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Please come in and enjoy more of the darker side of my words...

~The Candle~

The candle flickered,
casting moving shadows against the barren walls,
resting between stops to settle on
one lone figure in the dark corner;
a forelorn soul, forgotten....
I wonder, do you feel me?

As the night passes,
the shadows still their dance until the last breath
of this light snuffs out of sight
and the darkness envelopes this cold
empty shack as the moon winds its way
into a wanderer's path....
I wonder, do you feel me?

Far away..a wolf's cry,
matching the neglected pain awakening to stillness,
a frozen tear in place ..such lonliness,
moving with moon's dim light; new shadows chase....
I wonder, do you feel me?

Seeking out candles that flicker no more,
a walk to windows edge, glancing deep into the distant forever;
a deep sigh stirs within, reflecting the waning light...
grasping, holding this night, for it's truely mine....
I wonder, do you feel me?

As the sun rises, dawning of a new day..
a deep breath taken to sustain once more the
blinding of the darkness into shadows;
to finally rest until the night of flickering candles....
at my door.


Reflecting souls' mirror
your words echo
within my heart...


a tear drops
upon the pieces
of me...



Deserted roads whispering secrets
of sorrowful, neverending souls
that wander into each others footsteps
as they trodden onward..cold....
Reaching out with numbing hands
needing the touch of one so real
they turn, to only face reality
life's warmth is beyond all feel....
A spirit of strength they all once were
till the seed of doubt grew abundant
destroying trust that allowed them breath
...this...was the beginning of their descent....
Now they wander aimlessly in time
paying their dues for their wasted thoughts
shedding unforgiveable tears..sobbing..
with the realization it was all for naught

~Mirror's Image~

I hear the quiet sobbing, of a wounded heart near
Searching winding corners, it's all I could hear,
An echo of tears resounding, I search here and there
Finding no-one weeping, I began to despair,
For the wailing continued and closer it came
Uncontrolling it seems, raw...without restraint,
I huddled in dark shadows, and clasped my ears tight
for now the hollow screams pierced the hush of night,
My spirits' heart reaches out to this pained soul who cries
and a deep wish to console their mournful, burdening plight,
The screaming now a low moan of a pain within so deep
How I wish I could find it, a need..I begin to seek,
I call out a calming whisp, no answer ever returns
But only the sobbing, onward it churns
I come upon a mirror, the cry softens slow
I breathe gently.."I know, I know"...
As I realize, as I see..
This empty lost soul
Belongs to me.

~My Haven~

coldness seeps
threatens deep
causing harm
drawn within
safeness ensues
once been
always cruel
illusions entwine
cracking trust
tears of mine
turning rust
hardened hearts
dying souls
loving parts
feel no more


Once, I felt love
as never before
Once, I felt hope...

~The Musician~

Words played as a game
sung upon a willing ear
strumming of the echo's
pierces all I hear...
drumming of the heart
beating a knowing true
strings of my puppet
all about..strewn...
a realization of notes
played by the gifted hand
ignoring melodies tears...
He is the music man.

"The Descent"

Sitting in the corner, pondering things you've said
conjuring up images, inside my jumbled head...
Rocking back and forth, a rhythm I only hear
a place I call my own, where I can shed a tear...
Reading between the lines, I know what you mean't
not wanting to hear it, out to space it went...
I now revel in my pain, I hold it close and dear
for I am only a shell, no-one can ever come near...
Staring staight ahead, my heart dead to all
nothing more to give, one lone brick holds this wall...
My soul searches still, for that tiny speck of light
knowing for me it's coming, in the dark of night...
When it comes I'll see, and release this dying soul
then I will feel nothing, Oh! How I wish it were so...
Opening the window, to let it inside of me
here it comes now...Thank God!...I'm finally free


A portrayal of deception
mirrors masked words
misery's aura engulfs
agony within your heart

...forever shall...

the one lone tear
that trails the truth
will never be enough
to cleanse your soul.

Dedicated to C and J

This poetry belongs to me, (unless otherwise noted)
and I hold each one close to my heart. Please do not take any for
your personal use. Thank you.

Copyright © 1998 Michelle R.
All Rights Reserved
(aka - Souls Tears)

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Laura's MIDI Heaven


Hits Since 14.06.1998

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