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To my

Helpful Hints

These are some hints that I hope will help you. I have tried most of these, and they seem to work for me. However, I am not responsible for any damage that MAY occur. I just wanted to share them with you, in hopes to help you out in this fast world we are living in, and, if used right...they save money in the long run. I will be adding new ones, so be sure to come back from time to time to see if there is something for you. Good Luck !!!


Tar remover... Soak tar spots with raw linseed oil. Allow to stand until soft. Then, wipe with a soft cloth which has been dampend with the oil.

Make your own washer solvent that won't freeze... Combine 1 quart rubbing alcohol, 1 cup water, 2 tablespoons liquid detergent. This is guarenteed not to freeze down to 35 degrees below zero.

Opening a frozen lock... Heat the key with a cigarette lighter or match. Turn very gently.

Did you know... Some experts say that the 1973 models in general are "the world's biggest gas burners"?


Too Salty... For soup and stew, add cut raw potatoes and discard once they have cooked and absorbed the salt. Or add a teaspoon each of cider vinegar and surger.

Soggy potato chips, cereal and crackers... Put on a cookie sheet and heat for a few minutes in the oven.

Soggy mashed potatoes... Over cooked potatoes can become soggy when the milk is added. Sprinkle with dry powdered milk for the fluffiest mashed potatoes ever.

Eliminating the spattering and sticking... When pan frying or sauteeing, always heat the pan before adding the butter or oil. (I have found this to be best with scrambled eggs)


Tub and sink stains... Light stains can be removed by simply rubbing with a cut lemmon. For dark stains, and especially rust, rub with a paste of borax and lemon juice.

Toilet rings... Flush toilet to wet sides. Apply paste of borax and lemon juice. Let stand for 2 hours and then scrub thoroughly.

Heavy shower stall film... Rub lightly with a plain piece of dry fine steel wool (not the soap filled variety). Try a patch first to be sure it isn't scratching your tile.

Glass shower doors... For a quick shine, rub with a sponge dampened in white vinegar.

I hope these will help you. If you have any more idea's that are helpful, and would like to share them, feel free to email them to me. I will put your name and link it back to your site, to give you the credit. Just be sure to add your url.


Thank you, and God Bless

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Hits Since 14.06.1998