chimed in and putting our hands into > > one giant handshake. "I already have you guys's > > picked out, hehe" Kevin snickered."We'll see, this > > is > > were it REALLY counts boys" Jeff laughed at us. We > > didnt have time to keep boosting our egoes because > > they finally let us onto the track. "I GET YELLOW" > > AJ > > yelled as he ran to and jumped into the go kart. " I > > GET RED 7" I yelled imitating AJ and run to my go > > kart. Everyone else got their fave color. I put my > > hair in a pony tail and fixed my sunglasses as did > > everyone else. The guys turned their baseball caps > > backwards to look cool and so that they wouldn't fly > > away. AJ looked like speed racer. After the whole > > safety belt, no bumping shpeel they let us go. The > > lap was 1/3 of a mile and our tickets were worth 4 > > laps a piece. Our cars were extremely fast and at > > first Kevin and Jeff were in the lead. At one point > > or a another we were all in the lead at least once. > > Huge signs were posted around the track prohibiting > > us from ramming the car in front, that is if we had > > actually obeyed it. Everyone rammed everyone else. > > At > > one point Jeff rammed AJ who in turn rammed Aaron > > who > > then rammed me, we must have almost rolled over > > several times. In the last 2 laps john was the > > leader and no matter how hard we tried noone could > > catch up to him. He won. "I think we should do it > > best 2 out of 3" Aaron defended as we all stood > > around the outside perimeter of the track. John > > didnt > > have a problem with it and we all wanted another > > chance at victory, Ted went and got 3 tickets for > > each of us. It was useless. No matter how hard we > > tried he won every single time. WE were so intent on > > winning that at one point Kevin drove AJ off the > > track, but only momentarily. "Come on think about > > it, > > Ive been driving you guys around for years in one > > vehicle or another. Did you really think you could > > have beat me?" John asked us laughing as we stood as > > dejected losers in front of the doors to the arcade.
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