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Chapter 1 - In the beginning...

High in the sky, an eagle flew over the open field in an unpopulated section of China. Below it, two men side by side with swords in hand moved together. One smooth and graceful like the eagle; the other more clumsy, as a shadow, just slightly behind. Teacher and pupil had been coming here for some time now. Learning the ways of the ancients was not an easy task as one was discovering. As their dance came to a close they sat in the plush grass and breathed in the fresh air. The lesson was not over.

"Meditation is key to you my friend. If you want to master this weapon it must become an extension of yourself. As long as you hold it as you do you will not reach the level you seek."

Darius was a wise man himself, a priest in fact, yet the serene quality he saw in his teacher he was lacking. He found himself anxious on many occasions and this was one.

"Sifu, how can I learn such a thing? I have tried and failed to accomplish this concept many times," Darius asked.

Loong Shin, master of the ancient arts and a genuine prophet replied, "Do you see the eagle above?"

Both men looked upwards and enjoyed the splendor of the birds flight. Circling and gliding without struggle; effortless. As if on cue the eagle left the area.

Loong Shin continued, "Tell me of the salvation message you teach to so many."

"You have heard me tell it."

Smiling, Loong Shin said, "Yes, but I want you to hear it. How does one earn this great gift?"

Darius answered, "You can not earn it. It is a gift of grace to those who believe."

And Loong Shin asked, "Can you translate this truth and the way of the eagle to your form?"

Darius raised his hand to his mouth and thought deeply. Loong Shin added to his thoughts, "Do not try, do!" Standing to his feet the student began his motion.

"Stop!" the teacher spoke as he stood.

Lowering his sword Darius waited for instruction.

"Close your eyes and breathe," Loong Shin spoke softly. "Now cleanse your mind of every thought except the grace you teach." Loong Shin saw the face relax and continued, "Now begin to flow in what you've been taught, eyes closed envisioning the eagle we observed."

Transformation complete. Months of instruction brought this reward to teacher and pupil. Darius as the eagle found grace without struggle. The revelation had come and he had crossed over to a place of enlightenment. Never did he so enjoy his time. And never had he felt so good about himself.

Finishing, he breathed deeply and opened his eyes. His teacher was gone. Looking around he smiled knowing the lesson was over for the day. He then returned to his meditation, extending himself through his weapon.

The prophets walk took him out of the valley he taught in to the top of the hill. From there he could see the flames. Any other man might have run to meet them but Loong Shin knew at this moment he was powerless. He almost turned away then, yet somehow he felt the need to see destiny up close. Some time later he stood in front of the now smoldering ashes. The temple, home, was supposed to be sanctuary from the kind who do such things. It was an old story. The old versus the new. Youthful ambition choosing not to glean from the wisdom of elders but rather to ignore in order to pursue what they called progress. Perhaps this disregard for tradition would force the furthering of technology. Perhaps this land could soon compete with the rest of the world. Was it worth it? Loong Shin did not think so but he was willing to allow destiny to have it's way, good or bad. This was not the first time he had seen lives devastated by the desire to build. He resisted the effort to curse the darkness and turned to walk away. As he did, he caught glimpse of Darius making his way down the hillside. Unsure of what to say, he remained still to clear his head.

Darius came alongside Loong Shin but hesitated to speak. He looked at the temple's remains with sadness.

"Much of the temple is stone. Can it be rebuilt?" he asked.

Loong Shin appeared unemotional and responded, "Perhaps, but it could also be destroyed again. Life has taught me to choose my battle's carefully and I see nothing to gain from staying here. It is time to move on; time to grow and learn." With that he turned back heading for the village not far from there. Without turning his head he asked, "Are you coming?"

The priest had been staying in the village with a family hungry to hear his words. He, however, also knew it was time to move on. It was not a coincidence that he experienced his breakthrough today. Following Loong Shin he headed towards the village mentally trying to prepare an explanation for the family he had grown to love. The two walked in silence listening for some direction, for at the moment they knew not where they would go.

Wu Chun Yu was startled with pride when she opened the door. To her this was an honor. Darius had been staying with them as long as he had been in the area but the prophet she had only observed from a distance, buying fruit at the village market or pursuing his art in the fields. Chun Yu ushered them into the sitting room and left long enough to fetch some tea. When she returned she adressed Loong Shin,"Master, it is an honor to have you here in our home."

Loong Shin smiled, knodding once as a thank you gesture.

As they began to sip tea her daughter slipped into the room sitting herself on the lap of Darius. Loong Shin smiled as he enjoyed watching the child's comfort with his student. It was then that he realized that Darius was truly more than a border to them.

Chun Yu spoke to the prophet, "Our daughter is so fond of him. She never sleeps so well as in his arms."

Li Ching, her husband, came into the room. He bowed himself once in each direction of his guests and said to his wife and child, "Allow me some time with our honored guests."

As he finished his words and sat, mother lifted child into her arms and left the room. Li Ching poured himself tea and looked disappointed. Glancing at Darius he said, "It is time for you to move on, is it not?"

Darius was not surprised he knew. Many hours they had spent teaching one another. East and west are complimentary to the humble of heart. But to the proud, they are enemies.

Loong Shin in respect met the eyes of his host and asked without words to join the dialogue. Li Ching knodded. "Today our friend has found peace with his art," the prophet told him.

"I expected he would soon," Li Ching answered. Then addressing the days news he said, "Word has already spread of the evil done today. I am sorry."

Loong Shin was the only teacher still residing in the temple. As the outcome became obvious the others had chosen to wander or to teach elsewhere, but Loong Shin had a student and he intended to finish what he began. Now that he had, moving on seemed right.

"Will you stay together?" Li Ching asked.

The prophet looked at Darius and answered, "I believe we both have much to learn. For now, it seems to be the right path."

Li Ching summoned for his families return. The child went back to Darius' lap and Chun Yu came carrying a gift tied in some beautiful red material. She handed it to her husband and he laid it before Darius. Sitting the child alongside him, Darius unraveled the cloth and removed a beautiful hand made sword. He seemed unsure.

"I do not understand," he said.

Li Ching looked proud and responded, "For many generations this jen has been in the Wu family. As life has not chosen to give me a son, I wish for you to have it as a token of our respect."

Darius understood now. He was given an invitation to be accepted as part of the Wu family. He stood sword in hand and bowed to the giver. No words were necessary. He then faced Chun Yu and did the same. Kneeling down he wrapped the gift as Loong Shin bowed and left. Then he grabbed the child in his arms and kissed each cheek. "The angels will watch over you," he told her.

The child squeezed him tightly asking tearfully, "Will you come back?"

Darius smiled and said, "I will be with you always. Keep me in your heart."

Feeling the sorrow, he set her down and left the house to join his friend and teacher. As he exited the home he saw Loong Shin standing fifty feet ahead, calm but facing three men. The nearest was well dressed and spoke business. Behind him two larger men were failing in their attempt to intimidate the prophet.

"I see you have seen the light and are on your way, or should I say out of the way?" As the man spoke Loong Shin said nothing. The man continued, "You have cost our business much money in your stubbornness and so we are forced to make of you an example."

With that the two other men stepped forward. Loong Shin still appeared unimpressed. Together they advanced to strike the prophet but with calmness and grace he ducked under one punch sending one man to the ground. The other he kicked hard in the calf sending him to his knees. Then Loong Shin spoke, "Your purpose here is to do what? If you have come for death it will come for you!"

The man motioned to the others to back off. "You threaten me? It is as I said, you who will be an example," he snapped back in anger.

Then removing his jacket and exposing a seasoned short sword, he stepped forward. Loong Shin looked over his shoulder and met eyes with Darius who was watching closely. Loong Shin looked back to the approaching threat and knelt to one knee. As he did he closed his eyes and vanished from sight. Darius rushed forward to understand what had just happened when he suddenly realized he was face to face with the man and his sword.

The man spoke to him saying, "You must be the holy man I have heard about. You are his student no doubt. I do not know how he has done this magic but it only shows him to be the coward he is."

"A coward is better defined as one who will not face his ignorance," Darius returned.

"Your tongue will speed your death if you are not careful."

Darius paused as if he waited the will of some unseen guidance. He looked back to the house and saw the concern of the family he loved. "Take the little angel inside, my friends," he said gently.

"Tell me, what kind of man runs leaving another man to die?" asked the man.

Darius did not answer. He had no negative thought towards his friend though he did not know why or even how he had vanished.

"There is no need for bloodshed. It is time for you to go," Darius answered.

"Go I will. But first I intend to leave the prophet a message, written in your blood." The man swung his sword towards the priest. Darius stepped back to avoid the strike and simultaneously reached into his coat to find the jen he had just been given. As he unwrapped it his attacker looked surprised not expecting a contest.

"So there will be a fight after all?" the man said through his smile.

The two larger men backed up giving the oncoming fight room. Behind Darius, only Li Ching remained as his bride and child had gone inside.

"Are you ready to meet your God holy man?"

Darius smiled and replied, "If He is ready to meet me, though I expect He is not. I would, however, recommend that you be the soul searcher."

Then sword swinging with expertise and anger the man attacked. Face down in the dirt he landed. Bleeding. Dying.

A voice from behind Darius said, "I believe your boss has underestimated his opponents skills. Will you do the same?"

Loong Shin's reappearance and the bleeding body were plenty to chase away the other two. As they left Li Ching walked up to Darius and spoke slowly. "You have slain an important man in the eyes of those who love money. It is not over."

Loong Shin quickly responded, "It is over, because we leave now!" Then looking at Darius he said, "Clean your blade and let's go." And as if all that took place was of no real consequence Loong Shin walked away. Darius however did not so easily put things behind him. He did however follow the prophet to whatever was ahead of them.

The two men walked quietly for some time. Each had his own things to sort and decisions to make. But after several hours of silent walking Darius had to ask, "What exactly went on back there?"

Loong Shin waited a moment to respond. "Evil overcame a man so that he searched for death. And he found it," he eventually answered.

Darius shook with frustration and shot back, "You know what I'm asking. Where did you go? Why... and how did that take place?"

Loong Shin hurt for his friend's struggle, though it did not show. "It was time for you to learn what your art can be. Today you learned the power of what you know," he explained.

"The power to take a life!" Darius shouted.

"No, the power to save one," Loong Shin responded. "Did you notice he attacked you before he knew you were prepared to defend yourself? His intention was to kill. Yours was to live. If he had not died today, you would have."

Darius seemed more thoughtful but not comforted. "Self defense does not excuse me from my faith," he reasoned.

"What is the purpose for your prayers? Is it not to protect those you pray for from evil?" Loong Shin asked.

"Yes, of course," Darius agreed.

"Today you protected yourself from evil. Death was not desired, only necessary. If you sought his death as he did yours you would have sin," Loong Shin finished

It may not have been comforting but it was true. And so Darius returned to his thoughts as they walked on together.

The following morning the sunrise found the two wanderers resting in an open field. Both men were enjoying the beauty of their natural surroundings. They traveled westward on foot knowing there was a destination and a purpose to their travels but they did not yet know what. Darius sat up as the sunlight brightened the morning. He saw the open eyes of Loong Shin and asked, "What is drawing us?"

Loong Shin in character paused a moment before responding. "Destiny!" he answered.

And as if the question had an obvious answer he stood up, dusted himself off and said, "There is a village not far from here. We can eat there." With that he walked on. Darius shaking his head, smiled and followed.

Walking into the village, the two men found the nearest place to purchase some fruits and breads for their journey. After selecting their personal pleasure, they found some shade to eat and talk. Only a few bites into an apple Loong Shin seemed more anxious to speak than usual.

"Darius, what took place yesterday was beyond our understanding. I have seen so many wonders yet the transference of energy and ideas as it was. Something unique is in formation and it somehow involves us."

The priest laughed releasing some stress and asked in jest, "OK, Mr. Mystical, what are you talking about?"

Loong Shin realized how serious he was even in the kind atmosphere they shared. He laughed also but did not stop his direction.

"Yesterday, I saw my student slay his attacker with an ability he does not have," he continued.

Darius became defensive.

"You saw my breakthrough. I have pressed through and the jen and I are one. You witnessed the results of that!" he argued.

"No, I saw you execute to perfection a death blow I never taught you. One I never taught anyone. It is sacred and passed on to few. Somehow in my presence you could perform as I can," the prophet returned.

Darius looked shocked and stated, "But you were not even there!"

Loong Shin corrected him, "Yes, in fact I was. You and the others simply could not see me. When I looked at you, I heard your subconscious mind wishing you could cause their eyes not to see me as your Jesus did when his life also was threatened. Somehow, your thoughts or your faith gave me the ability to actually do it."

The priest was open mouthed but without words. How could such things be? The ideas in words could easily be dismissed as foolish but he was there to see all of it happen.

"What is going on?" Darius asked.

"I do not know," Loong Shin answered. "But I see somehow there is a greater purpose to our union. I think what we can do is gather all the positive energy together we can. Ignore the voices which tell you to be discouraged or confused. Let's embrace the goodness of what's to come and look up to the sky with expectation. I believe we are on our way to a clearer picture soon."

The prophet finished his apple and tucked away the rest of his purchase in his bag. "Let's move on."

For several days the two sages traveled west. As they talked, they tried to harness the connection that had occured between them. Sometimes they would sit together quietly. Loong Shin in meditation, Darius whispering a prayer. Yet even in that difference there was a link they were soon to better understand.

Three days journey from the last village, they walked into a busy city. Here east met west in battle. It was not the type of place either man would choose to visit unless they felt drawn, and they did. Destiny gathered space and time for her purposes. And now, here in this place she would chart a course for the next step. Prophet and priest joined supernaturally as soul and spirit. Even these wise men did not know what to expect. But whatever it was, they were looking for it. And here today, they would meet their unsuspecting guide.

On to Chapter 2