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Chapter 2 - The Dreamer

Telehanza. Somewhere between the holy lands and the eastern way of living. Somewhat secluded yet easily accessible, this kingdom sat quietly in power. Visitors came and went with regularity but only those who understood the harmony and were willing to cease their own egos power struggle lived here.

The people were of many backgrounds and so a stereotype of the inhabitants was impossible. For one reason or another they just knew they belonged here. Some were once poor in coin, others poor in spirit. For these the kingdom and it's king had become teachers. The poverty state of mind was replaced and a new manifestation was gained. Others were simply tired of running. Some had run with busyness, some ran from something they feared. This place had slowed them down enough to have purpose. Still many had a simpler story. They felt they did not belong. The inability to fit in to the place they lived prior brought them. Others came not having any family. Here in this kingdom they were all welcome. Unconditionally you were accepted assuming you could do the same for others. Surprisingly, this was difficult for many and so the numbers did not increase quickly. This was a land known for peace with purpose. A place that exhibited love not as affection but as power. It was not for everyone, but it could have been.

Sitting at the head of a long hand carved table was the kingdoms' ruler. His hands covered his face as a servant brought in a platter of the freshest of fruits. Nathan was known to the people as a servant but to the king he was a confidant and a friend. He paused a moment to decide if he wanted to ask. He did, "Sire, is it the dream again?"

Leaning back and pulling the long locks away from his face he answered, "Yes my friend. Again it haunts me."

"My lord, have you any idea what it tells you?" Nathan knew the answer to his question but he still asked in hope.

Reaching for a piece of fruit the king said nothing. Then as he sat back he looked up and simply shook his head side to side. Sensing there would be a better time to talk the servant left the room leaving the tortured man alone.

Standing and beginning to pace, the ruler of Telehanza thought deeply on his dreams or visitations as they were probably better defined. A woman who turns to a demon in the bed of her lover. Why would he dream such things? And how was it that it became so personal. His own body aroused then horrified with exteme changes in the pictures he was shown.

Several times he had dreamt of a queen. In his bed she kissed him, long and hard until he relaxed fully. Then her appearance would change as she began to claw him open, watching him bleed, her body dripping in his blood. Just before the horror awoke him he would sometimes see her restore her beauty and sit on the throne of Telehanza. What did such things mean? How does one battle in the world of dreams?

His pacing stopped when he saw the servant reenter. "My lord. Perhaps it is you are angry for the interruption but I feel the need to share something with you."

The king smiled and responded, "You are welcome Nathan. What have you to say?"

"As you know, I keep a general watch over the kingdom and its' business..."

"Yes, you are inquisitive my friend. In a good way," the king interrupted.

They smiled together as Nathan continued, "For some time we have received monies from a certain priest. In his letters, he has referred to his support of our kingdom as his tithe unto God."

"Many people feel our people are worth helping as you know, so what is your interest in this holy man?" asked the king.

He has yet to visit us but I have heard he is a man whom God uses to interpret dreams," Nathan explained.

With great interest the king exclaimed, "Do you dangle hope that I might not choose insanity?"

"My king," the servant stepped forward as if the closeness brought him out of a role and continued, "Lucas, no one is more concerned for your state of mind than I. It could never be that I would offer my king that which has no value. This priest has supported us with coin as well as sending the hurting to our growth. Some of those he has directed through dreams are here in our midst. I am one."

Suddenly the interest of the king was greatly heightened. "Nathan, how do you know this man?"

Nathan began, "Before I came to you I was an orphan without home or food..."

"Yes, and I found you and brought you to our then small village," Lucas interjected.

Nathan continued, "Of course, but before that I was kept from death simply by a dream."

The king raised his eyebrows and motioned for the story to continue.

"Several times on the street I dreamt of a land where hunger could not exist. And in this place I slept in the den of a lion who protected me against those who would steal or do harm. It was as if this animal and I did not know we were different. I can not explain how it made me feel. These thoughts were all I had to keep me warm and full on many nights."

"And the priest! What does he have to do with this?" Lucas was getting anxious.

"A few weeks before you found me I was witness to an old man's death in the alley I sometimes slept in. It robbed me of the hope that the dream had given. That night as I cried, a man knelt beside me. He gave me some water and some loaves of bread. I remember his first words: 'It hurts,' he said. He told me how he had experienced hunger and loneliness but God had rescued him. He told me God had made me a promise."

The king was intriqued. "What promise?"

"That is what I asked. And when I did he looked a little disappointed in me and said, 'The dream is your promise. God has prepared for you a place where hunger can not exist and a king to protect you.'"

"Why have I not heard this before?" Lucas wanted to know.

"My king, you are an excellent and powerful ruler but one who has never enjoyed the praises of men. This dream surely spoke of you and how you have cared for myself and so many others. I felt it would bring you discomfort to tell you of it."

Shaking his head the ruler agreed, "Yes, you are probably right. Do you know where this priest is now?"

Nathan let his head drop some. "No my lord. Perhaps I can find someone who does."

"You have always been a friend to me and this news is enough hope to continue. If you can find this man ask him to come to me."

Nathan turned to leave as his king added, "Thank you."

Several days passed without a word. Nathan's services were replaced by another young man and life went on somewhat normally. Fortunately, the dream had not repeated itself since he had last seen his friend.

Two days journey from the kingdom Nathan traveled, returning to the city that once brought him so much hurt. He had not returned here since his king had taken him away from this place. But now he hoped to return the kindness by helping his friend. There is little oppurtunity for a servant to give something of value to a king. What gift does a friend give to one who is only a request away from anything? Nathan intended to give life back to his king. He was determined to find this priest, even if it meant visiting every painful memory he had.

Years had passed by since his night spent with the priest. He did not even have any assurance the man lived here then. However, the holy man had taught him one thing; to have hope. So today he hoped for a miracle. To find a man he met once and knew nothing about.

Nathan walked out of the heat and into an eatery to drink and ask some questions. He ordered his choice and stated, "I'm looking for a priest. Tall, long dark hair."

The owner laughed. "Your looking for a priest in this city? There is not one that remains. They come with their faith but they do not stay," he mocked.

Nathan was not surprised to hear the words or the sarcasm. "Where do they go?" he asked.

"Why do you care?" was the response.

Nathan realized this man could not help. "Thank you for the drink," he said putting some money on the counter and heading for the door. Recognizing him as a stranger and noticing the value of his clothing, two men followed him outside. They followed him around the corner and called out, "Rich man!"

Nathan stopped but did not turn around. He sensed he was in trouble and was unsure of what to do.

A tall thin and sloppily dressed man stepped forward and shoved him. "Have you come to our city to share your wealth?"

Nathan turned. "I am not traveling with much."

The second man, also tall but overweight and hard looking barked, "Give me what you have!" With that he pulled out a knife a waved it in the sunlight so Nathan could see the warning. Out of the shadow stepped another man who stood behind Nathan. He spoke to the two attackers, "Leave the young man alone."

Holding the knife out further the man shouted, "OK chinaman, you want some?"

Moving Nathan gently behind him the prophet stepped forward. "Must there be a fight today?"

The man did not answer. He just attacked. Loong Shin redirected him to the dust. Then stepping on his hand he picked up the knife. The other man laughed at his friend and said, "Let's go."

The fallen attacker stood with bitterness dripping but enough sense to know he was out of his league. Both men disappeared around the corner. As they did Darius was walking towards the scene. "Loong Shin are you causing trouble again?" He asked in jest.

As Nathan saw him he exclaimed, "It is you!"

Darius looked at Nathan's well kept hair and clothes and smiled. He recalled how the young man looked in the alley and said, "The dream is now real, is it not?"

Nathan had such an urge to run into the priests' arms but he resisted. "Oh yes! And that is why I have come looking for you."

Darius looked surprised and then looked over to see Loong Shin's reaction. It was calm as usual. He asked, "Looking for me? Why?"

"My king is tormented and you are the last hope we have of help." Nathan said anxiously.

Darius was hesitant to ask, "What can I do?"

"Oh what a hopeful sign it is to have even found you." Nathan blurted out forgetting the question momentarily.

Darius pressed him, "I am well pleased to see hope has become your way of thinking but I am curious as to what you are looking for me to do."

Nathan smiled as if the problem was solved. The miles of travel and the weight of his concern had weighed him down but this meeting had revived him. He spoke excitedly, "My lord has been reliving a dream over and again. It repeats itself as if to warn but he has no understanding. It pains him to the place of despair. I have never known him to be as he is now."

Darius interrupted, "And you feel I will understand this dream?"

"Yes, I'm sure you will," the servant replied.

The priest looked over at Loong Shin to see if they were sensing the same. Loong Shin nodded and Darius walked over to Nathan putting his arm on his shoulder. "Can you take us to your king?"

"Yes sir, can we go at once?" Nathan was anticipating the solution.

Loong Shin stepped closer to the two. "I am Loong Shin," then extending his arm out ahead of him he said, "Lead us."

Less than an hour later they had the food and water necessary to make the two day journey to Telehanza. Nathan was hopeful his king's countenance would soon be normal. Loong Shin and Darius were expecting more. They could not paint the picture yet but it was sure that something greater than a dream was bringing them this way.

That night after they had eaten together Darius asked some questions, "Tell me how things are in your home."

Nathan thought a moment. "Well, enough time has passed that some have forgotten where they came from and how it was. There is some dissention where once there was none."

"And is this perhaps the cause of these dreams you spoke of?" Darius asked.

"I don't know. He has not really given me the details. I know he is concerned about the disharmony trying to take root."

Darius nodded but asked no more questions. The following day they had much ground to cover and rest was needed. He stood up as did his companion walking off in seperate directions to get some sleep. As they parted the last ray of sunlight vanished behind the landscape. It almost seemed as if the light was waiting on their dismissal. Soon the servant was drifting off to sleep wondering what the odds were of finding this one particular man again. Did he live in that city, the place that no priest remained? He would have to ask some more questions, tomorrow.

Sunrise. The three travelers gathered what little they had with them and set off. Only minutes into the days travels Nathan expressed his curiousity. "Do the two of you live in that city?"

Loong Shin realizing Nathan had no realization of the bigger picture replied, "No, we were there to meet you. We were simply unaware of it until you arrived."

Nathan seemed astonished, "Excuse me?"

Joining the conversation Darius said, "Together Loong Shin and I are being led somewhere. It would seem now it is to your homeland."

"How do you know?" Nathan asked confused.

Darius answered with a question, "How did I know what you dreamt and what it meant?"

"I have no way of knowing that," Nathan said with some frustration.

Loong Shin added, "Somehow we just know. There is no further explanation at the moment."

The conversation trailed off to more casual topics of landscape and the beauty of nature before them. This night they would arrive at their destination. Once there, they all expected to find some greater clarity.

Just before sunset the three men walked through the open gates of Telehanza. Nathan's pace hurried them along. Darius looked around him with a smile. For some time he had supported this hopeful land with money and prayers. He had quietly hoped to visit and now he was here. His eyes drank in the beauty of the view. People wandered, talking and working. Nathan interrupted his thoughts. "Can I take you to our king immediately?"

"Of course," Darius replied.

"Come it is not far at all," said Nathan with excitement.

Approaching the front of the castle they walked through the garden. The oversized double doors were wide open, no doubt allowing the cool breeze to fill the inside. As they entered the castle the sunlight was extinguished, falling behind the hills. It was no longer necessary for they were now inside. Nathan spoke quieter, "Please be so kind as to wait here a moment while I tell him you are here."

Nathan went around the corner leaving the two sages to look around the rather large foyer. Only minutes passed and another servant greeted them. He escorted them to a large room and to the beautiful table at it's center. "Sirs, my lord will be with you quickly. Please enjoy what you like." The boy pointed out the wine and cheese at the table's center and exited the room leaving them alone once again.

"Wow, this is truly the comfort of dreams," Darius said.

Both men took a seat in the tall wooden chairs. A gentle breeze blew in the tall windows on two different walls. The atmosphere was pleasant and they had no hesitations in enjoying it. Darius reached forward for two golden goblets, pouring some wine. Handing one to Loong Shin he said, "I thank you for the time you gave to teach me."

"You have also taught me. A wise teacher always expects to learn from his student," Loong Shin said in return.

On the other side of the castle Nathan was blurting out all too quickly of his experience.

"...And so they followed me here anxious to meet with you."

"My friend, what can I say to my doubts of your hope. Let me greet our guests immediately," Lucas said.

Nathan noticed the smile on his king's face as he left the room. He had not seen it's warmth in quite some time. Several steps down the hallway Lucas turned back asking, "Are you coming?"

"My lord, I would love to. I do ,however, feel that it would be better to give you some time with them first. I will bring in some food a bit later." Nathan had begun to sense this was bigger than he realized and so he held back his own desires.

"You may be right. Thank you again for all you have done," responded the king.

And with that Lucas headed down the hall to the banquet area. It wasn't far but his pace was a little hurried. He paused before rounding the last corner. Then taking a deep breath he continued on entering the room they waited in.

Simultaneously as he walked into the room an eagle flew through the large open window landing on the table. Tilting it's head in several directions it met eyes with each man as if taking snapshots. Then only seconds later it flew out the same window into the night.

Somewhat startled Lucas began simply, "Welcome to Telehanza, I am Lucas."

On to Chapter 3

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