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Two of Us
Two of Us

Paul woke ever so slowly, taking his time.

"Good for him," Ringo muttered, "'cause he'll have one hell of a headache after he hears what I have to say."

As soon as he knew that Paul was completely awake, Ringo started explaining. It was a long explanation, and once again, Ringo realized how insane he sounded when reciting it. When he had finished, Paul stood up, grinning, and dusted off his blue jean pants.

"Well, that's right-beautiful. How long'd it take you?" Paul asked.

"It's true," Ringo replied.

Paul laughed, "Sure it is, as true as the time that George started sayin' that we were all really women. As true as the time that we ran off, and John told the press that we had all joined an alien cult. It's just as true as that time we convinced some girls that John was Thor, all-mighty thundergod. Those were the days.... Yep, I'd say your new one ranks a bit below the thundergod story. I like the priest bit. Find any gullible tabs that you could 'slip' it to yet?"

"I'm serious."

"So am I," replied Paul, still smirking, "It's a good hobby, an' you kept a straight face through almost all the tale... Yep Ring, I guess you're just the talent of the family..."

"But it's real."

"C'mon, getting a bit old now... less is more mate, come at, we'll go back the studio and you can tell the guys. George has been awful gullible lately..."

"If you can find your way back to the studio from here... then I'll go," Ringo suggested.

This was the first time that Paul had taken the opportunity to view his surroundings since he had tripped in. Finding that he was no longer familiar with the area, he turned to Ringo.

"You weren't at the party..." Paul started, now talking seriously, " I don't remember much after 2. Did Lin call you to drive me somewhere? What'd you do, get lost? That'd be a joke," he smiled, "and then you with that story."

"It's not a story," Ringo insisted."

"Fine," returned Paul, "Where are we then?"

Ringo sighed, and then turned without answering and started to lead the way back to Jim McCartney's house. Paul was going to need solid evidence to believe him. Hopefully, Paul's double would be able to provide that.

They finally reached the McCartney's house, where James and Linda were comfortably snuggled on the porch oblivious to the rest of the world, and especially Ringo and Paul. As Paul walked up to them, he recognized Linda, cuddling with what he thought was another man.

"Linda!" he exclaimed.

Linda, still not used to there being two McCartney men in her life, jumped up at the sound of his familiar voice.

Jim, of course, also jumped up to see who was bothering his wife.

Paul froze, looking at this living, breathing, mirror image of himself.

Jim however, was under no such paralyzation.

"Look," Jim said icily, walking up to Paul, "You're here, and I'm even willing to believe that story of yours. You've confidential information. I could have you shot. But I'm not going to. I'm being extremely patient with you, but if you don't leave my wife alone, I swear by all powers that be that I *will* kill you."

"Uh.... sorry," Paul muttered quickly, then grabbed Ringo and ran around a corner of the building.

"Ringo--did you just see--"Paul rushed.

"You. And You again," responded Ringo, "Yes. I've been trying to tell you that. The story is true, like I said."

Paul peaked back around the corner and saw his double and wife talking.

"Does that mean that she's--"Paul started.

"She's his wife. His, not yours."

"But then.. what about Linda? My Linda, I mean. Where's she?"

"Presumably, back in our world, in our dimension."

"Of all the bloody fuckin' things to 'appen.... The baby's due but days from now!" Paul yelled, exasperated, "What'll she do? The last thing Lin needs right now is worry! How do we get back?"

"I don't know," Ringo had to say, "I haven't figured it out. At first I thought that if I got the doubles to sing together, like you had been doing, it might send me back."

Paul nodded.

"But then, I never got a chance to," Ringo finished, "because we tripped before that. Then James just tripped, and you came in."

"We've got to figure out a way to get back!" Paul insisted, "Is there any sort of pattern?"

"Not that I can come up with... I didn't really think about it mu--"

"Why in the bloody world not?! No matter. We'd better start now. The first time, it was just you. Then it was two people. Then one... me and James switching. That leaves the next to be two. That accounts for me and you.. but will we get sent back to our world... or forward?"

"Regardless," objected Ringo," There's no knowing when we'll go. Could be now, or weeks from now, or even--"

"We can't wait weeks," said Paul.

Ringo decided not to mention that there was a chance that they wouldn't get home for years.

"There's got to be something we can do. There has to be a way out. There always is," said Paul, and Ringo recalled that hopeful refrain from earlier that night.

There had to be something that they could do. Anything, just so long as it was something...


On to Chapter 18

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