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Unbreak My Hart (Part 4)--By Pat

     Max was making coffee when Jennifer entered the kitchen on an early December morning.  She had barely slept.  She kept dreaming of being in a dark tunnel and Jonathan was calling for her.  She awoke tired and sullen.
     “Hey, Mrs. H. You don’t look so good,” Max spoke in his raspy voice.
     Jennifer smiled weakly.  “No, I didn’t sleep well.”
     The phone rang.  Max answered and then covered the receiver.
     “It’s for you, Mrs. H.  It’s Kurt Jameson.”
     “Tell him I’m busy, Max.”
     “He just wants to know if you’re still on for tonight.”
     Jennifer hesitated.  “Yes, I’ll meet him at 6.”
     Max hung up and turned to Jennifer.  “I think it’s good that you’re going out.  You need to go out more often.”
     Jennifer smiled.  “Max, you do too...I’m just a little nervous about going out at night to a social event.  There’ll be photographers;  they’ll ask questions.  I don’t know if I’m up for it.”
     “That Kurt fella seems like he’ll keep the paparazzi away.  I trust him.  Besides, you’re a board member of the aquarium.  It won’t look right if you don’t show.”

     The gala had been fun after all, and Kurt did make sure that most of the photographers stayed away.  He was a kind man, she thought.
     Jennifer fell into bed exhausted.  She was drifting, and began to see the outline of Kurt’s handsome face.  Jennifer looked into his eyes.
     “I don’t want to rush you, but I can’t help how I feel about you,” Kurt was saying to her, taking her into his arms.
     “I know,” she whispered, her eyes welling with tears.
     He found her so attractive and so vulnerable.  He could not help being aroused at the emotion on her face - the way her cheeks flushed and her slightly swollen lips trembled.  Overtaken with passion, he pressed his lips against hers.  Jennifer stiffened and attempted to push him away, but then slowly surrendered to the warmth of his body and the taste of his lips on hers.
     Before she knew it, they were on her bed, Kurt’s agile hands removing her dress.  His kisses took her breath away. Kurt gazed into her eyes, as he cupped her face in his hands.  Then, he tenderly kissed her neck and unhooked her bra.  He continued kissing down her long neck until he reached her breasts.  Kurt opened his mouth and took her pink nipple in all the way, sucking and nibbling on it hungrily.  Jennifer moaned and ran her hands through Kurt’s thick, golden hair.  He held her other breast, kneading and playfully pinching the nipple.  He lowered her onto the bed and removed his clothes hastily.  She looked up at his broad, tanned chest feeling a warm, throbbing between her legs.  Kurt gazed at Jennifer’s beautiful, naked body. He lowered himself down on her gently, stroking her belly and inner thighs.  Jennifer was breathing heavily, her breasts rising and falling with every breath.  Kurt kissed her trembling lips.  “God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered in her ear.
     Unable to control his passion any longer, Kurt skillfully moved down and reached for her panties.  He slid his fingers under the lace and removed them.  She held Kurt’s strong shoulders, as he slithered between her thighs.  In one deep thrust, he entered her, his manhood pulsating with excitement.  They kissed passionately, while Kurt maneuvered himself in and out.  Jennifer’s skin tingled with excitement, and as she climaxed, cried out, “Oh, Jonathan!”

     Jennifer woke suddenly, gasping for breath.  How could she be dreaming about Kurt?  Was it Kurt that had made love to her or Jonathan? She ran her hands through her hair, confused and angry.  It was just a dream, Jennifer reminded herself.  It was just a dream.

     Jonathan knew that the only chance he had to escape was to gain the trust of Jessie.  She was volatile, to say the least, so he had to play his cards right.  At least she and Manuel had taken him out of handcuffs and given him a cot to sleep on.  Still, the days seemed endless.  It had been almost four months of agony living in this dark, underground room.  He longed for Jennifer and wondered what kind of hell she was living.  He knew that the Coast Guard officials had called off their search for him and concluded that he had died at sea.  His heart ached wondering who had informed Jennifer and how she was coping.  The only comfort he had was that Max was there, and he knew that Max would take care of her.  He couldn’t wait to hold her in his arms again, to make love to her like he had never done before.
     He heard the cranking of the gate and figured his dinner was coming, probably pinto beans as usual.  In crept Jessie, wearing a tight leopard skin outfit.  She was holding a newspaper under her arm and a tray of beans.  Jonathan’s heart quickened at the sight of the paper.  Any news from the outside was a lifeline.
     “I thought you might like to know what your grieving wife has been up to,” Jessie snickered and tossed the paper to him.  “Look at the society page, darling.  And you better hurry up.  Manny’s out at the post and if he catches me showing you the paper, he’ll kill me...and you.”
     Jonathan didn’t care to play games with her.  The mere mention of Jennifer’s name made his adrenaline soar.  He turned to the back page and spotted her immediately.  The caption under the picture read:  Jennifer Hart, widow of the late Jonathan Hart, shares a private moment with Dr. Kurt Jameson at the Los Angeles Aquarium’s recent gala.  Jonathan studied the picture carefully, looking longingly at his wife.  She looked gorgeous, even in black and white.  She couldn’t possibly be dating this man.
     “Guess your honey has a new lover in her life,” Jessie said, wickedly.  Jonathan just stared at her, steeling himself from the anger that he felt.  Jessie knew she had found a weak spot and pushed further.
     “He’s pretty good-looking too, this Kurt Jameson...hmmm, a doctor.  I’ll bet they have some pretty stimulating conversations,” Jessie continued, waiting for Jonathan’s reaction.  “Yeah, I’ll bet he stimulates her real, with his tongue and his fingers..and his eight inch...”
     “SHUT UP!”  Jonathan couldn’t listen to another word.  His face flushed in anger for losing control.  He took a deep breath.
     “Hey, baby, don’t get upset,” Jessie purred.  “I know how hard it is to be away from her, but hey, why should she have all the fun?”  Jessie took the clip out of her hair and let her flaming red hair fall to her shoulders.  “How about if you just pretend I’m Jennifer,” she said wrapping her arms around Jonathan’s strong shoulders.  “I could help you release some of this tension you’re feeling.”
     Jessie reached down between Jonathan’s legs and groped for him. Jonathan grabbed her face in his hands and planted his mouth on hers.  He kissed her long and hard, pushing his tongue into her mouth, the way he knew she would like it.  She moaned her approval and began to undress him.  She tore away his shirt and began to massage his broad chest.  Quickly, she moved down to unbuckle his pants.  Jonathan began tearing away her top.  She was braless, her nipples erect and waiting.  Jonathan leaned down and kissed them and began undoing her slacks.  Jessie backed down onto the mattress passively.  Jonathan hovered over her, reaching for his belt that had fallen onto the side of the cot.  In a flash, he grabbed hold of the belt and tied her hands together to the side rail of the cot.  Jessie cried out, “Hey!”  He grabbed his shirt and tied her legs together, and then pulled out his handkerchief to bind her mouth.  He ran from the room, grabbing her keys, and not looking back.  The very sight of her repulsed him.

     Dr. Robert Chase looked forward to seeing his next client, the lovely Jennifer Hart.  Her phone call was unexpected, although he knew that she was going through a terrible time since Jonathan’s death.  They had been the most committed couple he had ever known.  During this period of mourning, Jennifer was also taking command of Hart Industries, a formidable task, to say the least.  The stress was no doubt taking its toll on her.  His secretary buzzed in to let him know that she had arrived.
     Jennifer entered the spacious office of Dr. Chase, the psychologist who had been extremely helpful when Lily Von Borg had hypnotized her into stealing jewelry.  He had also been a vital resource to Hart Industry executives for his stress management sessions.  She trusted his professional judgment immensely and hoped that he could help her sort out her feelings.
     “Jennifer, it’s so good to see you,” he said ushering her into a chair.
      “Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.”
     “I would always find time for you,” he said, smiling fondly at her.  She was a beautiful as ever, but he could tell she was troubled and deeply saddened.
     “How are you holding up these days?” he asked.
     “Well, I’m doing the best I can...but there’s not an hour that goes by that I don’t think of Jonathan.”  Jennifer stopped, trying to keep her composure.  “Some days I don’t think I can live without him, and other days I feel a little stronger.”
     “That’s a perfectly normal grief’ll find that as time goes on, the good days will outweigh the bad,” Dr. Chase spoke, reassuringly.
     “Yes...I suppose...Dr. Chase, I want to ask your opinion about something,” Jennifer struggled to say the words.  “Would you think I was behaving inappropriately if I were spending time with another man?”
     “You mean, you’re dating?  I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, as long as it’s what you want to do.”
     “We’re not dating.  You see, there’s a man who works for a subsidiary of Hart Industries, a researcher in marine biology and we’ve been working on a research project together...anyway, we’ve been seeing a lot of each other and...,” Jennifer could not bear to tell him about the dream, about her betrayal to Jonathan.
     “And you’ve been intimate?” Dr. Chase asked.
     “No, no, but I’m afraid he may be developing feelings for me,” Jennifer said nervously.
     “And are you developing feelings for him?”
     “No...I don’t think so,” Jennifer said quietly.  “I do feel funny about being with Kurt sometimes...but I would never be unfaithful to Jonathan, you know.”
     There was a palpable silence in the room.  Finally, Dr. Chase spoke slowly and clearly.  “But Jonathan is dead, Jennifer.”
     The words hit her like stone.  Jennifer covered her face in her hands and began sobbing.  Dr. Chase put an arm around her shoulder to console her.  He caught the scent of perfume in her hair and resisted his own feelings of arousal.  This marine researcher, he thought, was a lucky man.

Continue on to Part Five

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