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Murder On The Hart--Part Three

That night they have dinner at a Chinese restaurant and then go to the Blue Note Club to find Bunny. They enjoy the music and Bunny's singing as they wait to see her. Jonathan also notices a man watching Bunny and them very closely. When Bunny finishes the first set and goes back to her dressing room, Jonathan and Jennifer follow her back there to talk.

"Hi Jennifer it's good to see you again, how are you tonight? Hey who's the hunk?" Bunny says at seeing Jennifer with Jonathan.

"I'm fine Bunny, this is my fiancé Jonathan, we want to talk to you about Emerson Westlake," Jennifer replies.

Bunny looks frightened and stammers "I don't know an Emerson Westlake or anything about his murder."

"Bunny I know you were having an affair with him and I know you loved him very much so why don't you just tell me what you know," Jennifer softly says.

"What makes you think I know something when I didn't even know the guy?" Bunny asks, fighting back her tears.

"George told us that you and Emerson were having an affair and I can see you've been crying, you really did love him didn't you?" Jennifer says.

"Yes but I can't talk about it here with Michael and his goons around, meet me at my place about an hour after the last show, I'll be home by then and I'll answer all your questions then but not here okay?" Bunny replies.

"All right, we'll see you at your place later then," Jennifer says as Bunny hands her a slip of paper with the address on it.


Jonathan and Jennifer go back out into the club to enjoy the music while Bunny pulls herself together for her next set. A new young jazz saxophone player named Dave Koz is playing the sets between Bunny's and they really enjoy his music and remark how good he is. As the last set is winding down they leave the club and decide to go for coffee while they wait until it's time to meet Bunny.


It is 12:30 when they arrive at Bunny's apartment. As Jonathan knocks on the door it starts opening and they step inside to find Bunny lying on the floor in a pool of blood. They both gasp at the site and Jennifer turns her head into Jonathan's shoulder to divert her eyes from it. Then Jonathan moves to check and see if she is dead.

"Is she?" Jennifer asks slowly turning to face the body.

"Dead, completely dead," Jonathan says, he pauses then continues "We'd better call the police."

"Couldn't we do that from downstairs darling?" Jennifer asks.

"Sure darling, come on," Jonathan says as he leads her out of the apartment.

They find a pay phone in the lobby and Jonathan calls the police and tells them what's happened. When he hangs up the phone, he turns to Jennifer and says "You'll never guess who is on duty and just can't wait to get over here to see us again."

"Oh no! Not him!" Jennifer groans then she says "I thought you said we weren't going to get in trouble on a weekly basis?"

Jonathan gives a sarcastic laugh and says "Oh well you can't get them all right, maybe next week huh."

It isn't long before Lieutenant Gillis walks in and says "Now why am I not surprised to run into you two again and at another murder no less."

"Good to see you again too Lieutenant." Jennifer glares at him.

Gillis pretends to ignore her sarcasm and says "You want to tell me what happened here?"

"We don't really know, we were suppose to meet Ms. Jones here but when we arrived she was already dead," Jonathan says.

"I know that," Gillis says as they give him a puzzled look . He then explains "I had a man tailing you, I told you I was going to keep an eye on you, and he already told me you weren't in there long enough to kill her."

"I don't know if I like being followed Lieutenant," Jonathan says guardedly.

"Well you didn't leave me with much choice last night Mr. Hart the way you were acting and all, hey I'm just trying to do my job here but I can see now that you're a right guy and I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot I know you're just trying to help your friend and solve this case so can we start over," Gillis asks.

Jennifer looks at Gillis suspiciously then at Jonathan to try and read his thoughts on this but he is poker faced and she can't tell what he thinks as he hesitates and chooses his words carefully before he responds "Okay Lieutenant let's let bygones be bygones and start over."

Gillis says "Good, now what were you going to see Ms. Jones about?"

"We were going to talk to her about her affair with Emerson Westlake but we never got the chance," says Jonathan.

"Did you know she was also seeing Michael Moreitti the owner of the Blue Note Club?" asks Gillis.

"Yes, so it looks like you got your self a new suspect for the murders," Jennifer answers as Jonathan fights hard to maintain his poker face.

"Why do you say that?" asks Gillis.

"Well Bunny was seeing Moreitti then started having an affair with Mr. Westlake. If Moreitti found out about it he would be jealous and want to kill them both," Jennifer says with a smile.

"Remind me never to have an affair if you think that's the way to deal with it!" Jonathan exclaims.

"Did you also know the club is just a legitimate way for Moreitti to launder the money from his illegitimate enterprises?" asks Gillis.

Jonathan looks at Jennifer, who does not have the poker face he does then looks back at Gillis and says "No we didn't."

One of the officers Lieutenant Gillis had sent up to Bunny's apartment walks up and says "Excuse me Lieutenant the coroner says he's pretty sure it was a .38 caliber gun that did it and wants to know if he can take the body now. I told him you would want to come up and take a look around first."

Jonathan says "50 will get you a 100 that it was a .38 that killed Westlake," then he grins and continues "and 50 will get you 250 that the same .38 fired the bullets found in Westlake and Bunny."

Gillis says "I'm not betting with you, you can go now," and turns to go upstairs.

"What do you say we take the Lieutenant's advice and go home," says Jennifer.

Jonathan just smiles at her, takes her hand and leads her to the car.

Once they're on the way home Jennifer asks "Do you buy that let's be friends routine of Gillis's?"

"I'm not sure, that's why I didn't mention the blackmail to him, what do you think?" Jonathan responds.

"Me either, I almost had the feeling he was hoping we would start offering any information we had if he gave us information like he was pumping us. By the way you have a great poker face, remind me never to play cards with you," Jennifer says.

"Yeah I had the same feeling about Gillis, and by the way your poker face could use some work, remind me to play strip poker with you sometime real soon," Jonathan says then he gives her a lustful leer.

Jennifer just rolls her eyes and shakes her head in response with a grin on her face then the both start laughing.


Back at Jennifer's apartment they find Max gone and Jennifer is very worried. The concern is in her voice as she asks "Darling what do you think has happened to him?"

Jonathan says "Don't be worried darling I'm sure he's fine. He's probably playing poker with some friends or maybe he's with Katherine."

"Katherine! Who's Katherine?" Jennifer asks.

As Jonathan goes to the kitchen to look for some graham crackers and milk he says "Katherine is Max's lady friend, he sees her every time we come to New York."

"Oh how sweet," sighs Jennifer.

"Ah ha!" exclaims Jonathan as he finds the graham crackers with Max's note attached. "Listen to this; Mr. H I knew you'd find the note if I left it here I'm having a late dinner with a dear friend, don't wait up, Max. What did I tell you, he's with Katherine."

"I'm just glad he's all right," exclaims Jennifer.

Jonathan comes and sits next to her with his graham crackers and milk. Jennifer smiles at the site thinking what a little boy he looks like and how lovely it would someday be to see Jonathan and Jonathan Jr. sitting on the sofa of their home eating graham crackers and milk before bedtime.

"What's that look?" he asks.

"I was just thinking what a little boy you are and how if we ever have a son I'd want him to be just like you with an impish grin and mischief in his eyes," she muses.

"And I'd love a little girl like you all scrappy and full of determination, knowing exactly what she wants and going after it and not stopping until she gets it." Jonathan smiles.

"Are you insinuating that I chased you Mr. Hart? Need I remind you that you are the one who had the police detain me so I couldn't leave London then got me to the Tower Bridge under false pretenses," she asserts.

"No I chased you until you caught me then I did what any gentleman would do I acquiesced. And need I remind you who seduced who last night?" he counters.

"Well I didn't hear you complaining last night." She pretends to huff then gets up and says "I'm going to shower," and walks off.

Jonathan gets up, catches her arm and turns her around to face him and says "Come here scrappy, just settle down."

"Don't call me scrappy, it sounds like you're calling a dog," she says.

"Okay feisty, do you know how much I love you?" he asks.

"Oh about half as much as I love you." She smiles.

He pulls her close to him and kisses her and she eagerly responds. Then he picks her up and carries her off to bed where they make love with the same fervor and passion as they did the night before and eventually fall asleep in each others arms.


The next morning they awake to the sound of Max whistling in the kitchen and look at each other somewhat puzzled at first then knowingly and smile. They get up, put their robes on and go into the kitchen to find Max smiling and happily preparing breakfast.

"Morning Max!" they exclaim in unison.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. H it's a beautiful day today so I thought I'd serve breakfast out on the terrace, if that's okay with you," says Max through a smile.

"You were right darling, canary," teases Jonathan.

"Oh, yes, right definitely canary," says Jennifer picking up on Jonathan's lead.

"What?" asks Max.

"Just a joke Max," says Jonathan.

"Oh ! I get it now, you guys are saying I look like the cat that ate the canary," Max exclaims and they all start laughing.

Jonathan goes in the kitchen and whispers something to Max but Jennifer doesn't think too much of it she just figures it's a guy thing.

After a wonderful breakfast Jennifer proclaims " Boy you sure can cook Max, that was great."

"Excellent, wonderful," Jonathan seconds.

" Thanks Mr. H, Mrs. H now you two better get dressed or we'll be late for the funeral especially if you want to make that stop you mentioned in the kitchen while I take Mrs. H on to the funeral Mr. H." says Max.

"What stop while Max takes me to the funeral ?" Jennifer questions Jonathan giving him a look that says she wants the truth and only the truth.

" It's nothing darling really, just a little surprise for you that's all," Jonathan answers innocently.

Jennifer can see through the innocent smile he's giving her and says "Out with it buster, the truth this time."

Jonathan turns to Max and says "Thanks a lot Max!"

Jennifer then turns to Max and asks "What is he up to?"

"He's just going to go get himself killed is all," Max answers.

"What!" Jennifer exclaims.

"No I'm not," says Jonathan "I just want to talk to Michael Moreitti a few minutes that's all."

"Yeah but a guy like that will blow your head off if you ask the wrong question Mr. H." offers Max.

"He's right you know," says Jennifer.

"I promise you I've got everything under control, I know what I'm doing, trust me on this one," Jonathan says as he gives Jennifer his most charming and debonair smile.

"It's not going to work, I know what you're trying to do. You think your going give me that irresistible smile of yours and I'm going to let you go talk to Moreitti but it won't work, you are not going to go talk to him understand," Jennifer states emphatically.

Jonathan takes her in his arms and kisses her.

"This isn't going to work either, I can be stubborn and as hard as nails when I want to be," she says.

Jonathan kisses her again and says "You love me."

"That's why I want you alive," Jennifer says.

He kisses her again and says "You find me totally irresistible."

"Jonathan, this is getting you absolutely no where so you might as well stop," Jennifer says.

"You can't refuse me, you'll do anything I say," Jonathan says then he kisses her again this time longer and more passionately and he looks deep into her eyes when he is finished the kiss.

"What the hell go ahead get yourself killed, what do I care, Max can bury you cause I won't come." She whimpers in defeat as she gives in to his charm.

Jonathan smiles at his triumph and Max just shakes his head and gives him a look that says he really shouldn't do that to her as Jennifer goes off to get dressed.


In the car outside the Blue Note Club, Jonathan kisses Jennifer and says "You wait here I'll be right back."

Jennifer says "No I'm coming with you."

"No you stay here, I don't want you around Moreitti's type, or do I have to kiss you again," says Jonathan.

"All right but you've got 5 minutes before I come in after you," Jennifer says.

Jonathan kisses her again and walks toward the club.


Inside he finds Moreitti and two men in an office. He walks in and says "Mr. Moreitti I'd like to ask you a few questions."

Moreitti looks at him and recognizes him as the man who went and talked to Bunny in her dressing room last night and says "Well I don't want to talk to you bud so beat it." As he says this one of the goons pulls a gun but Moreitti motions to him not to fire yet.

"Well you certainly are hospitable Mr. Moreitti you and your friend," says Jonathan as he nods in the direction of the man holding the gun. "I just thought you might like to talk about who murdered your girl last night."

"What's it to you and what do you know about it pal," asks Moreitti.


Outside in the car Jennifer says "I don't like this Max, he's been in there too long come on let's go get him."

"But Mrs. H those guys in there are real gangsters with real guns you shouldn't go in there," protests Max.

"What's the matter with you Max, this is the part where you're suppose to tell me how good you are and how nothing bad is going to happen to him," says Jennifer.

"Oh yeah," says Max then he pauses and says "But Mrs. H this ain't no movie," in protest as Jennifer gets out of the car.

Max finds a phone to call the police as Jennifer burst into the office where Jonathan is yelling "There you are you thief you stole my car!"

Jonathan looks at her and says " What do you want?"

"I'd like my car back please," Jennifer states.

"Look would you just get out of here you're ruining everything," Jonathan says.

"But the nice man with the gun won't let me, look at him he's all nervous and anxious," Jennifer says as she turns to the goon with the gun.

"You bet I am, I might accidentally shake and it'll go off," says the goon.

Jennifer pushes the gun away as she says "Would you please stop pointing that thing at me."

"Look I've got everything under control so would you kindly leave us alone," Jonathan says.

Jennifer looks at the gun and then at Jonathan and says "Yes I can see you are in complete control of the situation."

Jonathan says "I see your point," as he looks at the gun.

Jennifer again pushes the gun away and says "I asked you nicely to stop pointing that gun at me now I'm telling you quit waving that thing in my face!"

"Look you're just causing trouble so go on and get out of here," says Jonathan.

"Nobody's going anywhere," says the goon with the gun.

"Just settle down Vinnie," says Moreitti then he looks at Jonathan and says "I don't know what you're trying to pull here pal but I've had about enough if it."

Jonathan says "See what you got yourself into by coming in here."

"Oh well now what do I do?" asks Jennifer as she turns to Jonathan.

"How should I know, you invited yourself to this party," says Jonathan.

"I'm ready to go any time you are," Jennifer says with a smile hoping Jonathan catches on that she is about to do something .Then she turns toward Vinnie and says "Look I told you to stop waving that thing in my face!" while taking hold of the gun. " I bet you have to carry it to make you feel like a man cause you can't get it up," she remarks. Then she knees him between the legs and he lets go of the gun and she turns it around and points it at him.

Jonathan pulls his gun out of his belt and says "I wouldn't if I were you," as the other goon reaches for his gun and Moreitti goes for the one in his desk.

"Did you get the answers you were looking for?" Jennifer asks.

"Yes I did darling," Jonathan answers.

"Good then lets go darling," says Jennifer and they walk out.

As they are walking down the hall Jennifer asks " Did you hear that?"

Jonathan answers " Yeah, we found Vinnie our friendly neighborhood blackmailer."

They see Max and the police coming up the hall and Jonathan says "Just a simple misunderstanding officers," and taking the gun from Jennifer he says "Oh here you might want to check this against the bullets that killed Mr. Westlake and Ms. Jones and there are a few more guns in that office at the end of the hall you might want to check too." He and Jennifer keep walking out of the club and Max turns and follows them while the police go in the office to question Moreitti.


In the car as they are driving to the funeral, Jonathan turns to Jennifer and says "You're just full of surprises aren't you.You were pretty good back there, you really know how to handle yourself. I'm impressed."

"Why thank you kind sir," Jennifer says and kisses him.


The funeral is very dignified and reserved with most of New York's business world and social elite and half of Boston's upper crust attending. Emerson's favorite passage is read and the minister's words are fitting. His favorite hymn is sung and everyone moves to the cemetery, then after the burial, everyone is dismissed. Jonathan and Jennifer say a few words to Elizabeth and Jennifer talks to Kathleen for a few minutes. Then they decide to find George and bring him home with them. George had stayed as far away from Elizabeth as possible during the proceedings, not trusting himself around her or trusting her for that matter.


They get back to Jennifer's apartment around noon and Max goes into the kitchen to fix lunch while Jonathan and Jennifer talk with George, telling him of their escapade with Moreitti that morning.

At lunch George says "Jonathan I want you to buy my half of Lakeway Enterprises."

Jonathan looks shocked and says "George what are talking about?"

"Look there is no way I could work with Elizabeth, I couldn't trust her at all and I'm ready for an early retirement , I want to enjoy myself for a change so I think the best thing all around is for you to buy me out."

"Have you really thought about this, why not buy Elizabeth out if you don't think you can work with her?" asks Jonathan.

"I don't even want to talk to her about it after she said I killed Emerson," George says.

"All right then I'll talk to her but at least try that first," says Jonathan.

George agrees to Jonathan's suggestion and they go on to other topics of conversation until the phone rings at 4:00. Jonathan answers it, Jennifer can only hear his side of the conversation but it peaks her curiosity.

"You'll never guess who that was," Jonathan says as he hangs up the phone.

"Lieutenant Gillis telling us Vinnie is dead," says Jennifer. "What else did he want and why did you tell him you would call him back in a few minutes and what things do you need to check out before you do and whose name don't you want released to the press yet."

"Geez you are a reporter aren't you !" George says to Jennifer.

"And a very good one too!" says Jonathan.

"And one who would like some answers," Jennifer states emphatically.

"Okay Louise," says Jonathan as he gives her his best smile. She glares back at him but he just smiles all the more and says "The nice Lieutenant wanted to know if we had been home for the past hour and yes he did want to tell us that Vinnie is dead and I don't want his name released to the press just yet, not until I check out a few things."

"Like what, what have you got in mind now?" asks Jennifer.

"Max what was that you said before about Mrs. Westlake's chauffeur?"

"Just that he mentioned while we were talking that he didn't drive Mrs. Westlake to that charity shindig the other night and he and a buddy had to go pick up her car because the police drove her home that night after they told her he was dead," Max answers.

"George how big is your dining room table?" Jonathan asks.

"You can seat twelve at it comfortably, a few more if you crowd in, why?" George responds.

"Can we have a dinner at your house tonight and invite a few people?" Jonathan asks.

"Sure Jonathan," George answers.

Jonathan turns back to Max and asks "Max can you do a dinner for eight tonight?"

"Sure Mr. H what time you want it for?" says Max.

"About 8:00 will be fine and call Mrs. Westlake's chauffeur and tell him to be sure and drive her tonight," Jonathan says.

"Just what are you up to darling?" asks Jennifer.

"Trying to catch a murderer, darling do you have a dinner dress?" Jonathan answers.

"Of course I do, I wore it to 21 the other night," Jennifer answers.

"Oh not that one, I won't be able to stay focused on anything but you." Jonathan says.

Jennifer smiles and says "Compliment noted and accepted, now will you please tell me what you're up to."

Jonathan looks deep into her eyes and says "Say do your eyes bother you?"

"No, why?" Jennifer asks thinking she had something in one of them.

"Well they bother me," Jonathan says with one of his impish grins.

"Jonathan!" Jennifer exclaims in exasperation. "Would you please stop fooling around and tell me what is going on!"

"Later darling I need to go call the Lieutenant and you need to help Max with the menu so he can get started on dinner," Jonathan says as he smiles and kisses her on his way to the phone.

"He did it to me again!" Jennifer exclaims as she shakes her head "Oh well come on Max lets plan this menu, what are they serving at fiascoes this year anyway?" she asks Max.

"I believe chicken," says Max.

"No Max that's at fricassees," says Jennifer.

"Well I better go home and warn Katherine everybody's coming. You want me to ask her to stay and give you a hand tonight Max?" asks George.

"That would be nice Mr. Callaway," answers Max.

So that's who Katherine is, she must not live in or I would have seen her the other night Jennifer thought to herself and smiled. She and Max finish the menu as Jonathan gets off the phone with Lieutenant Gillis.

"Well everything is all set up," Jonathan declares as he hangs up the phone.

"Good, now will you tell me what it is you're up to?" asks Jennifer.

"I don't know Max, do you think I should?" Jonathan teases her.

"I think you'd better before she hurts you Mr. H and with that note of advice I'm going to the market to get the ingredients for this feast," says Max as he heads for the door.

Jennifer stands poised for attack, she was going to get a straight answer out of him this time and he was not going to charm his way out of it. "I'm waiting," she says.

Jonathan puts his arm around her and leads her to the sofa and says "Simmer down feisty, I told you I would tell you when I got off the phone and I am. See they way I look at it is we've got several people with a motive and no hard evidence and a couple of leaky alibis so I figure if we gather all the suspects in one room and throw the motives and the alibis around."

"One of the leaky alibis will sink and one of the motives will stick to someone," Jennifer finishes his thought.

"Exactly, see there you're not so very dumb after all Ollie," Jonathan says as he kisses her on the forehead.

"But darling you've forgotten one thing if you are right and one of the people coming tonight is the murderer, they still have their gun and will probably bring it with them tonight," Jennifer says.

"That's what I'm counting on and that's why some friends of Lieutenant Gillis will be our waiters and will escort some of the guest to the party."

"You thought of everything didn't you," says Jennifer.

"Except for one thing, we have three hours until the party and nothing to do," Jonathan says with an impish grin on his face.

"Oh I don't know, maybe, just maybe I can come up with some form of entertainment to keep you occupied until it's time for the party," Jennifer says as she starts playing with the buttons on his shirt.

"Maybe even let me in on one of those surprises you're so full of?" Jonathan asks hopefully.

Jennifer very coyly says "But darling if you know it's coming then it's not a surprise so now I can't let you in on one."

Jonathan kisses her with a passion reserved only for the truest of lovers who are totally united as one in body, mind and soul.

Continue on to Part Four

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