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If you have been here before, you will notice my main page graphic changes. I am in the process of changing my grahics on all the pages, but it will take a while, so please bare with me ...*S*

Welcome to Souls Haven Designs.
Please come in and take a look around. If you see something you would like to use, feel free to take it, but please link the credit back to Souls Haven Designs with the graphic that comes with each set, or with a text link. Please upload graphics to your own server, for sets will be moved from time to time. If you use my graphics, please email me so I can put you on my user's list.....I'd love to see what you've done with them! Please keep checking back, Im working on sets and other things all the time. Thanks for visiting me...let me know what you think of the sets...Thank You!

~Please Link Sets to~
Souls Haven Designs

*Please Note*
Please do not modify or alter any graphics or background sets made by Souls Haven Designs.
Thank You. :)

If you don't see anything you want, I'll be happy
to make it for you, just email me with the specifics! *S*


If you have a question or request,
you can now chat with me instantly by clicking on this icon;
There is no download needed on your part - :)


*What's New!*

July 20

There is a Bear Set on "Children's Sets".
A Corsage Set on "Flower Sets".
A Sad Woman Set on "Victorian Sets".
A Libra & Scorpio Set have been added to "Zodiac Sets".

June 21

There is an Egyptian Set, and a *Pearl Baby* Set on "Variety Sets".
A Peach Rose Set on "Flower Sets".
A Cameo Set on "Victorian Sets".
An Angel Set on "Angel Sets".

May 5

I have added 3 sets to Victorian Sets. One is a tile set.
A Dolphin set has been added to Animal Sets.
A new set on Variety Sets.


Angel Sets   Animal Sets   Children Sets

Fantasy Sets   Flower Sets   Holiday Sets

Nature Sets   Variety Sets   Victorian Sets

Tile & Tile Sets   Native American Sets   Zodiac Sets


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Souls Haven Designs First Award...
Thank you Beth!



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